Luận văn tiếng Anh: Improving the tenth form students’ speaking ability through Role-playing Technique at Bach Dang High School, Hai phong = Cải thiện kỹ năng nói tiếng Anh của học sinh lớp 10 Trường THPT Bạch Đằng, Hải Phòng thông qua hoạt động đóng vai. M.A Thesis Linguistics: 60 14 10
Nhà xuất bản: University of Languages and International Studies
Ngày: 2012
Chủ đề: Ngôn ngữ
Tiếng Anh
Phương pháp giảng dạy
Kỹ năng nói
Lớp 10
Miêu tả: 40 p. + CD-ROM
M.A. Thesis. English teaching methodology -- University of Languages and International Studies. Vietnam National University, Hanoi, 2012
Developing students’ oral communication is one of the main goals of any foreign language education program, but also one of the great concerns among practitioners. A variety of communicative techniques have been suggested in the literature on teaching speaking, and one of these techniques is role-playing. However, the number of studies on the impact of role-playing activities on enhancing students’ participation in classroom speaking activities is still quite small. This action research is an attempt to explore this issue. The study was conducted in Bach Dang High School, Luu Kiem, Thuy Nguyen District, Hai Phong. There were 11 teachers of English, most of them were female . Like students in many other schools in Vietnam, students in this school were complained a great deal for their inability to use English for communication after leaving school. Teaching was described as grammar-based because both teachers and students were more concerned about the students’ performance in two high-stake examinations – the school graduation examination and the university entrance examination. This also means that role-play was rarely used in the English classrooms, and students, from my personal observation as a classroom teacher, were unwilling to speak English in the speaking lessons. So this study was designed to explore the impact of role-playing activities on students’ attitudes towards speaking skills. The study used a student questionnaire to collect the data. When I carried the thesis, I found that students seemed to be interested in role-playing activities and the benefits of role-playing activities to their English speaking skills are obvious. Although these findings were just self-reported by the students and therefore their validity and reliability are problematic, they provide some useful suggestions about role-playing activities. However, the value of this research is that it helps me understand students’ attitudes towards role-playing better so that I can use this information to change my teaching to Giúp students to speak better
PART I: INTRODUCTION..................................................................................1
1. Rationale .............................................................................................................1
2. Background to the study ......................................................................................1
3. Aim of the study ..................................................................................................3
4. Research Questions .............................................................................................3
5. Scope of the study ...............................................................................................3
6. Design of the study..............................................................................................4
CHAPTER 1 ..........................................................................................................5
1.1. Introduction ......................................................................................................5
1.2. What is speaking in second language learning ?................................................5
1.3. Difficulties in teaching speaking skills to high school students .........................6
1.3.1. Difficulties from teachers...............................................................................6 Inappropriate teacher pedagogical practices ................................................6
1.3.2. Difficulties from students.............................................................................10
1.3.3. Difficulties from objective factors................................................................11
1.3.4. Difficulties in teaching English speaking skill to students in Vietnam..........12
1.4. Some effective techniques to teach English speaking skill to High school
students .................................................................................................................12
1.4.1. Some techniques in the “Before you speak” stage .......................................12
1.4.2. Some techniques in the “While you speak” stage ........................................13
1.4.3. Some techniques in the “After you speak” stage .......................................14
1. 5. Role-play.......................................................................................................15
1.5.1. What‟s role-play? ........................................................................................15
1.5.2. Why use role-playing? .................................................................................16
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