Download Bài tập rèn luyện Anh văn Lớp 9

Download Bài tập rèn luyện Anh văn Lớp 9 miễn phí

Parents often have dreams for their children’s future. They hope their children will have a better life than they had. They dream that their children will do things that they couldn’t do. Parents who come to the U.S from foreign countries hope their children will have better education here. They think their children will have more career choices and more successful lives. They make many sacrifices so that their children will have more opportunities. They think their children will remain close to them because of this. Some children understand and appreciate these sacrifices and remain close to their parents. However, other children feel ashamed that their parents are so different from other Americans.
36) Parents often dream of .
A. their children’s making a lot of money in the future.
B. one day seeing their children become famous people.
C. one day living on their children’s money.
D. a bright future for their children.
37) Parents who come home from U.S from foreign countries hope that .
A. their children will have a lot of careers.
B. their children become successful directors.
C. their children will have more opportunities for good education.
D. their children will make a lot of sacrifices.
38) Parents think their children will remain close to them because.
A. they give their children a lot of money.
B. of the sacrifices
C. they know their children will be successful in the future.
D. they are living in a foreign country.

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Tóm tắt nội dung:

place, I had no desire to go there.
A. Seeing B. Seen C. Saw D. Having seen
18) I hate ....................... a child ........................ .
A. see/ crying B. see/ cry C. seeing/ to cry D. seeing/ cry
19) I notice the lorry ........................ down the hill.
A. to come B. came C. coming D. having come
20) I observed a blue car ...................... very fast towards the motorway.
A. having driven B. driven C. driving D. to drive
21) They left the restaurant, ......................... two hours over lunch.
A. spending B. spent C. after spend D. having spent
22) The police accused him of..................... fire to the building but he denied ....................... in the area on the night of the fire.
A. setting/ being B. setting/ having been
C. set/ be D. having set/ having been
II. Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.
23) He says that speak a foreign language always makes him nervous.
24) Each nation has many people who voluntary take care of others.
25) We’re looking forward to see you again.
26) I’d like buying some earrings like yours.
27) She smelt something burning and saw smoke rise.
III. Put the verbs in parentheses into the correct form: (Bare inf, to Inf, Gerund or Present Participle.
28) It is easy (see) ......................... animals on the road in daylight.
29) I asked him (explain) ..................... but he refused (say) ..................... any thing.
30) It is pleasant (sit) ........................... by the fire at night.
31) There was no way of (get) ............................. out of the building except by (climb) .......................... down a rope.
32) It’s no good (write) .......................... to him; he never answers letters.
33) Ask him (come) ............................... in. Don’t keep him (stand) .......................... at the door.
34) We watched the children (jump) ............................. from a window and (fall) ............................ into a blanket held by people below.
35) It is very pleasant (wake) ........................ up and (hear) ...................... the rain (beat) ........................... on the windows.
Read the passage and choose the best answer for each blank.
More and more young people are ... (36) ... voluntary work abroad. The wild variety of jobs and destinations available is making it an increasingly attractive option for those who have just left school and have a year free before university. Many choose to spend these twelve months working in poor countries. There they will earn little ... (37) ... no money. But they will be doing something useful – and enjoying the experience.
The work may ... (38) ... of helping the local communities, for example by helping to build new road or provide water supplies to isolated rural villages. Other projects may concentrate more on conservation or environmental protection. ... (39) ... kind of job it is, it is certain to be ... (40) ... and worthwhile, and an experience that will never be forgotten.
36) A. doing B. making C. taking D. getting
37) A. with B. but C. or D. and
38) A. consist B. include C. contain D. involve
39) A. Any B. What C. However D. Whatever
40) A. challenging B. dangerous C. difficult D. attracted
Arrange these words or groups of words in the correct order.
41) story/ I/ your/ again/ no/ to/ have/ hearing/ objection
42) people/ caring/ life/ entire/ spends/ other/ She/ her/ for
43) finds/ difficult/ talking/ very/ about/ his/ He/ problems/
44) participating/ kind/are/ of/ volunteer/ in/ What/ work/ ?/ you/
45) to/ donation/ receive/ our/ for/ I/ would like/ the/ express/ we/ thanks
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.
1) A. pretty B. pretend C. pretext D. prepare
2) A. teachers B. arrives C. textbooks D. combs
3) A. corn B. cup C. can D. city
II. Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words.
4) A. illiteracy B. province C. primary D. country
5) A. eradicate B. minority C. campaign D. ethnic
6) A. highland B. northern C. village D. effective
I. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.
7) The ........................... of masses is an essential educational way of our party and people.
A. generalization B. role C. duty D. universalization
8) The loving-peace people have been working for the ......................... of World Peace.
A. access B. glory C. success D. promotion
9) There is a ......................... to raise money for the needy.
A. campaign B. mobilization C. movement D. A & B
10) A group of people from a particular or of a particular race living in a country where the main group is of different culture or race is called...........
A. mountaineers B. ethnic minority
C. nations D. undeveloped people
11) The new tax policy comes into effect next month.
A. comes into use B. begins to apply C. starts D. A & B
12) A situation in which something is happening or a lot of things are being done is a(n) ............................... .
A. work B. action C. activity D. happening
13) You’re ......... your time trying to persuade him; he’ll never Giúp you.
A. wasting B. spending C. losing D. missing
14) The most important thing we should do now is to tackle the problem of widespread ......................... .
A. illiterate B. illiteracy C. literate D. literacy
15) Someone told us ........................... sit on the stairs.
A. don’t B. not C. not to D. to not
16) “Don’t forget to ring me”
A. I advised David to ring me B. I reminded David to ring me
C. I offered to be rung D. You promised to ring me
17) The doctor advised him ......................... and to take up some sport.
A. stop smoke B. stop smoking
C. to stop smoking D. to stop to smoke
18) I have told him never ........... to buy some potatoes on the way home.
A. come B. comes C. came D. to come
19) Professional people expect ................... when it is necessary to cancel an appointment.
A. you to call them B. that you would call them
C. you calling them D. that you are calling them
20) ..................... me to phone them before I go out.
A. Remind B. Remember C. Mention D. Make
21) The conductor asked ......................... in the bus.
A. them to please not to smoke B. that they should not smoke
C. them not to smoke D. them not to smoke
22) He told us to wait him at the bus stop .......................... .
A. tomorrow B. next Sunday C. yesterday D. the previous day
II. Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.
23) David asked me telling him the time.
24) I warned them not climb the mountain in such bad weather.
25)They voluntarily spent their vacations to teach illiterate people to read & write.
26) The policeman ordered the suspect to not remove his hands from the car.
27) The teacher told us to keep quietly during the lesson.
III. Write the following sentences in Reported Speech.
28) “You had better go to the doctor”.
à He urged me................................................................................................
29) “You’ve got to lend me some money!”
à He begged me.............................................................................................
30) “Give me your homework.”
à The teacher told us......................................................................................
31) “Please, don’t smoke in my car.”
à He asked us..................................................................................................
32) “I’ll buy you an ice-cream.”
à My Dad promised........................................................................................
33) “Would you like to have a drink with me?”
à He invited me..............................................................................................
34) “You should give up...
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