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The aim of this paper is to analyze bank competition in Russia by measuring the market power of Russian banks and its determinants over the period 2001-2006 with the Lerner index. We find that bank competition has only slightly improved during the period studied. The mean Lerner index for Russian banks is of the same magnitude as those observed in developed countries, which suggests that the Russian banking industry is not plagued by weak competition. Furthermore, we find no greater market power for state-controlled banks nor less market power for foreign-owned banks. Finally, our analysis of the determinants of market power enables the identification of several factors that influence competition, including market concentration and risk as well as the nonlinear influence of size.
AbstrAct. The aim of this paper is to analyze bank competition in Russia by measuring
the market power of Russian banks and its determinants over the period 2001-2006 with
the Lerner index. We find that bank competition has only slightly improved during the period
studied. The mean Lerner index for Russian banks is of the same magnitude as those observed
in developed countries, which suggests that the Russian banking industry is not plagued by
weak competition. Furthermore, we find no greater market power for state-controlled banks
nor less market power for foreign-owned banks. Finally, our analysis of the determinants of
market power enables the identification of several factors that influence competition, including
market concentration and risk as well as the nonlinear influence of size.
JEL Classification: G21; P34.
Keywords: Market Power; Bank Competition; Russia.
résumé. L’objectif de l’article est d’analyser la concurrence bancaire en Russie en mesurant
le pouvoir de marché des banques russes et ses déterminants sur la période 2001-2006
avec l’indice de Lerner. Nous trouvons que la concurrence bancaire ne s’est que légèrement
améliorée sur la période étudiée. L’indice de Lerner moyen pour les banques russes est du
même ordre de grandeur que ceux observés dans les pays développés, ce qui suggère
que le secteur bancaire russe ne souffre pas d’une concurrence faible. Par ailleurs, nous
n’observons pas de pouvoir de marché plus élevé pour les banques publiques, ni de pouvoir
de marché pour les banques étrangères. Enfin, notre analyse des déterminants du pouvoir de
marché permet l’identification de plusieurs facteurs qui influencent la concurrence, notamment
la concentration et le risque ainsi que l’influence non-linéaire de la taille.
Classification JEL : G21; P34.
Mots-clefs : Pouvoir de marché; concurrence bancaire; Russie.
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