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Luận văn tiếng Anh: A study on connotative equivalence between "Gone with the wind" and its translation in Vietnamese by Duong Tuong = Nghiên cứu tương đương biểu cảm giữa tác phẩm ''Cuốn theo chiều gió'' và bản dịch tiếng Việt của Dương Tường. M.A Thesis Linguistics: 60 22 15
Nhà xuất bản: University of Languages and International Studies
Ngày: 2012
Chủ đề: Ngôn ngữ học
Tiếng Anh
Dịch thuật
Miêu tả: 96 p. + CD-ROM
M.A. Thesis English Linguistics -- University of Languages and International Studies. Vietnam National University, Hanoi, 2012
The researcher conducted a study to investigate the kinds of connotative equivalence between the novel "Gone with the wind" and its translated phiên bản by Duong Tuong. Different kinds of connotative equivalence have been identified. Technical data from both the source text and target text was collected. Then the data was examined carefully to assess the degree of connotative equivalence achieved. The following five kinds of connotative equivalence are the most typical and well achieved in the source text: connotations of speech level (elevated, normal, poetic, and colloquial), connotations of socially determined usage (the language of the upper class and the slaves), connotations of geographical origin (comparative structures), connotations of register (military and religious), and connotations of evaluation (pejorative, positive and ironic). All in all, it can be concluded that connotative equivalence is achieved between the novel and the translation by Duong Tuong
DECLARATION ……………………………………………………....i
PART A: INTRODUCTION…………………………………………..1
I. Statement of the problem and rationale for the study…………………1
II. Research aims and research questions…………………………………2
III. Scope of the study……………………… …………………………….3
IV. Methods of the study………………………………………………….3
PART B: DEVELOPMENT…………………………………………….5
1.1.Definition of translation……………………………………………….5
1.2. Translation equivalence……………………………………………….6
1.2.1. Jakobson and the concept of equivalence in difference………6
1.2.2. Nida and Taber's Formal dynamic equivalence………………7
1.2.3. Catford and translation shifts………………………………...10
1.2.4. Kade and quantitative equivalence …………………………..11
1.2.5. Baker's approach to translation equivalence………………….12
1.2.6. Koller's theory of equivalence………………………………...13
1.3.Translation of literature ………………………………………………15
1.4.Translation methods…………………………………………………..17
1.5. Translation procedures……………………………………………….19
1.6. The author and the novel …………………………………………….22v
1.6.1. The author Margaret Mitchell…………………………………..22
1.6.2. The novel "Gone with the wind"………………………………26
1.7. The translator and the translation……………………………………..29
1.7.1. The translator Dương Tường…………………………………..29
1.7.2. The translation "Cuống theo chiều gió"……………………….30
CHAPTER 2: DEVELOPMENT………………………………………..31
2.1. Connotations of socially determined usage……………………………31
2.1.1. The language of the upper class ……………………………… 31
2.1.2. The language of the slaves……………………………………. 35
2. 2. Connotations of speech level………………………………………… ..41
2.2. 1. Elevated…………………………………………………… ….41
2.2.2. Colloquial…………………………………………………… ..47
2.2.2. 1. Interjections………………………………………… .48 Exclamations……………………………………… …50
2.2.3. Poetic………………………………………………………… ..54
2.3. Connotations of geographical origin or relation……………………… ..58
2.4. Connotations of register………………………………………………...62
2.4.1. Military usage……………………………………………… …62
2.4.2. Religious usage……………………………………………….67
2.4.3. Normal usage………………………………………………….68
2.5. Connotations of evaluation…………………………………………… 72
2.5.1. Pejorative……………………………………………………… 73
2.5.2. Positive………………………………………………………… 76
2.5.3. Ironic…………………………………………………………… 80
3.1. Summary of findings…………………… ………………………………..85 kho tai lieu mien phi kho tai lieu mien phivi
3.1.1. Types of connotative equivalence achieved………………………… 85
3.1.2. Strategies adopted to achieve connotative equivalence……………...86
3.2. Recommendations……………………………………………………… …89
3.2.1. To achieve connotations of socially determined usage…………… …89
3.2.2. To achieve connotations of speech level………………………… ….90
3.2.3. To achieve connotations of geographical origin………………….....90
3.2.4. To achieve connotations of register……………………………… ….90
3.2.5. To achieve connotations of evaluation…………………………… …91
PART C: CONCLUSION………………………………………………… …92
I.Summary and conclusion of the study…………………………………… ….92
II.Contributions of the study…………………………………………………...92
III. Limitations of the study…………………………………………………….93
IV. Suggestions for further studies……………………………………………..94
I. Statement of the problem and rationale for the study
Over the past few decades, international exchange is processing vigorously
in various aspects, especially in culture. By using language to bridge the gap
between different cultures, inevitably, translation has contributed significantly to
this process. Besides, literature has been chosen as a rich source for translation.
Literary works are not only written in different languages but they also feature
different cultures and civilizations. Accordingly, the literary translation process is
quite complex as it requires the translator to consider every aspect of the material,
or even beyond the material in order to produce a good translation. It poses a great
challenge for anyone who attempts to assess the quality of translated literary
According to Chesterman (1989) “Equivalence is obviously a central
concept in translation theory”. “The notion of equivalence held sway as a key issue
in translation throughout the 1970s and beyond.” (Munday, 2008, p. 49). Various
works on translation theories have been carried out just to show how vital
equivalence is in translation. Great importance has been attached to equivalence
since this is a controversial issue and it is likely to cause debates in the coming
time. However, despite its significance, little investigation has been carried out in
the field of translation evaluation, particularly evaluation of equivalence between
English and Vietnamese literary works.
All the above made the researcher decide to carry out the study on
equivalence in literary translation. Specifically, the study investigates connotation
equivalence achieved in the translation of “Gone with the wind” – one of the most
famous novels of the 20th century. This novel has been chosen as the source kho tai lieu mien phi kho tai lieu mien phi2
language text due to its distinctive features, aesthetic values and popularity
worldwide. The novel was first translated into Vietnamese more than 20 years ago.
Among several versions of the translation, the one translated by Duong Tuong is
most praised by readers. With the aim of investigating one of Duong Tuong's best
translated works, the researcher chose his translation as the target text.
II. Research aims and research questions
The study firstly aims at providing a theoretical background on some issues
relevant to the topic of the study, which are translation, literary translation,
equivalence in translation and strategies to achieve equivalence.
Secondly, the study is to investigate the types of connotative equivalence
achieved between the novel and its translated version.
Thirdly, the study is also aimed at finding out what strategies adopted by the
translator in order to achieve that equivalence.
Addressing the above issues is hoped to Giúp English learners, especially
those specialize in translation enhance their awareness of various expressive means
employed in a particular literary text and decide the most appropriate strategies to
deal with different translation situations.
The study is also expected to be a good reference of criteria to any
Vietnamese readers who love romantic novel, and are fans “Gone with the wind”
for a good translation.
These aims can be formulated into the following research questions.
1. What types of connotative equivalence achieved between the novel "Gone
with the wind" and its translation by Duong Tuong?
2. What strategies adopted by the translator to achieve such types of
connotative equivalence?
III. Scope of the study3
Firstly, the theoretical background of the study only focuses on some
fundamental issues in translation theory which are of vital importance to the issue
examined, which are translation, equivalence, methods, and procedures.
Secondly, the research focuses on one kind of equivalence, which is
connotative equivalence. Then only the most outstanding types of connotative
equivalence are examined.
IV. Methods of the study
1. Data collection
The study is designed in accordance with the theory proposed by Koller
(1979), that is characterizes the connotative dimensions of a source language (with
the support of stylistic studies) to analyse their features and structural elements,
and then relate these to the connotative dimenstions of a given target language. In
the first stage, the study explores the source language text to find out the different
dimensions of connotations. The features and structural elements of each
connotative dimension are defined. Data are collected in both English and
Vietnamese to illustrate these dimensions. Even though the novel is almost six
hundred pages long, the researcher tries to collect comprehensive data by
investigating almost every chapter. Subsequently, the examples are grouped
according to the stated catergory for the sake of comparison and assessment.
2. Data analysis
In the second stage of the study, an assessment of the features in the target
language text is carried out with the criteria established in the first stage. The
translation and the data are considered from various viewpoints. The study is based
on technical data of semantic densities, occurrence probabilities and repetition
rates of both the source language and target language text to evaluate the degree of kho tai lieu mien phi kho tai lieu mien phi4
connotative equivalence achieved. As stated by Koller (1979), equivalence is
defined in terms of the frame and conditions that the target text must fulfill if there
exists equivalence between a given source text and a given target text. The
conditions can be content, style, function, etc. Therefore, the requirement of
equivalence has the following form: quality (qualities) X in the source language
text must be preserved, meaning the source language content, form, style, function,
etc must be preserved or at least the translation must seek to preserve them as far
as possible (Koller, 1979). Besides, the connotations are transmitted by means of
the word choice. Thus, the word choices that can affect the content, form, style or
function of translation are investigated carefully. After that, conclusions on types
of connotative equivalence achieved are drawn. Furthermore, based on the
translation of Duong Tuong, the researcher also figures out the strategies employed
to achieve connotative equivalence. The strategies are categorized according to
Newmark's theory about translation methods and translation procedures.5
1.1. Definition of translation
Translation, as one of the most ancient activity of human beings, has
intrigued numerous researchers all over the world. They all attempt to define
translation for the sake of research, and their definitions share one common thing:
the relationship between the source text and the target text.
In the “Dictionary of Translation Studies”, Shuttleworth and Cowie
acknowledge that translation is an “incredibly broad notion which can be
understood in many different ways”. And this idea is proved by numerous
definitions proposed by different researchers around the world.
As early as 1959, the structural linguist Roman Jakobson proposes a
tripartite definition of translation. The first type is intralingual translation or
rewording, which is an interpretation of verbal signs by means of other signs of the
same language. The second type is interlingual, or another name is translation
proper. It is an interpretation of verbal signs by means of some other language. The
third type is intersemiotic translation or transmutation, which is an interpretation of
verbal signs by means of signs of nonverbal sign systems.
Hatim and Munday (2004) take a different approach with the focus on “the ambit
of translation”, which is defined as 1) the process of transferring a written from SL
to TL, conducted by a translator, or translators, in a specific socio-cultural context;
2) the written product, or TT, which results from that process and which functions
in the socio-cultural context of the TL; and 3) the cognitive, linguistic, visual,
cultural and ideological phenomena which are an integral part of 1) and 2).
However, in Munday‟s viewpoint, such definitions like those of Roman Jakobson kho tai lieu mien phi kho tai lieu mien phi6
or by he and Hatim do not address the limits on translation and other outstanding
issues in this field.
Nida and Taber (1982, p.12) claim that “Translation consists in reproducing
in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language
message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style”.
Catford (1965, p.20) defines translation as “the replacement of textual
material in one language (Source language) by equivalent textual material in
another language (target language)." This idea is shared by Hartmann and Stock
(1972, p713) with their definition “Translation is the replacement of a
representation of a text in one language by a representation of another equivalent
text in a second language.”
Interestingly, Dubois (as cited in Bell, 1991, p.5) expresses the same notion
“Translation is the expression in another language (or target language) of what has
been expressed in another (source language), preserving semantic and stylistic in
1.2. Translation equivalence
As stated in the introduction, the concept of equivalence in translation is
highly controversial. Numerous theories have been devoted to the study of
equivalence. The thesis introduces the most distinguished theories and its
1.2.1. Roman Jakobson and the concept of equivalence in difference.
Roman Jakobson claims “equivalence in difference is the cardinal problem
of language and the pivotal concern of linguistics” and introduced the notion of
"equivalence in difference". On the basis of his semiotic approach to language, he
suggests three kinds of translation (1959, 232)7
- Intralingual (within one language, i.e. rewording or paraphrase)
- Interlingual (between two languages)
- Intersemiotic (between sign systems)
In his point of view, “there is ordinarily no full equivalence between codeunits” because “the translator recodes and transmits the message from another
source. Thus translation involves two equivalent messages in two different codes”
(p.139). The problem of meaning and equivalence lies in the structure and
terminology of languages rather than the inability of one language to render a
message into another language. He acknowledges that "whenever there is
deficiency, terminology may be qualified and amplified by loanwords or loantranslations, neologisms or semantic shifts, and finally, by circumlocutions" (p.
234). Jakobson's theory requires the translator has to recode the source text
message first and then s/he has to transmit it into an equivalent message for the
target readers.
1.2.2. Nida and Taber's Formal equivalence and dynamic equivalence
Nida quotes Belloc (1931) “There are, properly speaking, no such things as
identical equivalents”, and affirms that “One must in translating seek to find the
closest possible equivalent” (Nida, 1964, 159). Nida categorizes equivalence into
two fundamental types: formal equivalence and dynamic equivalence.
“Formal equivalence focuses attention on the message itself, in both form
and content….One is concerned that the message in the receptor language should
match as closely as possible the different elements in the source language.”
(Nida, 1964, 159)
Apparently, formal equivalence focuses on the source text structure, whose
role is to determine the accuracy of the translation. Formal equivalence is used to
get closer to the language and customs of the source culture. kho tai lieu mien phi kho tai lieu mien phi8
The second type of equivalence proposed by Nida is dynamic equivalence
(or functional equivalence), in which “the relationship between receptor and
message should be substantially the same as that which existed between the
original receptors and the message” (Nida, 1964, p.159). In Nida‟s viewpoint,
“naturalness” is a central requirement, and the goal of dynamic equivalence is to
seek “the closet natural equivalent to the source language message” (Nida, 1964,
p.166; Nida & Taber, 1982, p.12). To satisfy this requirement, the message has to
be adapted to the linguistic needs and cultural expectations of the reader.
Formal equivalence focuses on style, meanwhile dynamic equivalence
emphasizes on meaning. The difference in focus of attention between these two
kinds of equivalence may pose difficulty for the translator as which type should be
prioritized when conflict arises. The fundamental rule drawn up by Nida is
“correspondence in meaning must have priority over correspondence in style” if
equivalence is to be achieved.
Nida‟s theory of translation is significant in introducing a reader-based
orientation to translation theory. However, it is also a controversial theory.
Munday does summarize some of the comments on Nida‟s work in the book. For
instance, Van den Broeck (1978, p.40) and Larose (1989, p.78) claim that it is
impossible to achieve equivalent effect. Edwin Gentzler (2001) criticizes Nida‟s
work for it intentionally converts the readers to the dominant discourse and ideas
of Protestant Christianity. Nonetheless, Nida‟s theory is without a doubt a
remarkable step in the development of Translation Studies, and exerts great
influence on many subsequent translation scholars, among them are Peter
Newmark and Werner Koller.
Five years later, Nida and his colleague Taber published another book on
translation called “The theory and practice of translation”, which Nida calls “the9
logical outgrowth of the previous book “Toward a science of translation”. In the
introduction, Nida claims that previously, translating only focused on the form of
the message, meaning that translator only searched for “formal equivalence” -
Nida‟s term. However, the new focus in the response of the receptor or the reader,
meaning that translator should look for what Nida calls “dynamic equivalence”.
“Dynamic equivalence” was discussed in Nida‟s work in 1964, and was further
discussed in this book. The impacts of dynamic equivalence on the translation of
grammatical meaning, referential meaning and connotative meaning are studied.
Furthermore, the effect on translation of idioms, discourse structure, language
variety, types of discourse and style are also the topic of discussion.
Nida‟s theory is proved to be a controversial one and receives quite a lot of
disagreements and criticisms from other scholars. The French theorist Henri
Meschonnic (1987, p.77) argues that Nida‟s dynamic equivalence makes
translation become adaptation. Catford accused Nida of cultural imperialism (1969,
134). The Chinese scholar Qian Hu voiced the fiercest criticism Nida‟s concept is
wrong because “Total compatibility between any two languages is precluded”. He
explained that even two speakers of the same language do not understand the same
utterance the same way, let alone people speaking different languages. That sounds
reasonable and even Nida admitted that “Of course no communication, even within
a single language, is ever absolute (for no two people ever understand words in
exactly the same manner), and we certainly cannot expect a perfect match between
languages” (1969, 4-5).
Despite criticism against Nida‟s equivalence theory, Fawcett affirms that
“the book should be compulsory reading for all translators” (Translation and
Language. Linguistic theories explained, 58).
1.2.3. Catford and translation shifts kho tai lieu mien phi kho tai lieu mien phi10
Catford considers equivalence a central term and says that “the central
problem of translation practice is that of finding target language translation
equivalents” while “a central problem of translation theory is that of defining the
nature and conditions of translation equivalence” (1965, p.21). He approaches the
issue of textual equivalence through translation “shifts”, meaning "departures from
formal correspondence in the process of going from the source language to the
target language" (p.73). He categorizes shifts into four types, which are structure
shifts, class shifts, unit shifts and intra – system shifts. In his viewpoint, two
utterances can be equivalent but they do not have the same meaning as different
languages will verbalize different situational features. Equivalence can be achieved
when the source and target words are “interchangeable in a given situation” and
this happens when “a source language and a target language text or item are
relatable (at least some of) the same features of substance” (Catford, 1965, 50).
Catford‟s theory may sound strange because his translation theory is closely related
to his linguistic theory. He also acknowledges that his theory of textual
equivalence has flaws and is the target of some criticism from other scholars.
However, his theory is no doubt valuable in the history of finding equivalence.
Catford was very much criticized for his linguistic theory of translation. One
of the most scathing criticisms came from Snell-Hornby (1988), who argued that
Catford's definition of textual equivalence is 'circular', his theory's reliance on
bilingual informants 'hopelessly inadequate', and his example sentences 'isolated
and even absurdly simplistic' (p. 19-20). She considers the concept of equivalence
in translation as being an illusion. She asserts that the translation process cannot
simply be reduced to a linguistic exercise, as claimed by Catford for instance, since
there are also other factors, such as textual, cultural and situational aspects, which
should be taken into consideration when translating. In other words, she does not11
believe that linguistics is the only discipline which enables people to carry out a
translation, since translating involves different cultures and different situations at
the same time and they do not always match from one language to another.
1.2.4. Kade and quantitative equivalence
Otto Kade (as quoted in Pym, 2010) develops a theory that categorizes
equivalence at word or phrase- level into four modes:
“One – to- one”: one source language item corresponds to one target language
item. Most of the examples can be found in technical terms.
“One- to – several” or “several-to-one”: an item in one language corresponds to
several in the other language.
“One- to- part”: only partial equivalents are available, resulting in “approximate
“One – to- none”: no full equivalence is available in the target language.
Kade‟s quantitative approach has been criticized because it is restricted to
the word level and it assumes that the language system can be equated with
concrete realization in text (Snell – Hornby, 1988, 20).
1.2.5. Baker's approach to translation equivalence
Baker (1992) explores the notion of equivalence at different levels, in
relation to the translation process, including all different aspects of translation
putting together the linguistic and the communicative approach.
The first level is equivalence at word- level and above word- level. Baker
acknowledges that, in a bottom-up approach to translation, equivalence at word
level is the first element to be taken into consideration by the translator. When the
translator starts analyzing the source text s/he looks at the words as single units in
order to find a direct 'equivalent' term in the target language. It is vital to notic
sentence offensive. Conversely, dog is often associated with negative things in
Oriental culture in general and Vietnamese culture in particular. Thus, comparing
the positive personality of a person to that of a dog does not sound right to
Vietnamese readers.
2.5. Connotations of evaluation
Evaluation is the last category of connotations that the researcher would like
to investigate in this thesis. Evaluation can be further categorized into a number of
subcategories, among which pejorative, positive and ironic are the most popular.
2.5.1. Pejorative
A pejorative word or words express disapproval or criticism. The translation
must be able to convey the feeling to the target readers. Let's take a look at a
number of examples.
Example 1: Why, you liar, I saw you with my own eyes sidle round the corner of
the porch and squat in the cape jessamine bush by the wall.
Translation: Hừ đồ dối trá, chính mắt tao trông thấy mày len lén quành góc hiên
đến ngồi núp trong bụi hoa nhài cạnh tường mà
Example 2: It will serve you right if that sly piece does accept one of you….All
that bothers is that some one of these days you‟re both going to get lickered up and
jealous of each other about that two-faced, little, green-eyed baggage, and you‟ll
shoot each other.
Translation: Nếu con bé ranh ma ấy ưng một trong hai cậu thì thật đáng dời cho
các cậu….. tui chỉ lo một ngày kia, cả hai cậu cùng bốc máu lên, ghen nhau vì cái
con ranh con mắt xanh, hai mặt ấy, rồi đi đến chỗ bắn nhau thôi.
Example 3: All she‟ll know about is the balls she went to and the beaux she
collected kho tai lieu mien phi kho tai lieu mien phi70
Translation: Tất cả những gì cô ta biết đến trên đời, là những cuộc khiêu vũ cô ta
tham gia và những thằng nhân tình cô ta "sưu tầm" được.
Still, literal translation is employed by Duong Tuong in translating these
sentences. However, in order to achieve connotation of pejorative evaluation, the
word choices are words with negative connotations. For example, in addressing
people, instead of using neutral word like "anh", "tôi", "anh ấy", Duong Tuong
uses words like "tao", "mày", "cô ta", "thằng", "con bé", "con ranh" in order to
make the readers feel negative towards the subject matter. Other key words in the
sentence are also transated with negative connotation like "len lén", "núp", "ranh
ma", "đáng đời", "thằng nhân tình", which successfully convey the disapproving
feeling of the original text.
Example 4: Most of them would look a lot finer in gray uniforms and in Virginia.
Translation: Đa số bọn họ, nếu vận quân phục màu xám và ở Virginia, thì còn oai
phong lẫm liệt hơn nhiều.
"Fine" is translated into "oai phong lẫm liệt", which seems a little bit exaggerated.
But it is that word that contrasts the two clauses and makes the pejorative
connotation outstanding.
The following table list similar examples with italicized parts to indicate
where words of pejorative connotation are used.
Original text Translated text
I think he‟s an awful sissy Theo tôi, anh ta là một gã õng ẹo gớm
Well, you can’t blame her. Hừ, anh không đủ tư cách phán xét bà
What is there to see in Europe? I‟ll bet
those foreigners can’t show us a thing
Ở châu Âu có gì mà xem? tui dám
cuộc là cái đám ngoại bang ấy chẳng71
we haven‟t got right in in Georgia. phô được với chúng ta cái gì mà chúng
ta không có ở ngay tại Georgia này.
I’d feel like a sissy in those baggy red
pants. They look like ladies‟ red flannel
drawers to me.
Mặc cái quần đỏ rộng thùng thình ấy thì
còn ra cái thớ gì nữa! Trông như thứ
quần ngủ bằng nỉ đỏ của các bà các cô
I’m going to beat your hide off for that,
cried Stuart fiercely. Don‟t you call
Abel Wynder „po‟ white.
Tao thì đánh tuốt xương mày ra vì cái
thói ấy bây giờ. Stuart kêu lên vẻ hung
hãn. Mày đừng có gọi ông Able Wynder
là Cách-cơ.
He‟d be fool enough to let the
patterollers get him and that would give
Ma something else to talk about for
weeks. I swear, darkies are more
Nó có thể rồ dại để bọn tuần tra bắt và
trong trường hợp ấy mẹ sẽ có một đầu
đề khác để ca hàng tuần nữa. Quả thật
cái bọn da đen quá ư là phiền toái
Ashley couldn‟t, couldn‟t be in love
with her. Nobody could, not with a
mousy little person like Melanie.
Scarlett recalled with contempt
Melanie‟s thin childish figure, her
serious heart-shaped face that was plain
almost to homeliness.
Ashley không thể, không thể yêu cô ta
được. Không ai có thể mê một cô gái bé
nhỏ, rụt rè như Melanie được. Scarlett
khinh bỉ nhớ lại thân hình mảnh khảnh
như trẻ con của Mely với khuôn mặt trái
tim nghiêm nghị, đơn giản đến mức gần
như xấu
Well, may I be damned if I‟ll have me
own daughter telling what I should jump
and not jump
Hừ, ma quỷ bắt ta đi nếu ta để cho chính
con gái ta lên giọng răn bảo ta phải cho
ngựa nhảy qua cái gì và không nhảy qua
cái gì kho tai lieu mien phi kho tai lieu mien phi72
“I wouldn‟t have Cade on a silver tray”,
cried Scarlett in fury. “And I wish you‟d
quit pushing him at me! I don’t want
Tara or any old plantation.
Có các vàng con cũng chả thèm lấy
Cade, Scarlett giận dữ kêu lên - Và con
xin ba đừng có gán hắn ta cho con. Con
chả cần ấp Ta ra hay bất kỳ đồn điền
All this American business of running
around marrying for love, like servants,
like Yankee.
Ôi, cái thói Mỹ lăng nhăng cưới nhau vì
tình yêu như bọn con đòi, bọn Yankee!
“If I didn‟t do so much for those trashy
Slatterys that they‟d have to pay money
for elsewhere”, fumed Gerald, “they‟d
be willing to sell me their miserable few
acres of swamp bottom, and the County
would be well rid of them
Nếu ta không làm ơn cho cái gia đình
Slattery rác rưởi đến mức ấy, ông
Gerald tức tối làu bàu, ắt họ đã phải đi
kiếm ăn nơi khác, ắt đã bán xới cho ta
mấy sào ruộng lầy khốn nạn của họ và
lúc này ắt đã xong tội xong nợ với họ
God’s nightgown, man! Pray for a
peaceable settlement with the Yankees
after we‟re fired on the rascals at Fort
Mẹ kiếp! Cầu mong một giải pháo hòa
bình với bọn Yankee ư? Sau khi ta đã
bắn vào đầu bọn khốn kiếp ở phái đài
Sumter hả?
These above examples continues to indicate that connotation of pejorative
evaluation is achieved by the use of literal translation, and shifts. Especially, words
of negative meaning are intensively used to convey the negative attitude of the
original sentences.
2.5.2. Positive
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