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1. Major peculiarities of the word: (Đặc tính chủ yếu của từ)
- External of structure of the word = morphological structure (cấu trúc bề mặt =
cấu trúc hình thái học).
E.g: post-impressionists: external structure of this word is constituted by the
following morphemes (cấu trúc hình thái được tạo nên từ các hình vị sau):
- the prefixes: post-, im-
- the root: press
- the noun-forming suffixes: -ion, -ist
- the grammatical suffix of plurality: -s
E.g: dishonestly:
-the prefix: dis-
- the root: honest
- the adverd-forming suffix: -ly
- Internal structure of the word = its meaning = semantic structure of the word:
E.g: manufacture: make smt, in large number, with the Giúp of machinery
Creat: make smt, original, requiring skill, dexterity.
=> Word is a speech unit used for the purposes of human communication,
materially representing a group of sounds, possessing a meaning, susceptible
to grammatical employment and characterized by formal and semantic unity.
2. The Etymological Structure of English Vocabulary
The Native element The borrowed element
I. Indo-European
I. Celtic (5-6
II. Germanic element II. Latin
group: 1

group: 7
group: the Renaissance period
III. English Proper
element (not earlier
than 5
III. Scandinavian (8-11
IV. French
1. Normal borrowings: 11-13
2. Parissian borrowings (Renaissance)
V. Greek (Renaissance)
VI. Italian (Renaissance and later)
VII. Spanish (Renaissance and later)
VIII. German
IX. Indian
X. Russian
3. Native Element in English
- Articles (mạo từ)

- Prepositions (giới từ)
- Pronouns (đại từ)
- Conjunctions (liên từ)
- Auxiliaries (trợ động từ)
- words denoting everyday objects and ideas
Indo-European Group:
- Family relations (từ chỉ các mối quan hệ gia đình): father, mother, brother
- Parts of the human body (từ chỉ các bộ phận cơ thể con người): foot, nose, lip
- Animals (từ chỉ các loài động vật): cow, swine, goose
- Plants (từ chỉ các loại thực vật): corn, tree, birch
- Times of day (từ chỉ thời gian trong ngày): day, night
- Heavenly bodies (từ chỉ các yếu tố trên không gian): star, moon, sun
- Numerous adjectives (tính từ): red, new, glad
- Pronouns: personal, demonstrative
- Numerous verbs: be, sit, eat
Germanic Element:
- Parts of the human body: head, hand, arm
- Animals: fox, calf, bear
- Plants: oak, fir, grass
- Natural phenomena: rain, frost
- Seasons of the year: winter, spring, summer

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