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International Handbook of Teachers and Teaching Volume 3 || Becoming a Teacher: Self and the Social Location of Teacher Education
University ofUtah
Cutting across several literatures, 'Becoming a Teacher' is anything but a simple
topic. I have had to set some parameters. Because preservice teacher education
confronts what Lortie (1975) called an 'apprenticeship of observation,' I
necessarily touch on issues related to teacher development grounded in
biography and prior experience. Recognized as developmentally important, the
first or second years of inservice teaching form an additional parameter (see
Olson & Osborne, 1991). With only an occasional exception, most ofthe studies
I draw on were published or presented within the last five years and build on
earlier research. This was necessary in order to make the task manageable. I
recognize the inherent dangers that come when drawing on studies produced in
different countries and contexts, and so I have tried to exercise caution when
linking studies and making comparisons.
The chapter is organized into several sections, beginning with a brief discus
sion of teacher socialization. I then present the story of becoming a teacher that
emerges from much of the literature, along with a synopsis of that story that
supports efforts to explain teacher development through stage theory. Sections
follow that illustrate the complexity of becoming a teacher, and how much of
the process is idiosyncratic, dependent on the interaction of person and place
(see Vee, 1990). Attention then turns to the centrality of prior experience and
teacher beliefs in becoming a teacher and to contextual influences, including the
wider cultural context within which students become teachers and within which
teacher education takes place and beginning teachers work. A discussion of
some of the issues facing formal teacher education then follows along with a
section that presents a portion of the range of innovative responses to the prob
lems and challenges facing teacher educators including changes in process, con
tent, and field work context. The latter includes discussion of the PDS
(professional development school) movement. The chapter is framed by the be
lief that the school is a site of the clashing ofmodem and postmodem worlds, a
clash which presents teachers with conflicting demands that make it increasing
ly difficult to form a professional identity. A case is a made for a respectful
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International Handbook of Teachers and Teaching Volume 3 || Becoming a Teacher: Self and the Social Location of Teacher Education
University ofUtah
Cutting across several literatures, 'Becoming a Teacher' is anything but a simple
topic. I have had to set some parameters. Because preservice teacher education
confronts what Lortie (1975) called an 'apprenticeship of observation,' I
necessarily touch on issues related to teacher development grounded in
biography and prior experience. Recognized as developmentally important, the
first or second years of inservice teaching form an additional parameter (see
Olson & Osborne, 1991). With only an occasional exception, most ofthe studies
I draw on were published or presented within the last five years and build on
earlier research. This was necessary in order to make the task manageable. I
recognize the inherent dangers that come when drawing on studies produced in
different countries and contexts, and so I have tried to exercise caution when
linking studies and making comparisons.
The chapter is organized into several sections, beginning with a brief discus
sion of teacher socialization. I then present the story of becoming a teacher that
emerges from much of the literature, along with a synopsis of that story that
supports efforts to explain teacher development through stage theory. Sections
follow that illustrate the complexity of becoming a teacher, and how much of
the process is idiosyncratic, dependent on the interaction of person and place
(see Vee, 1990). Attention then turns to the centrality of prior experience and
teacher beliefs in becoming a teacher and to contextual influences, including the
wider cultural context within which students become teachers and within which
teacher education takes place and beginning teachers work. A discussion of
some of the issues facing formal teacher education then follows along with a
section that presents a portion of the range of innovative responses to the prob
lems and challenges facing teacher educators including changes in process, con
tent, and field work context. The latter includes discussion of the PDS
(professional development school) movement. The chapter is framed by the be
lief that the school is a site of the clashing ofmodem and postmodem worlds, a
clash which presents teachers with conflicting demands that make it increasing
ly difficult to form a professional identity. A case is a made for a respectful

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