Download miễn phí Luận văn A Comparative Study of Discourse Structures and Linguistic Features between Information Communication Technology news in English and Vietnamese
Table of contents.v
List of abbreviations.vii
List of tables and Figures. . vii
1. Rationale 1
2. Aims of the work 1
3. Method of the study 2
4. Scope of the study 2
5. Significance of the study 3
6. Design of the thesis 3
1.1 Discourse Analysis and News 4
1.1.1 Discourse and text 4
1.1.2 News 5 What is news? 5 News values 6
1.2 The frameworks for the study of structures of news discourse 7
1.2.1 Teun A. van Dijk’s 7
1.2.2 Allan Bell’s 9
1.2.3 Roger Fowler’s 10
1.3 Some linguistic features of news discourse 11
1.3.1 Clause complex 11
1.3.2 Lexical Density 12
1.4 Summary 12
2.1 Definition of information communication technology news 13
2.2 The subject of the study 13
2.3 Data collection methods 14
2.4 Data analysis procedures 15
2.4.1 An analysis of the discourse structures of ICT news discourse 15 Thematic structures 15 News schemata 16
2.5 Some major linguistic features 18
2.5.1 Clause complex 18 Type of interdependency 18 The logico-semantic relations 19
2.5.2 Lexical Density 20 Lexical density levels distinguish writing from speech 20 The formula of lexical density 22 Lexical density in ICT discourse 22
2.6 Summary 23
3.1 A study of discourse structures of ICT news in English and Vietnamese 24
3.1.1 Thematic structure 24
3.1.2 The schematic structure of ICT news discourse 27
3.2 Some major linguistic features of ICT news discourse 32
3.2.1 Clause complex 32 Type of interdependency 32 The logico-semantic relations 33
3.2.2 Lexical density of ICT news discourse 35 Lexical density of ICT news discourse in English 36 Lexical density of ICT news discourse in Vietnamese 37
3.3 Summary 39
1. The findings 40
1.1 The similarities 40
1.2 The differences 40
2. Implications 41
3. Suggestions for further research 41
1. Rationale
Language is equal in their structural complexity and in their potential to express the ideas of their users. In this modern life, the need of international communication has been increasing rapidly. A hallmark of human language use is that it shows structure at many different levels, such that at each level, a difference in linguistic form can express a difference in linguistic function. It is regarded as a predominant means of international communication, particularly of transferring written information. Information communication technology (ICT) news discourse is a crucial source for readers to update new information about how technology changes second by second. Does the ICT news discourse contain many new words, new structures?
The fact is that, there are many sources of ICT news discourse in English and Vietnamese, they supply us with good resources to explore and then use them as authentic materials to teach and learning language in general and language of information communication technology in particular.
ICT news discourse is always informative and can attract many popular readers. It reports the latest events in all aspects of technology life quickly and informatively. The question is that how to Giúp popular readers to get in the content effectively requires a study of its discourse structures and linguistic features.
“A comparative study of discourse structures and some major linguistic features in information communication technology news in English and Vietnamese” is chosen for analysis because, as suggested by Firth (1935), it is 'here that we shall find the key to a better understanding of what language is and how it works'. The study about this topic will be investigated fully in all aspects concerned with a hope that the study will be a good reference for teachers and students of language, especially to those, who are teaching and learning the language of information communication technology for their specific purposes in English and Vietnamese.
2. Aims of the work
This work aims at investigating the discourse structures and some major linguistic features between information communication technology news discourse in English and Vietnamese with a view to provide a better understanding of the nature of language and the role of these discourse structures and some major linguistic features of ICT news. With these aims, this study focuses on investigating:
1. The thematic structures that is the organization of headlines (topics) and leads, of information communication technology news in English and in Vietnamese.
2. The schematic structure, which is the news categories, of ICT news discourse in English and Vietnamese.
3. The significance of some major linguistic features used in expressing the content of ICT news in English and Vietnamese.
To realize these aims, the author poses the following research questions:
1. What news categories are there and how are they ordered in the information communication technology news in English and Vietnamese?
2. Does the lexical density prevent popular readers from comprehending the ICT news discourse’s content in English and Vietnamese?
3. Method of the study
To achieve the scopes as stated above, the research will be an integrated approach through many previous famous researchers. The study is conducted inductively in the sense that the data is collected from the written pieces of ICT news discourse in English and Vietnamese with discourse structures and some major linguistic features. This study is also based on the theoretical frameworks on discourse structures by Teun A van Dijk (1985 and 1988), Roger Fowler (1991), Allan Bell (1991), and the study of some major linguistic features within clause complex and lexical density is based on the framework as proposed by M.A.K. Halliday (1985,1993, 1994) and Suzanne Eggins (1994).
4. Scope of the study
To carry out this study, the researcher is concerned especially with news coverage in the press, thereby neglecting television and radio news. The researcher desires to focus on the subject that is a subgenre written discourse news item in ‘The PC WORLD’ magazine in English and ’Thế giới vi tính’ in Vietnamese. Because of the limitation of a minor thesis, the study just investigates a random collection of 20 ICT news discourses (10 in English and 10 in Vietnamese) from 618 ICT news discourse samples that vary in many subfields such as personal computer matter, network, communication, technology architecture, programming, embedded program… The study focuses on the exploration of two following aspects of ICT news:
1. The discourse structures of ICT news in English and Vietnamese by exploring their specific structures.
2. The major linguistic features of ICT news in English and Vietnamese based on the investigation of their clause complex and lexical density.
5. Significance of the study
As mentioned above, the study is carried out to Giúp popular readers to take in the ICT news content effectively by understanding its discourse structures and linguistic features. It then will be a good reference for teachers and students of language, especially to those, who are teaching and learning the language of information communication technology in English and Vietnamese. It is also a good reference for people who use language as specific purposes, such as, engineers, translator, and journalists.
6. Design of the thesis
This study consists of three parts:
INTRODUCTION – presents all the academic routines required for an M.A thesis are presented.
DEVELOPMENT – is the focus of the study, consists of 3 chapters:
Chapter 1: Theoretical background, deals with the literature relevant to the topic.
Chapter 2: Method and procedures gives general description of ICT news discourse and provides a method and procedure of analyzing the ICT news discourse.
Chapter 3: Data analysis and discussion constitutes the main part of the study, which is divided into two sub-parts. The first one will present on data analysis of the discourse structures and some major linguistic features of information communication technology news in English and Vietnamese. The second will analyze and discuss the findings.
CONCLUSION – summarizes the findings in comparison between the discourse structures and some major linguistic features of information communication technology news in English and Vietnamese, some implications and suggestions for further research.
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Table of contents.v
List of abbreviations.vii
List of tables and Figures. . vii
1. Rationale 1
2. Aims of the work 1
3. Method of the study 2
4. Scope of the study 2
5. Significance of the study 3
6. Design of the thesis 3
1.1 Discourse Analysis and News 4
1.1.1 Discourse and text 4
1.1.2 News 5 What is news? 5 News values 6
1.2 The frameworks for the study of structures of news discourse 7
1.2.1 Teun A. van Dijk’s 7
1.2.2 Allan Bell’s 9
1.2.3 Roger Fowler’s 10
1.3 Some linguistic features of news discourse 11
1.3.1 Clause complex 11
1.3.2 Lexical Density 12
1.4 Summary 12
2.1 Definition of information communication technology news 13
2.2 The subject of the study 13
2.3 Data collection methods 14
2.4 Data analysis procedures 15
2.4.1 An analysis of the discourse structures of ICT news discourse 15 Thematic structures 15 News schemata 16
2.5 Some major linguistic features 18
2.5.1 Clause complex 18 Type of interdependency 18 The logico-semantic relations 19
2.5.2 Lexical Density 20 Lexical density levels distinguish writing from speech 20 The formula of lexical density 22 Lexical density in ICT discourse 22
2.6 Summary 23
3.1 A study of discourse structures of ICT news in English and Vietnamese 24
3.1.1 Thematic structure 24
3.1.2 The schematic structure of ICT news discourse 27
3.2 Some major linguistic features of ICT news discourse 32
3.2.1 Clause complex 32 Type of interdependency 32 The logico-semantic relations 33
3.2.2 Lexical density of ICT news discourse 35 Lexical density of ICT news discourse in English 36 Lexical density of ICT news discourse in Vietnamese 37
3.3 Summary 39
1. The findings 40
1.1 The similarities 40
1.2 The differences 40
2. Implications 41
3. Suggestions for further research 41
1. Rationale
Language is equal in their structural complexity and in their potential to express the ideas of their users. In this modern life, the need of international communication has been increasing rapidly. A hallmark of human language use is that it shows structure at many different levels, such that at each level, a difference in linguistic form can express a difference in linguistic function. It is regarded as a predominant means of international communication, particularly of transferring written information. Information communication technology (ICT) news discourse is a crucial source for readers to update new information about how technology changes second by second. Does the ICT news discourse contain many new words, new structures?
The fact is that, there are many sources of ICT news discourse in English and Vietnamese, they supply us with good resources to explore and then use them as authentic materials to teach and learning language in general and language of information communication technology in particular.
ICT news discourse is always informative and can attract many popular readers. It reports the latest events in all aspects of technology life quickly and informatively. The question is that how to Giúp popular readers to get in the content effectively requires a study of its discourse structures and linguistic features.
“A comparative study of discourse structures and some major linguistic features in information communication technology news in English and Vietnamese” is chosen for analysis because, as suggested by Firth (1935), it is 'here that we shall find the key to a better understanding of what language is and how it works'. The study about this topic will be investigated fully in all aspects concerned with a hope that the study will be a good reference for teachers and students of language, especially to those, who are teaching and learning the language of information communication technology for their specific purposes in English and Vietnamese.
2. Aims of the work
This work aims at investigating the discourse structures and some major linguistic features between information communication technology news discourse in English and Vietnamese with a view to provide a better understanding of the nature of language and the role of these discourse structures and some major linguistic features of ICT news. With these aims, this study focuses on investigating:
1. The thematic structures that is the organization of headlines (topics) and leads, of information communication technology news in English and in Vietnamese.
2. The schematic structure, which is the news categories, of ICT news discourse in English and Vietnamese.
3. The significance of some major linguistic features used in expressing the content of ICT news in English and Vietnamese.
To realize these aims, the author poses the following research questions:
1. What news categories are there and how are they ordered in the information communication technology news in English and Vietnamese?
2. Does the lexical density prevent popular readers from comprehending the ICT news discourse’s content in English and Vietnamese?
3. Method of the study
To achieve the scopes as stated above, the research will be an integrated approach through many previous famous researchers. The study is conducted inductively in the sense that the data is collected from the written pieces of ICT news discourse in English and Vietnamese with discourse structures and some major linguistic features. This study is also based on the theoretical frameworks on discourse structures by Teun A van Dijk (1985 and 1988), Roger Fowler (1991), Allan Bell (1991), and the study of some major linguistic features within clause complex and lexical density is based on the framework as proposed by M.A.K. Halliday (1985,1993, 1994) and Suzanne Eggins (1994).
4. Scope of the study
To carry out this study, the researcher is concerned especially with news coverage in the press, thereby neglecting television and radio news. The researcher desires to focus on the subject that is a subgenre written discourse news item in ‘The PC WORLD’ magazine in English and ’Thế giới vi tính’ in Vietnamese. Because of the limitation of a minor thesis, the study just investigates a random collection of 20 ICT news discourses (10 in English and 10 in Vietnamese) from 618 ICT news discourse samples that vary in many subfields such as personal computer matter, network, communication, technology architecture, programming, embedded program… The study focuses on the exploration of two following aspects of ICT news:
1. The discourse structures of ICT news in English and Vietnamese by exploring their specific structures.
2. The major linguistic features of ICT news in English and Vietnamese based on the investigation of their clause complex and lexical density.
5. Significance of the study
As mentioned above, the study is carried out to Giúp popular readers to take in the ICT news content effectively by understanding its discourse structures and linguistic features. It then will be a good reference for teachers and students of language, especially to those, who are teaching and learning the language of information communication technology in English and Vietnamese. It is also a good reference for people who use language as specific purposes, such as, engineers, translator, and journalists.
6. Design of the thesis
This study consists of three parts:
INTRODUCTION – presents all the academic routines required for an M.A thesis are presented.
DEVELOPMENT – is the focus of the study, consists of 3 chapters:
Chapter 1: Theoretical background, deals with the literature relevant to the topic.
Chapter 2: Method and procedures gives general description of ICT news discourse and provides a method and procedure of analyzing the ICT news discourse.
Chapter 3: Data analysis and discussion constitutes the main part of the study, which is divided into two sub-parts. The first one will present on data analysis of the discourse structures and some major linguistic features of information communication technology news in English and Vietnamese. The second will analyze and discuss the findings.
CONCLUSION – summarizes the findings in comparison between the discourse structures and some major linguistic features of information communication technology news in English and Vietnamese, some implications and suggestions for further research.

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