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Learning vocabulary through language games of 7th - form student at Phuong Nam Private lower Secondary school = Nghiên cứu về việc học từ vựng thông qua các trò chơi ngôn ngữ của học sinh lớp 7 trường THCSDL Phương Nam . M.A. Thesis Linguistics: 60 14 10
Nhà xuất bản: ĐHNN
Ngày: 2011
Chủ đề: Tiếng Anh
Phương pháp giảng dạy
Từ vựng
Lớp 7
Miêu tả: 37 p. + CD-ROM
M.A. Thesis. English Teaching Methodology -- University of Languages and International Studies. Vietnam National University, Hanoi, 2011
Vocabulary learning by far plays a crucial role for any students as vocabulary is the basis of their learning of English. However, it is often perceived as a dull, boring and laborious process. Therefore, in spite of their comprehensive awareness of vocabulary status, students meet a lot of difficulties and find no interest in learning English vocabulary. Thus, this present study is intended to investigate attitudes and difficulties in learning English vocabulary experienced by 7th form students at Phuong Nam private lower secondary school. Moreover, from the facts mentioned above, in order to Giúp them learn English language in enjoyable atmosphere and feel vocabulary learning more interesting, the students are exposed to language games applied in six vocabulary lessons. Basing on the data gained through the pre-task and post-task questionnaires and interviews, the results show the feasibility of using language games since they can Giúp the students learn vocabulary effectively
1. Rationale
2. Aims of the study
3. Research questions
4. Scope of the study
5. Methods of the study
6. Design of the study
1.1. A brief look into English vocabulary
1.1.1. Definitions of vocabulary
1.1.2. Classification of vocabulary
1.1.3. Aspects involved in learning a new word
1.1.4. The status of vocabulary in current language learning
1.1.5. Some reasons for undervaluation and neglect of vocabulary in
teaching and learning in the past
1.2. Language games in foreign language learning
1.2.1. Definitions of language games
1.2.2. Classification of language games
1.2.3. The status of language games in language learning
2.1. Subjects of the study
2.2. Data collection instruments and procedures
2.2.1. Data collection instruments
2.2.2. Procedures
3.1. Results and discussion from the questionnaires
3.1.1. Results and discussion form pre-task questionnaire
3.1.2. Results and discussion from post-task questionnaire
3.2. Results and discussion from the interviews
3.3. Summary of the findings
4.1. Choosing appropriate games
4.2. When to use language games
4.3. Organization of the class
4.4. Learner participation
4.5. Explanation of language game rules
1. Summary of the study
2. Limitations of the study
3. Suggestions for further study
1. Summary of the study
It is assumed that vocabulary is increasingly viewed as crucial to language acquisition.
However, in the researcher‟s teaching context, at Phuong Nam private lower secondary
school, it is found that despite students‟ awareness of the status of vocabulary in language
learning, most of them perceive it as a tedious process and have many difficulties in
learning vocabulary. These reasons give the researcher rationale to conduct the present
To sum up, this study is made up of three parts. The first one is the introduction which is
aimed to give readers an overview of the study including the reasons to conduct this study,
the aims, the research questions, the scope and the framework of the study.
The main part of the study is divided into four different chapters. Chapter 1, theoretical
background, serves as the basic foundation to back up the study. Chapter 2 and chapter 3
are devoted to present research methodology and detailed levels of description of data
analysis and discussion. The findings of the study reveal that language games can help
most of the students learn vocabulary more effectively and interestingly. However, some
students do not support language games due to some factors. Basing on findings
generalized from the results of data, implications for using language games in teaching and
learning vocabulary are recommended.
The last part of the study is the conclusion where all the main contents of the study are
wrapped. In addition, the limitations and suggestions for further study are mentioned.
2. Limitations of the study
Due to the limitation of time, shortcomings are inevitable. Firstly, because of the time the
researcher spends conducting language games in vocabulary lessons is not long enough,
students do not get used to various types of language games. Thus, they may not be able to
give correct judgments about the roles of language games in vocabulary learning. It is
evident that the more time students spend on the games, the more benefits and
effectiveness they can gain from them. Besides, because all language games are exploited
in class time, the researcher has to cover other contents of the lesson in the textbook, so it
is not simple work to incorporate games into classes.
3. Suggestions for further study
Although there are controversial opinions about using language games in teaching and
learning, it cannot be denied that games can create enjoyable and relaxing atmosphere,
which helps students sustain their efforts of learning. Therefore, the researcher would like
to recommend the wide use of games in other aspects of language learning such as using
language games in teaching and learning four skills – reading, speaking, listening and
writing or grammar. Also, further studies dealing with solutions to overcome some
problems when conducting games are highly appreciated.

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