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The workplace is a not like a family; it is a place in which we need to get on with others and it is assumed that we will find this easy and straight forward. Instead, the reality of many workplaces is that it is often fraught with conflict. People with different ideals, goals, values and needs totally different always easily lead to conflict, even if the level of conflict is low . Conflicting results may lead to mutual animosity. However, conflict can result in employee dissatisfaction, reduced productivity, poor service to clients, and increased employee turnover, increased work-related stress. If you know the address in a scientific way, know where they are one of the driving forces breakthrough for your business. To successfully resolve conflicts that arise in the work is not easy it requires you to know exactly the origin arising conflicts and provide reasonable solutions. This discussion addresses the following questions:
 What is conflict at work?
 Why do they need to resolve these problems?
 How do managers deal with conflicts?
 Examples of event where conflicts were dealt with successfully.

Let’s start!!!
 What is a conflict at work?
In my opinion, the definition of workplace conflict is that it involves the perceived or actual clash of expectations between individuals or groups. These may be expectations about: how people should behave; how and when they should work; how much they should be paid and for what; to name a few. The expectations of everyone in the workplace interplay and the extent to which there is a clash between those expectations will impact on whether or not there is a workplace conflict. In my experience, these expectations regardless of where the power lies in the relationship between people and must be factored into the design of any strategy to minimise the risks and to maximise the opportunities associated with workplace conflict.
Broadly, workplace conflict may be categorised as either an individual conflict (e.g. interpersonal conflict) or collective/rights based conflict.
 Why do they need to resolve these problems?
• Conflict is an inevitable natural phenomenon in the work environment, and does not go away contrariety.
• If well resolved, conflict can bring benefits to the organization.
• If the resolution is not good, small conflicts will result in greater conflict and eventually will break hard Conflict can lose solidarity and efficiency in the work of the group or company. Improper management will generate conflict within the company. It will soon grow if not resolved satisfied. And when solidarity is lost, the job requires the collaboration will become the obsession of the staff.
An unresolved conflict will look like a pimple with pus on the surface and affect the people around relations or employee involved to conflict. They will feel like you are walking on eggshells, and this will contribute to a hostile work environment for everyone. In the worst case, the group members may begin to divide your faction, and of course the group was torn apart.
 How to managers deal with conflicts?
There are 4 steps for managers deal with conflicts:
1. Diffuse the Situation
Take the time to really listen to and acknowledge the different points of view of your team members. Show them that you value and respect their opinions and are interested in finding the best solution that works for the team as a whole.
2. Be Prepared to Say No to Create Boundaries
If one specific employee is trying to be controlling or difficult, clarify the objectives of your team and let the person know what their role is within the team. Be prepared to say no to ideas that just don't work within your team's framework. Be mature and objective and make sure that you are not attacking anyone with your language.
3. Open Up the Lines of Communication
Conflict can escalate if the lines of communication between you and your team are closed. Stop by to informally talk to different team members. Make sure that your team is aware of your vision and how they fit into it. Set up clear development plans and expectations so your team can see how achieving certain goals will enable them to progress in their careers while adding value to the company.
4. Allow for Changes in Roles
If certain roles are not working out for people on your team, work with them to identify their strengths and interests and see if you can switch out responsibilities to create more motivation. If the person is just not fitting into your team, Giúp them to find something different in a different group. As a manager, you can deal best with conflict by listening, creating boundaries, communicating effectively and allowing for change.
 Examples of event where conflicts were dealt with successfully.
Ex1: Upcoming is the big event of the company that your office's mission is to organize events so well. There are two employees fight for this task because they think this is a good opportunity to get a premotion. Of course, they happened friction competition. As one manager, what you do?
Solution: There is a story of StephenGobb when 2 people fighting for an orange , the best solution is not shared equally oranges for both of them, which is divided to 1 part water, the other the rest.
So, it is time for you to test their ability to work in groups of 2 and see who is worthy of promotion. People often say, two is better than one. Watching them how they division of labor and maybe offer them rewards so that they can strive. One person can be good in terms of the main organizers of the event, and one who can be good in terms of entertainment activities. In this case, team work may be is the best way to complete the work perfectly.
Ex2: 2 employees in the phone shop. Key does in the morning. Dale does in the afternoon. In the morning, customers to buy one but the phone is out of stock. Key client appointments in the afternoon to pick up goods.
In the afternoon, customers return shop. Dale sales phone for that customer and seller sign the book is Dale.
Late period, Dale and Key dispute over sales. Conflict between two people.
The solution of the conflict management: Managers call for customers who have purchased the phone that day and confirmed the information.
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