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The difference between my father and my younger brother in the family

A definite generation gap has existed between my father and my younger brother, Tom, since my brother’s thirteenth birthday. For example, my father has simply not be able to understand why Tom can sit for hours, his eyes closed, listening through headphones to hard rock music. And Tom has stalked out of the room whenever my father has turned on the radio to one of his favorite melodious love songs. Also, since that day, Tom became a teenager, he and my father have had a continual squabble about the chores. Last year, when my father asked Tom to mow the lawn or clean up the motobikes, Tom usually did the chores without complaining. Now, at the mere mention of the word “lawn”, he disappears. Moreover, for the last six months, Tom has refused to eat anything but bread and milk for breakfast while my father has scowled uncomprehendingly, eating his traditional bacon and eggs. Indeed, almost every word or action that has passed between Tom and my father lately has widened the gap of understanding between them.

How can I change my son's bad attitude and behavior?

My 4-year-old is the oldest of my three boys and he has a very bad attitude and temper. When he does not get his way, he starts fussing and arguing with me. He throws his toys and is very ungrateful and demanding. For example, when I cook something that he doesn’t want to eat, he yells and then goes to his room. It’s starting to rub off on my 2-year-old, and I need Giúp on how to control his attitude. I have tried time-outs, taking his stuff away, etc., but nothing is working.

One of the best ways to decrease negative behaviors is to increase positive ones. A child can’t act good and bad at the same time, so parents should “catch” a child being good and really praise it. Consider using a sticker chart to keep track of the times your child engages in a specific “good” behavior; after a certain number of stickers have accumulated, he gets a reward like a special toy.

There are also ways of saying “no,” which will decrease frustration. Give your child choices (“Well, those pants don’t match this shirt, but choose one of these three shirts.”) or tell him when he can do something (“First we have to clean the room, but then you can watch television.”). Additionally, try to avoid situations that lead to bad behavior. For example, if tantrums arise because he doesn’t want to stop playing a game to take a bath, set a rule that bath is always taken before playing any games. If he gets upset every time you go to the store and you don’t buy him something, consider going to the store when he is at school. If he is tired or hungry, try asking him to clean up after his nap or his snack. And if tantrums get him out of doing something that he doesn’t want to do or it gives him something that he wants, he is more likely to continue them. So always make sure that bad behavior don’t work out in his favor.
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