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Rules for Service at the Guest Table
Women are usually served first. If it is an honorary dinner, of course, the guest of
honor is served first. Otherwise, age and status ofthe guest determine the
sequence, with older or more distinguished guests served first. The host is always
served after his or her guests. When children are present at the table, serve them
as quickly as possible to maintain peace.
Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
a. ________ These rules make employees more secure when delivering their services.
b. ________Noisy employees create a relaxing environment where guests are enjoying their meals.
c. ________ When delivering service employees have to use both the right and
left hands for the same purpose such ascarrying plates or cleaning leftovers.

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English for Tourism page 41
Unit 7
Explaining Dishes
1. Structures
Describing foods
1. Past Participles used as adjectives
Complete the words in column 2.
The chefs do this
(a) mince beef
(b) mash potatoes
(c) shred cabbage
(d) fillet plaice
(e) slice mushrooms
(f) fry scampi
(g) stew lamb
(h) grill sardines
(i) bake ham
The waiter or waitress serves this
minced beef
........ lamb
A. Roast does not take -ed. Sautee can take -ed. Would you like roast chicken and
saute/sauteed potatoes?
B. These words change their spelling:
• chop - chopped
• shred - shredded
• fry - fried
2. The Passive Form
When the waiter and waitress explain a dish, they usually talk only about the food, not
about the chefs. In other words, the passive form is often used to describe how things
are made.
• The chefs cook the beef in wine.
The beef is cooked in wine.
• They poach the cod in milk.
The cod is poached in milk.
1. Rewrite the following sentences using the passive form.
a. They flavor the soup with herbs.
b. They stuff the heart with bread, onions, and nuts.
c. They flavor the chicken with melon.
d. They serve the smoked salmon with brown bread and butter.
e. They garnish the soup with small pieces of fried bread.
English for Tourism page 42
f. They fry the vegetables in oil.
g. They poach the poussins in wine.
h. They fill the pancakes with cream cheese.
i. They flavor the dumplings with herbs.
j. They stuff the tomatoes with fried ham and onion.
k. They serve the shrimps on a bed of lettuce.
l. We make French dressing from oil and vinegar.
m. The restaurant serves lunch from 12 to 3.
n. The barman makes dry martinis from gin and vermouth.
o. The wine waiter opens the wine at the table.
p. The chef makes mornay sauce from flour, milk, butter, cheese and seasoning.
q. The waiters bring the dishes from the kitchen on trays.
3. Quantifiers
Uncountable ingredients
has in it. ....
very little
(just) a little
quiet a lot of
a lot of
Countable ingredients
has in it. ....
very few
(just) a few
quiet a lot of
a lot of
Choose phrases from B in the chart below to explain the following dishes to
customers. Here is the information you need:
Tortilla: a sort of omelet
Main ingredients: eggs and potatoes
Additional ingredients: onion (just a little)
Preparation: slice potatoes, chop onion
Method of cooking: fry in oil
Accompaniment: serve with green salad.
Ratatouille: a sort of vegetables stew.
Main ingredients: tomatoes, aubergines, green peppers, courgettes.
Additional ingredients: oil, butter, garlic.
Preparation: slice main ingredients.
Method of cooking: saute and then stew slowly in the oven.
Accompaniment: serve with boiled potatoes or rice.
B: Waiter or waitress
A: Customer
Is there a lot of onion in it?
How much onion is there in it?
Does it contain any garlic?
Is there any flour in it?
What's this...?
What's this dish here?
Can you tell me about this Tortilla, Sir/Madam?
It's a sort of ...
It consists of ... and sliced
...with some ...
It's fried in ...
(No,) it's served on its own.
(No,) it comes with ...
(Yes,) it's served ...
It contains ... onion.
It contains no ...
What's it served with?
What does it come with?
Is there anything to go with it?
Does it come with a salad?
3. Look at the following menu from Saigon Palace Restaurant. Work in groups of three
or four. Some of you will be customers ordering foods, and the other will be the
waiter/waitress taking down the orders.
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English for Tourism page 45
English for Tourism page 46
English for Tourism page 47
2. Vocabulary
Food ingredients and recipes
Put the following words into the correct types of ingredients.
turkey - mustard - beans - kidney - herbs - margarine - rice - salmon - lobster -
pheasant - lamp
Vegetables Cauliflower, beans
Fish Trout
Shellfish Crab
Poultry Duck
Offal Liver
Meat Beef
Game Venison
Cereal products
Fats and oils Butter
Condiments Pepper
Flavorings Garlic
Cooking Verbs
Match the verbs on the left with the definitions on the right.
Verbs Definitions
1. bake
2. blanch
3. braise
4. caramelize
5. carve
6. chill
7. cream
8. deep-fry
9. dice
10. flambé
11. flavor
a. cook food on or under a direct flame
b. shred into very small pieces, using a rough metal tool
c. decorate
d. cook in oil or fat in a shallow pan
e. pass food through a machine which reduces it to powder
or pulp
f. reduce fruit/vegetables, etc. to liquid
g. fry in a little fat at a lower temperature
h. cook over a fire or in an oven with oil or fat
i. cook eggs (without their shells) or fish in gently boiling
English for Tourism page 48
12. fricassee
13. fry
14. garnish
15. grate
16. grill
17. grind
18. liquidize
19. marinade
20. parboil
21. roast
22. sauté
23. slice
24. steam
25. stuff
26. poach
j. cook in an oven
k. stew meat (usually chicken) with vegetables in a little
water, which is then used to make a rich white sauce
l. half-cook in boiling water
m. cut meat and poultry up at the table or in the kitchen for
service to the table
n. heat sugar until it becomes brown
o. cook (meat or vegetables) in a covered pot with very
little liquid
p. cook for a short time in boiling water
q. make cold
r. mix ingredients together until they form a smooth
s. add spices and seasoning
t. pour brandy or other alcohol over food and set it alight
u. cut food into small cubes
v. cook food in a deep pan of boiling oil or fat
w. cut into large, thin pieces
x. cook over a pan of boiling water by allowing the steam
to pass through holes in a container with food in it
y. put breadcrumbs, chopped meat, etc. inside meat or
vegetables and cook and serve them together
z. leave a mixture of, for example, wine and herbs for some
time before cooking
3. French in English
A lot of words come from other languages, especially French in the language of
restaurant. Complete these sentences using the words provided.
French words and phrases
a la mode
a la carte
bouquet garni
chef de cuisine
cordon bleu
de luxe
en pension
maitre d'hotel
nouvelle cuisine
plat du jour
table d'hote
a. I like champagne, but this one is rather sweet for me. I prefer ________.
b. I'm glad you enjoyed the meal. Would you like a ________?
c. Here's the menu. We also have a ________ which is mackerel in white wine with
spring onions.
d. My first job in the kitchen was as a ________. Nowadays we have a dishwashing
e. We serve the salad with a simple ________.
f. I usually have the set menu, but this is a special occasion. Let's go ________.
g. I love apple pie ________ - it's the combination of hot and cold that I find
h. This is an excellent red, bottled on the ________.
i. The restaurant has improved enormously since Larry Duval became the ________.
English for Tourism page 49
j. We're investing a lot of money to create a restaurant which offers a genuinely
________ service.
k. Add some ground chili, but not too much. Just a ________.
l. Red wine should normally be served ________.
m. If you want to have dinner in the hotel, we have special ________ price which is
very economical.
n. We ________ the mushrooms in butter with garlic and black pepper.
o. A real ________ chef can make very good money in London.
p. There's the ________ which is a set price of $18.90 for three courses.
q. They complained to the ________ about the service they had received.
r. We use a ________ to flavor the soup.
s. I'm not crazy about ________ - I'm usually still hungry after I finish dinner.
t. While we were looking at the menu, we were served Atlantic prawns with
mayonnaise and an endive salad as an ________.
u. Almost everything is prepared in our own kitchen except that we use a ________
for patisserie.
English for Tourism page 50
1. Pre-reading
Discuss the questions with y...