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Luận văn tiếng Anh:An Evaluation of the Vietnamese Translated phiên bản of “The Call of the Wild” by Nguyen Cung Ai and Vu Tuan Phuong = Đánh giá bản dịch tiếng Việt của tác phẩm “Tiếng gọi nơi hoang dã” của hai dịch giả Nguyễn Cung Ái và Vũ Tuấn Phương . M.A Thesis Linguistics : 60 22 15
Nhà xuất bản:University of Languages and International Studies
M.A. Thesis English Linguistics -- University of Languages and International Studies. Vietnam National University, Hanoi, 2012
It is undeniable that the assessment of translation is becoming of great important and receiving great concerns of many researchers. The more translations are published, the more necessary it is to control the quality of such works so that the readers can enjoy the best of the foreign literature work via its translation. For that reason, in this minor study, with a view to assess the quality of the translation of “The Call of the Wild”, the researcher utilizes the schema of Translation Quality Assessment proposed by New Mark. By this way, the researcher has found out that although the translation text has achieved a lot of success in conveying the author’s message, it still reveals some mismatches between the source text and the translated text. Noticeably, some sentences in translated phiên bản do not transfer enough message in the original text or the meaning occasionally changed. In addition, some vocabulary mistakes, printing mistakes and punctuation mistakes which may affect the conciseness of the translation are also pointed out. On the basis of such findings, some implications for literary translation are drawn
1. Rational for the study………………………………………………
2. Objective of the study………………………………………………
3. Scope and method of the study………………………………………
3.1 Scope of the study
3.2 Method of the study
4. Organization of the study……………………………………………
1.1 Translation theory……………………………………………………….
1.1.1 Definition of translation ………………………………………………..
1.1.2 Translation methods and procedures……………………………………
1 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 5 5 5 6 Translation methods…………………………………………... Translation procedures………………………………………...
1.1.3 Translation equivalence………………………………………………… Definition……………………………………………………... Types of translation equivalence………………………………
1.2 Contrastive Analysis
1.3 Translation assessment/ evaluation…………………………………….
1.3.1 Definition………………………………………………………..
1.3.2 Translation Quality Assessment Models……………………… Julianne House and her model………………………… Peter Newmark‘s model………………………………..
2.1 A brief analysis of the Source Language text ………………………
2.2 The translator’s purpose……………………………………………
2.3 Comparing the translation with the original………………………
2.4 An evaluation of the translation……………………………………
2.4.1 An evaluation of the translation phiên bản in the translator‘s
2.4.2 An evaluation of the translation phiên bản in the critic‘s terms…..
2.4.3 An evaluation of the translation phiên bản as a piece of writing,
independently of its original…………………………………….
2.5 The translation’s future………………………………………….......
Appendix A. English phiên bản of the selected text ……………………………..
Appendix B. Vietnamese phiên bản of the selected text…………………………
Appendix C: Evidence quoted from the original and the translated version
5. Rational for the study
Translation is an issue which attracts more and more attention from many
people all over the world. Nowadays, in the inevitable trend of globalization and
integration, not only the professional translators but also many people working in
different fields such as health care, economy, politics, etc, are concerned about the
quality of translation. However, in fact, to have a high-quality translation version,
especially in the field of literature, is not an easy task and it involves a lot of skills from
the translators. According to the translator Thuy Toan(1993), to have a good translation
version, the translator must not only love his job and literature but also be good at their
mother tongue, know foreign languages, have a thorough knowledge of culture, work
cautiously and be industrious at consulting. From his point of view, it is clear that
translation is a challenging job, which requires the translator both the knowledge of the
language and the background knowledge of the culture which the literary works
belongs to. Sometimes, due to lack of either of these or because of the translator‘s
carelessness, the translated phiên bản may not be concise enough. Even more seriously, it
can transfer the wrong message that is attached in the literary works. At present, in
Vietnam, works of literary translations are growing rapidly , even uncontrollably in
quantity for commercial purposes ; however, there has been no popular criterion for a
good and valuable translated phiên bản . Besides the successfully -translated masterpieces
such as Wuthering Heights (Đồi gió hú), Harry Porter, Noruwei no mori (Rừ ng Nauy),
The Centaur in the Garden (Con nhân mã ở trong vườ n ), there still exists ones of bad
quality, for example , the Vietnamese phiên bản of ―The Da Vinci Code‖ (Mâṭ mã Da
Vinci) by translator Đo Thu Ha (Van Hoa-Thong Tin Publisher ,2006). This translation
receives a lot of criticism right from publication because of the mistakes that she
should not have made in terms of vocabulary, grammar and descriptions. For this
reason, the minor thesis would like to focus on the evaluation of one literary translation
so that the readers can have better understanding of some models of translation quality
assessment initiated by some famous linguists in the world like Nida and Taber, Peter
Newmark, and J. House, etc.
Within the limitation of the minor thesis, only some of these models will be
introduced, and then, the model of Peter Newmark will be applied in evaluating the
Vietnamese translated phiên bản of ―The Call of the Wild‖ by Nguyen Cung Ai and Vu
Tuan Phuong, two great and famous Vietnamese translators to point out both the
strengths and weaknesses of translated texts in comparison with the original. Also, the
author would like to investigate the prominent equivalence types the translator has
achieved in translating this famous masterpiece so that other translators can get some
experiences from them.
6. Objective of the study
This thesis mainly aims at answering the three research questions:
How good is the Vietnamese phiên bản of ―The Call of the Wild‖ according to
Newmark‘s model?
What are the weaknesses of the translated version?
What might be some lessons learned from the translation version?
7. Scope and method of the study
3.1 Scope of the study
The masterpiece ―The Call of the Wild‖ includes of seven chapters in total. Due
to the limited time for this study, only Chapter Two of this short story will be chosen as
the typical analysis of the success and the shortcomings of two translators in translating
this masterpiece from English into Vietnamese. The title of this chapter is ―The Law of
Club and Fang‖ and the reason why this chapter is chosen is that the writer has had
access to this chapter since she was a fourth year student. At that time, she had chances
to learn about this chapter in the subject ―English Literature‖, which attracts her a lot.
Moreover, this is a moving chapter about the process in which the dog adapts itself to
the new harsh environment and rude owners. Therefore, the writer decides to make a
comparison between the original phiên bản and the translated one to see whether the
translators can transship both the connotative and denotative meaning of the source text
into the target text or not.
a. Method of the study
The goal of this study is to evaluate the quality of the translated phiên bản of ―The
Call of the Wild‖ by Nguyen Cung Ai and Vu Tuan Phuong. To reach this goal, I
decide to have an insight into various translation quality assessment models by
different authors, among which Peter Newmark‘s model is chosen as the main criteria
for assessing the Vietnamese phiên bản of this masterpiece because of its strong points in
terms of application, that is, it is easy to follow. During the assessing process,
Contrastive Analysis approach will be applied to compare and evaluate the translated
version against the original one.
This assessing process will be carried out as follows. First, the original text will
be read thoroughly and comprehensively, then the source text will be compared to its
translation under the framework of NewMark‘s TQA model. According to his model,
there are five main steps towards TQA and the researcher is going to strictly follow
Step 1: A brief analysis of the SL text stressing its intention and its functional
Step 2: the translator‘s interpretation of the SL text‘s purpose, his translation
method and the translation‘s likely readership
Step 3: A selective but representative detailed comparison of the translation with
the original in terms of both sematics and syntactics
Step 4: an evaluation of the translation: - (a) in the translator‘s terms, (b) in the
critic‘s terms, (c) as a piece of writing, independently of its original.
By applying NewMark‘s model to assess the translation, the researcher is able to
yield answers to three research questions in the first part of this paper.
In terms of the first question, the Vietnamse translation of Chapter Two of ―The
Call of the Wild‖ is of high quality. It, in overall, has conveyed accurately the author‘s
intention by means of brief and concise target language of experienced translators.
Language used is fluent, natural and easy to understand.
Concerning the second research question, the translation phiên bản still has some
shortcomings in terms of syntactics and semantics, which may cause misunderstanding
sometimes to the readers. From the researcher‘s point of view, this kind of mistakes
may be caused by the translators‘s carelessness in translating process rather than by
their lack of linguistic knowledge. What is more, printing mistakes sometimes make
readers confused.
From the results obtained above, some implications for translation of English
literary works into Vietnamse might be drawn.
It can be seen that Newmark‘s model of translation quality assessment is one
model which is easy to follow in evaluating the quality of any literaturary works and it
helps the critics have a deep insight into the success as well as weaknesses of the
translated version. Therefore, it should be taken into consideration when any critic
would like to evaluate the quality of literaturary works, especially short stories.
Another implication for literary translation is a careful review of critics relating
to the original text would be useful in that when some minor details are removed, the
overall meaning of the whole sentence may be affected or changed. This can lead to
misunderstanding from the readers or unintelligibility of the text. More seriously, the
message that the author wishes to attach will be altered completely. For this reason,
any translators should be very careful when translating any works from the source
language into the target language.
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Nhà xuất bản:University of Languages and International Studies
M.A. Thesis English Linguistics -- University of Languages and International Studies. Vietnam National University, Hanoi, 2012
It is undeniable that the assessment of translation is becoming of great important and receiving great concerns of many researchers. The more translations are published, the more necessary it is to control the quality of such works so that the readers can enjoy the best of the foreign literature work via its translation. For that reason, in this minor study, with a view to assess the quality of the translation of “The Call of the Wild”, the researcher utilizes the schema of Translation Quality Assessment proposed by New Mark. By this way, the researcher has found out that although the translation text has achieved a lot of success in conveying the author’s message, it still reveals some mismatches between the source text and the translated text. Noticeably, some sentences in translated phiên bản do not transfer enough message in the original text or the meaning occasionally changed. In addition, some vocabulary mistakes, printing mistakes and punctuation mistakes which may affect the conciseness of the translation are also pointed out. On the basis of such findings, some implications for literary translation are drawn
1. Rational for the study………………………………………………
2. Objective of the study………………………………………………
3. Scope and method of the study………………………………………
3.1 Scope of the study
3.2 Method of the study
4. Organization of the study……………………………………………
1.1 Translation theory……………………………………………………….
1.1.1 Definition of translation ………………………………………………..
1.1.2 Translation methods and procedures……………………………………
1 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 5 5 5 6 Translation methods…………………………………………... Translation procedures………………………………………...
1.1.3 Translation equivalence………………………………………………… Definition……………………………………………………... Types of translation equivalence………………………………
1.2 Contrastive Analysis
1.3 Translation assessment/ evaluation…………………………………….
1.3.1 Definition………………………………………………………..
1.3.2 Translation Quality Assessment Models……………………… Julianne House and her model………………………… Peter Newmark‘s model………………………………..
2.1 A brief analysis of the Source Language text ………………………
2.2 The translator’s purpose……………………………………………
2.3 Comparing the translation with the original………………………
2.4 An evaluation of the translation……………………………………
2.4.1 An evaluation of the translation phiên bản in the translator‘s
2.4.2 An evaluation of the translation phiên bản in the critic‘s terms…..
2.4.3 An evaluation of the translation phiên bản as a piece of writing,
independently of its original…………………………………….
2.5 The translation’s future………………………………………….......
Appendix A. English phiên bản of the selected text ……………………………..
Appendix B. Vietnamese phiên bản of the selected text…………………………
Appendix C: Evidence quoted from the original and the translated version
5. Rational for the study
Translation is an issue which attracts more and more attention from many
people all over the world. Nowadays, in the inevitable trend of globalization and
integration, not only the professional translators but also many people working in
different fields such as health care, economy, politics, etc, are concerned about the
quality of translation. However, in fact, to have a high-quality translation version,
especially in the field of literature, is not an easy task and it involves a lot of skills from
the translators. According to the translator Thuy Toan(1993), to have a good translation
version, the translator must not only love his job and literature but also be good at their
mother tongue, know foreign languages, have a thorough knowledge of culture, work
cautiously and be industrious at consulting. From his point of view, it is clear that
translation is a challenging job, which requires the translator both the knowledge of the
language and the background knowledge of the culture which the literary works
belongs to. Sometimes, due to lack of either of these or because of the translator‘s
carelessness, the translated phiên bản may not be concise enough. Even more seriously, it
can transfer the wrong message that is attached in the literary works. At present, in
Vietnam, works of literary translations are growing rapidly , even uncontrollably in
quantity for commercial purposes ; however, there has been no popular criterion for a
good and valuable translated phiên bản . Besides the successfully -translated masterpieces
such as Wuthering Heights (Đồi gió hú), Harry Porter, Noruwei no mori (Rừ ng Nauy),
The Centaur in the Garden (Con nhân mã ở trong vườ n ), there still exists ones of bad
quality, for example , the Vietnamese phiên bản of ―The Da Vinci Code‖ (Mâṭ mã Da
Vinci) by translator Đo Thu Ha (Van Hoa-Thong Tin Publisher ,2006). This translation
receives a lot of criticism right from publication because of the mistakes that she
should not have made in terms of vocabulary, grammar and descriptions. For this
reason, the minor thesis would like to focus on the evaluation of one literary translation
so that the readers can have better understanding of some models of translation quality
assessment initiated by some famous linguists in the world like Nida and Taber, Peter
Newmark, and J. House, etc.
Within the limitation of the minor thesis, only some of these models will be
introduced, and then, the model of Peter Newmark will be applied in evaluating the
Vietnamese translated phiên bản of ―The Call of the Wild‖ by Nguyen Cung Ai and Vu
Tuan Phuong, two great and famous Vietnamese translators to point out both the
strengths and weaknesses of translated texts in comparison with the original. Also, the
author would like to investigate the prominent equivalence types the translator has
achieved in translating this famous masterpiece so that other translators can get some
experiences from them.
6. Objective of the study
This thesis mainly aims at answering the three research questions:
How good is the Vietnamese phiên bản of ―The Call of the Wild‖ according to
Newmark‘s model?
What are the weaknesses of the translated version?
What might be some lessons learned from the translation version?
7. Scope and method of the study
3.1 Scope of the study
The masterpiece ―The Call of the Wild‖ includes of seven chapters in total. Due
to the limited time for this study, only Chapter Two of this short story will be chosen as
the typical analysis of the success and the shortcomings of two translators in translating
this masterpiece from English into Vietnamese. The title of this chapter is ―The Law of
Club and Fang‖ and the reason why this chapter is chosen is that the writer has had
access to this chapter since she was a fourth year student. At that time, she had chances
to learn about this chapter in the subject ―English Literature‖, which attracts her a lot.
Moreover, this is a moving chapter about the process in which the dog adapts itself to
the new harsh environment and rude owners. Therefore, the writer decides to make a
comparison between the original phiên bản and the translated one to see whether the
translators can transship both the connotative and denotative meaning of the source text
into the target text or not.
a. Method of the study
The goal of this study is to evaluate the quality of the translated phiên bản of ―The
Call of the Wild‖ by Nguyen Cung Ai and Vu Tuan Phuong. To reach this goal, I
decide to have an insight into various translation quality assessment models by
different authors, among which Peter Newmark‘s model is chosen as the main criteria
for assessing the Vietnamese phiên bản of this masterpiece because of its strong points in
terms of application, that is, it is easy to follow. During the assessing process,
Contrastive Analysis approach will be applied to compare and evaluate the translated
version against the original one.
This assessing process will be carried out as follows. First, the original text will
be read thoroughly and comprehensively, then the source text will be compared to its
translation under the framework of NewMark‘s TQA model. According to his model,
there are five main steps towards TQA and the researcher is going to strictly follow
Step 1: A brief analysis of the SL text stressing its intention and its functional
Step 2: the translator‘s interpretation of the SL text‘s purpose, his translation
method and the translation‘s likely readership
Step 3: A selective but representative detailed comparison of the translation with
the original in terms of both sematics and syntactics
Step 4: an evaluation of the translation: - (a) in the translator‘s terms, (b) in the
critic‘s terms, (c) as a piece of writing, independently of its original.
By applying NewMark‘s model to assess the translation, the researcher is able to
yield answers to three research questions in the first part of this paper.
In terms of the first question, the Vietnamse translation of Chapter Two of ―The
Call of the Wild‖ is of high quality. It, in overall, has conveyed accurately the author‘s
intention by means of brief and concise target language of experienced translators.
Language used is fluent, natural and easy to understand.
Concerning the second research question, the translation phiên bản still has some
shortcomings in terms of syntactics and semantics, which may cause misunderstanding
sometimes to the readers. From the researcher‘s point of view, this kind of mistakes
may be caused by the translators‘s carelessness in translating process rather than by
their lack of linguistic knowledge. What is more, printing mistakes sometimes make
readers confused.
From the results obtained above, some implications for translation of English
literary works into Vietnamse might be drawn.
It can be seen that Newmark‘s model of translation quality assessment is one
model which is easy to follow in evaluating the quality of any literaturary works and it
helps the critics have a deep insight into the success as well as weaknesses of the
translated version. Therefore, it should be taken into consideration when any critic
would like to evaluate the quality of literaturary works, especially short stories.
Another implication for literary translation is a careful review of critics relating
to the original text would be useful in that when some minor details are removed, the
overall meaning of the whole sentence may be affected or changed. This can lead to
misunderstanding from the readers or unintelligibility of the text. More seriously, the
message that the author wishes to attach will be altered completely. For this reason,
any translators should be very careful when translating any works from the source
language into the target language.

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