em dowload va cai ban Fire Fox 3.5.2 va su dung nhu binh Thuong, thi den may ngay truoc tu nhien khi vao fire fox de luot Web thi no xuat hien 1 Thanh fire fox update , khi no chay het roi thi lai xuat hien thong bao
"software update failed"
The update Could be installed.please make sure there are no other coppies of fire fox running on your computer, and then restrar Firefox to try again"
em da nhan nhiu lan no van cu hien ra vay, em tat het cac file dang dow tren fire fox tat het ca web va reset ca may lai, khi click vao van hien ra nhu the bam dau X thi no hien ra fire fox nhu cu~, pro nao bit chi em voi chi em cach update fire fox the nao voi T_T