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Luận văn tiếng Anh:An investigation of gender differences in responding to compliments = Sự khác biệt về giới trong cách tiếp nhận lời khen. M.A Thesis Linguistics: 60 22 15

1. Rationale
In everyday life, there are a number of speech acts we can choose to show positive
politeness, for example, greetings, hanks, friendly address terms and expressions of
concern. ―A compliment is one of them, which notice and attend the hearer‘s interests,
wants, needs, goods...‖ (Holmes: 1988)
Since 1970s, linguists have attached the study of speech act, such as Apology,
Request, Compliment & Compliment Response, Refusal and Complaint, etc. These studies
show that, the social and situational factors, which will exert their influences on the use of
the speech acts, include gender, age, level of education, social distance, social relationship,
style, and ethnicity and so on. Compliments, as a positive speech act, will be inevitably
influenced by these social factors.
Although pragmatists and sociolinguists have examined the relationship between
gender and language for the last thirty years, there is little consensus about this
relationship. As far as female speech is concerned, arguments continue to focus on whether
or not female speakers express powerlessness in their speech or whether they express a
form of speech only different from that of males by using, for example, more polite speech
style. Of the social causes of gender differentiation in speech style, one of the most critical
appears to be the level of education. In all studies, it has been shown that the greater the
disparities between educational opportunities for boys and girls, the greater the differences
between male and female speech (Spolsky, 2000). The more recent feminist theory has
focused on the social construction of gender, not exclusively in childhood but for a whole
lifetime, and this seems to be more powerful in explaining gender differences in language
Compliments are positive speech acts, which are sensitive to both social constraints
and individual variables. Social factors such as age, gender, ethnicity, level of education,
social status and social relationship between the interlocutors will inevitably influence the
complimenting behavior of all interlocutors.

Several studies have shown that there are some differences between males and females in
their realization patterns of compliments and compliment responses. Two important studies
that focus on gender differences in complimenting and responding to compliments are
those by Holmes (1988) and Herbert (1990). They found that the syntactic patterns and
lexical choice used by men and women were different. Based on the findings, they
assumed that females use compliments for keeping solidarity while males regard
compliments as potential face threatening acts (FTAs). They examined kinds of topics and
situations, as well as gender-based distributions.
Although a lot of research has been carried out on compliments and compliment
responses, the study on relationship between genders in compliment responses is still
something new in Vietnam. The purpose of this study is to examine the sociolinguistic
characteristics of gender differences in compliment responses, in other words, whether the
social variables of the interlocutors, namely, social status, gender and age, have any
influence on the compliment response strategies the respondent may employ.
2. Aims of the study
This study examines the differences of linguistic strategies between British women‘s
and men‘s compliment responding, exploring the function of the positive speech acts as
positive strategies. The study provides an analysis concerning the differences between the
same genders and the different genders in compliment responds strategies. The reason why
men and women differ in language use is that they often different role in society.
3. Scope of the study
The study focuses on the differences of linguistic strategies between British male and
female subjects in the workplace in responding to compliments in some daily situations in
terms of linguistic strategies. The data we can obtain from the Discourse Completion Tests
will show us only nonverbal.
Gender is the main variable in the present study. There are four types of compliment
situations with regard to the gender of complimenters and respondents: male – male, male
female, and female - male, female - female. In each of the situations designed in the
questionnaires, there are two possibilities of the gender group. That is to say, the two
interlocutors in each situation might be of the same gender or might be of different
genders. This may influence the production or selection of compliment response strategies.
The study is based on the analytical framework established by Herbert (1986), but
modified by the author for the present study.
4. Method of the study
This study focuses mainly on analysis of the data collected from the survey
questionnaire. The questionnaire is designed to elicit the informants‘ compliment
responses in the situations under study. The data collection of this research is done by
using the Discourse Completion Tests (DCTs). It is believed that DCTs constitute
important starting points for further research since they facilitate the collection of large
amount of data. Each discourse sequence presented a detailed description of the situation,
specifying the gender and social status of the complimenter. The participants‘ task was
supply the responses to the situation given. The data we can obtain from the DCTs will
show us only ―discourse in written form‖.
5. Organization of the study
This research includes three parts. Part 1 introduces the rationale, the aims, the scope
and the method of the study. Part 2 is the development of the study. There are four
Chapters in this part. Chapter one will review briefly the related theories, such as speech
acts, politeness, review of the studies on compliments and compliment responses. Chapter
two discusses the methodology of the study, which includes the research questions, design
of the study, the selection of subjects, instruments, situation design, analytical framework
and the procedures of data collecting and analyzing. In Chapter Three, this paper will show
the results of the study. In Chapter Four, this paper will give discussions and the major
findings of the results obtained in the research. And finally in Part 3, this paper will briefly
summarize the major discoveries of this study, indicate the limitations and implications of
the study and point out the directions for further research.

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