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Luận văn tiếng Anh:An evaluation of the material "English for chefs" for the first year students in the cooking class at Hai Phong Technological and Vocational Training School = Đánh giá giáo trình "Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành chế biến món ăn" cho học sinh năm thứ nhất ngành Chế biến món ăn tại trường Trung cấp Nghiệp vụ và Công nghệ Hải Phòng. M.A Thesis Linguistics

1. Rationale of the thesis
As a key area in English Language Teaching (ELT), the significance of material design and
evaluation has grown steadily. Evaluation is basically a matching process, which concerns
matching learners’ needs to available solutions (Hutchinson & Waters, 1987. p. 97). Low
(1987, p. 21) reminds us that “teachers generally need to screen materials, in order to predict
their suitability for particular classes”. Thus, material evaluation is a decisive way to question
and develop our own ideas as to what is required. Another benefit is through identifying
strengths and weaknesses in coursebooks, optimum use can be made of strong points, and
weaker points can be adapted or substituted from other books (Cunningsworth, 1995, p. 14).
At present, there are not many coursebooks on cooking for students of cooking classes at
vocational schools in Vietnam in general and at my school in particular. At HPTVTS, the
books used to some extent are not really effective for their studies. Moreover, these books can
lack practical information with too much theory and some contents are not suitable with the
objective of the course as well as the demand of students. The material “English for Chefs”
which was issued by Hanoi Publisher has been used as an official coursebook for students of
cooking classes at HPTVTS for 2 years but there hasn’t any evaluation of the effectiveness of
the book in completing the content requirement of the course as well as the aims given.
2. Aims of the thesis
The study is conducted in order to identify:
(1) How appropriate the material is in terms of content, objectives and methodology.
(2) What remedies for changing or adapting should be used to make the material more suitable
with requirement of the course and students’ need.
3. Significance of the thesis
English for Chefs is a compulsory subject of students of cooking classes at HPTVTS as it may
be necessary for their future jobs. At present, “English for Chefs” is being used as the official
coursebook for this subject. However, there has not been any valuation of this book there so
that the author decides to find out how good it is of the current English material used for
students of cooking class with the hope of having a good English material for students of
cooking class which helps provide students with certain knowledge of English specializing in
cooking and boost students’ belief in the training quality of school.
4. Scope of the thesis
There are many criteria to evaluate a material such as the audience, the content, the
methodology, the cultural bias, the layout, the authenticity, and so on. In this thesis, the author
aims at the appropriateness of the material to the content requirement, the objective and the
methodology of the course which are based on Hutchinson and Water’s model (1987). The
study is conducted by getting the results from the material analysis and utilizing the survey
method applying on both teachers who have been teaching the material for 2 years and
students who have used this material.
5. Design of the thesis
The thesis consists of three main parts: introduction, development and conclusion
Part one gives an overview of the thesis with the introduction, rationale, aims, scope and
significance of the thesis
Part two includes four chapters in which chapter one is the literature review of the thesis with
the different views about material evaluation, the role of material as well as the material
evaluation. It also points out some ways of evaluating a material with different criteria of
different linguists. Chapter two presents the current teaching and learning English at HPTVTS,
the research method, and data collection procedure of the study. Chapter three presents the
results from the survey and the analysis of the material. Chapter four discusses the findings of
the research and suggestions on material adaptations.
Part three provides the conclusion of the whole study and limitations of the thesis, and
recommends further research.

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