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Download miễn phí Đề tài Working with and leading people assignment

Contents Page
1. Identifying the characteristics of candidates needed for your team 2
2. Suggesting suitable methods for selection 3
3. Describing the roles of project manager in the selection process 3
4. Identifying the legal, regulatory and ethical considerations to the selection process .4
1. Identifying the mix of knowledge, skills and experience necessary from the team members to accomplish the project 5
2. Analyzing the dynamics within the team 6
3. Identifying the clear expectations of relationships between team members 7
4. How the team encourage its member to develop roles during team assignments 7
5. Analyzing empowerment theory and the important to its members 8

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RisingStar S213 Touch Phone is new product of company. As project manager, I have to undertake the company’s promotional activity to launch the product into the market. The project needs candidates for positions in marketing team with promotion activities. Therefore, company requires members within team can bring out plan for project, implement Public Relations, advertising for product, evaluating effectiveness of plan in reality and so on. I have been asked to come up with a selection plan for suitable candidates and how to build a winning team to successfully accomplish the project.
The necessary tasks for selection plan are identifying the characteristics of candidates needed for the team, suggesting suitable methods for selection, describing roles of project manager in the selection process and identifying the legal, regulatory and ethical considerations to the selection process. They must be carried out exactly and carefully to achieve success in selection process by choosing appropriate members for team.
Moreover, to build a winning team, the project manager need to identify the mix of knowledge, skills and experience necessary from the team members to accomplish the project, analyze the dynamics within the team which stimulate and promote team spirit and Giúp motivate and provide support to its members, identify the clear expectations of relationships between team members, explain how the team encourage its member to develop roles during team assignments and analyze empowerment theory and the important to its members to develop their own ways of working independently and to rely on their own capabilities within pre-set boundaries.
Identifying the characteristics of candidates needed for your team
According to American Marketing Association “Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals.” (BPP Professional Education, 2004, p8). RisingStar S213 is new product, the company needs a team which carries out promotional activities to launch it into the market. Hence, the team selects candidates for promotional activities with separate works which are planning, research, implementation, control and evaluation. The characteristics of candidates who apply for team have to meet the characteristic of these works.
Firstly, the planning requires people who are creative, imaginative and unorthodox because they have to bring out initiatives, ideas for the team. RisingStar S213 touch phone is new product in existing market, so it must create differences with existing product. To these characteristics, planning people can make special, original plan which launch the product into the market successfully. Secondly, the research work needs independent, concentrated and patient people since they will find out about market and demands of customers which are very complicated, so it needs long time to have good result.
Thirdly, the candidates have to have disciplined, reliable and efficient characteristics for implementation work. The reason is that they will bring plan into reality, which all ideas about launching product will be carried out. If without these characteristics, result of the team might be bad because one mistake could destroy the plan. The next is controller who examines details and enforces rules, so the candidates should have general view and strict characteristic. Hence, they can ensure that everything will be implemented directly and exactly. This characteristic is very important because it makes the difference between group work and team work.
Finally, the task of evaluation work is to offer insightful analysis of options, so the characteristics which are suitable to this work of the team are strategic and discerning. When the team bring out ideas and strategies, these characteristics will Giúp team choose the best way to launch RisingStar S213 touch phone.
Suggesting suitable methods for selection
RisingStar S213 touch phone is new technological product, it has to be launched into the market quickly to have advantage with product of other firms. Hence, this is short-term project which is implemented in two or three months. In order to saving time and money for selection and training, the company should use internal resources. They are familiar with each other, tasks and culture of company, so they can work together effectively.
Because they are people who inside the company, it can skip many methods of selection which are used for candidates from external resources, such as application forms, CVs and covering letters, test, references and so on (BPP Professional Education, 2004, p22). Therefore, appropriate methods for this selection process are interview and group selection methods.
Interview is the most popular method for companies. The team can use it to find the most suitable candidates for tasks of marketing RisingStar S213. They have opportunity to show their abilities and knowledge of marketing directly. Therefore, the project manager can know they understand the job or not. Beside, interview method makes applicants feel that they are fair. There are two ways of interview: individual interviews and panel interviews (BPP Professional Education, 2004, p29). The project manager is main selector, but the company should have technology specialist and staff of Human resource department to interview candidates with many specialist areas. Therefore, panel interview is suitable with candidates of this marketing team.
Furthermore, group selection method can Giúp project manager have long time to study about candidates’ personality and attributes and candidates can reveal their soft-skills, such as communication, team working, etc. Group role-play exercises and case studies are two techniques of this method (BPP Professional Education, 2004, p25). Here, case study about marketing will assess the problem-solving and team work skills of candidates clearly because they must discuss and work together to bring out good solution for case study. Therefore, the appropriate candidates will be chosen.
Describing the roles of project manager in the selection process
The successful project managers are people who know their roles clearly and complete them effectively. The function of project manager in the selection process is select good members for team, so the roles of project manager are very important. As the project manager of team which implements promotional activities for RisingStar S213, I have to know clearly how to plan, carry out a selection process and make right decisions.
Firstly, the job analysis needs to be come up and from it I will bring out job description which outline the tasks of marketing team, such as research needs and wants of customers, public relations, etc. Furthermore, the job requirements about qualifications, experience and skills which are suitable with marketing will be set up and given to Human resources department. Secondly, as main interviewer, I will prepare questions which Giúp candidates show all their abilities and take part in interview period to interview candidates to study their skills, personalities, etc. Through answer of candidates, I have to assess them exactly and fairly. Besides, I can show my knowledge and trustworthiness to make candidates feel interested in the tasks of team. Thirdly, I will find out about and bring out appropriate case study which relates to promotion activities, such as promoting old product into the market for candidates to test them, after that, observe their performance and acknowledge their abilities.
Finally, relying on my evaluation and opinions of other selectors, candidates will be chosen. If there are confusion and difference opinions, I am main person who make last decisions to select suitable candidates who can satisfy requirements of team and the company to launch Rising Star S213.
Identifying the legal, regulatory and ethical considerations to the selection process
All operations of companies have to obey legislation of the country in particular and the world in general. Therefore, when selecting members for the marketing team, the company is influenced by legislation, for example Sex Discrimination Act 1975, Disability Discrimination Act 1995, and so on (BPP Professional Education, 2004, p34). The most popular law is equal opportunities and discrimination legislation. In labor law of Vietnam, there is one chapter about “Particular regulations for female labor” which affirm clearly that people who use labor must follow sex equality regulations in recruitment (Vieclam.spt, n.d). Therefore, in selection process, the company must ensure that everyone has the same opportunity to apply and be selected for po...

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