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Acknowledgements i
List of Tables .ii

1. Rationale .1
2. Scope of the research .2
3. Aims of the research and research questions .2
4. Methodology 3
5. Background information .4
6. Design of the research .5

1.1. The history of Critical Linguistics and Critical Discourse Analysis .6
1.2. Theories on Critical Discourse Analysis 8
1.2.1. What is Critical Discourse Analysis .9
1.2.2. Key notions of CDA .9
1.2.3. Methodology of CDA 11
1.2.4. Principles of CDA .12
1.3. Systemic Functional Linguistics and its role in CDA .13
1.4. CDA in relation with Cultural Studies .13

2.1. Data .15
2.1.1. Data sources .15 Voice Of America .15 Nhan Dan .16
2.1.2. Data selection and sampling .17
2.2. Analytical framework .17
2.3. Method of analysis 19
2.3.1. Analyzing headlines .19
2.3.2. Analyzing full-text news reports .20

3.1. Analysis of headlines 21
3.1.1. Voice Of America .22
3.1.2. Nhan Dan .24
3.2. Analysis of full-text news reports .26
3.2.1. Naming referents .27 VOA .27 Nhan Dan .29
3.2.2. Lexicalization 31 VOA .31
3.2.3. Nhan Dan .35
3.2.4. Over-lexicalization 36 VOA .36 Nhan Dan .38
3.2.5. Quotation patterns .39 VOA .39 Nhan Dan .42

1. A summary of the findings .45
2. Suggestions for further research .47



1. Rationale

Among the various inventions that mankind has ever made, language is one of the greatest. Different societies or different groups of people are featured with different languages, different cultures, different political and economic power. The strong correlation between these “features” can obviously be seen throughout human history. If the marvelous development of ancient Chinese culture was attributed to the rapid expansion of Chinese language in the old days, in contemporary society the domination of English implies the superpower of the United States and Western nations. When a nation’s power grows, more and more people try to learn its language, and when less and less people speak a certain language, that means a race is facing extinction. The connection between language and power also exists inside any community where different groups of people possess different political and economic power. The difference in power will inevitably result in different social attitudes and different value standards. Thus, from the Critical Discourse Analysis (henceforth CDA) perspective, these different groups of people do not actually use the same “language”. It means that language can be manipulated to gain power, selective texts and talks can be employed to achieve a particular purpose, just as Fairclough put it “exercise of power is increasingly achieved through ideology, particularly through the workings of language” (Fairclough, 2000). In that sense, discourse has been seen as not only social practice but also reflection of ideology, thus CDA can Giúp revealing the hidden effects of language embodied in various types of discourse.

With the aim of dealing with social problems by means of language, CDA defined as discourse analysis ‘with an attitude’ is a useful tool in language use analysis contributing positively to the process of struggling for power equality. Having been used successfully in discerning the relationship between language, power and ideology in a wide range of contexts, CDA is attracting growing interest of a number of worldwide language researchers. It is so much hoped that this study may bring an illustration of the CDA concepts, helping clarify them by analyzing some news reports on North Korea missile launches - one of the hottest issues these days. The news reports are chosen to be analyzed on the assumption that politics is the field where a struggle of power and ideology always exists in one way or another. In analyzing the news reports, we are trying to reveal what is coded in the language use, thus raising the awareness of how language pictures reality and influences our perception of the world.

2. Scope of the research

In this research, we would like to focus only on the written text of the news on North Korea missile launches from July 4th 2006 to July 28th 2006. We are well aware that the wider the range of data we achieve from, the more reliable the research results will be. However, within the constraint of time and the limited length of a minor thesis, the data we opted for include 32 headlines and 18 news articles in English and Vietnamese from the two sources of news: the Voice of America and Nhan Dan.

As this is a pure linguistic study, we are not, in any way, expressing our own political point of view. The study, therefore, does not support any political parties or aim at changing anyone’s political stance. It is for academic purpose only.

3. Aims of the research and research questions

In analyzing the news on North Korea missile launches, the study aims at:
- Providing a textual analysis of the news on North Korea missile launches in the light of Critical Discourse Analysis.
- Giving an illustration of the CDA concepts as well as analysis procedures.
- Conveying a message that CDA provides a useful, systematic way for us- language users and language learners- to begin raising awareness of the ideology of discourse texts in general. This is important because language not only reflects and records but also shapes, distorts and even creates realities, both cultural and natural.

To achieve these aims, we have posed the following research questions:
- What are the representations of North Korea and the United States (US)- Japan coalition by VOA and Nhan Dan during the time in question?
- What are the underlying ideologies embedded in the ways VOA and Nhan Dan represent North Korea and the US- Japan coalition?
- Why are such ideologies encoded in the discourse of the two news sources?

These questions are based on several assumptions. First, the news reports are influenced by certain values of the producers, including both the writers and the media institutions. Second, VOA and Nhan Dan can reflect different viewpoints on the foreign policies of the US and Japan towards North Korea missile tests during the period of time in question. Third, and as a result, representations of North Korea and the US- Japan coalition by these two news sources can be ideologically different.

4. Methodology

The first step taken during the whole course of the research is to conduct a literature review in order to gain and present an understanding of the issues relevant to the research topic. This will provide a theoretical framework for the findings of the study. Then news reports on North Korea missile launches from July 4th 2006 to July 28th 2006 are collected from the Voice of America and Nhan Dan. The data for analysis are sampled through random sampling. The selected data are thoroughly examined. The aim of this step is to closely look at prominently linguistic features in the data so as to decide on appropriate analytical tools.

The study aims at investigating media discourse as a social practice and probing into ideological differences in representing North Korea and the US- Japan coalition by VOA and Nhan Dan. It is conducted deductively with a view to looking into prominently linguistic features and discursive strategies for evidences that prove certain assumptions regarding the two sources’ ideological purposes. Thus, two sets of data are investigated: headlines and full-text news reports.
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