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Luận văn tiếng Anh: Cohesive devices in reading texts in the book " Tiếng Anh 12-Ban cơ bản" = Phương tiện liên kết trong các bài đọc trong sách giáo khoa Tiếng Anh 12 – Ban cơ bản. M.A. Thesis Linguistics: 60 22 15
Nhà xuất bản: University of Languages and International Studies
Ngày: 2011
Chủ đề: Bài đọc
Sách giáo khoa
Tiếng Anh
Lớp 12
Miêu tả: 44 p. + CD-ROM
M.A. Thesis. English Linguistics -- University of Languages and International Studies. Vietnam National University, Hanoi, 2011
The study aims at finding out the grammatical and lexical cohesive devices in the textbook “Tiếng Anh 12” for grade 12 students in general throughout Vietnam. The reason for choosing grammatical and lexical cohesion as the main objects of the study lies in their popularity in linguistic fields and the tests for examinations at upper secondary schools these days. In this paper, some theories of discourse and cohesion leading to the basic background for the study are discussed. According to that, the theory of cohesive devices by Halliday and Hasan (1976) is the major framework. Besides, the source of the study is reading texts; hence, features of written discourse are necessary base to characterize the study. Throughout investigating 16 units in the textbook, the author found out that the most prominent cohesive device is collocation, then conjunctions, reference and repetition. It was suggested that during the process of teaching, teachers should instruct students in understanding and employing these cohesive devices correctly
Declaration page………………………………………………………………………..i
Table of contents……………………………………………………………………...iv
List of tables and charts………………………………………………………………vii
PART A: INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................1
1. Rationale ....................................................................................................................1
2. Aims of the study.......................................................................................................2
3. Scope of the study......................................................................................................2
4. Significance of the study............................................................................................2
5. Method of the study ..................................................................................................3
6. Design of the study ....................................................................................................3
PART B: DEVELOPMENT............................................................................................5
CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW ..........................................................................5
1.1. Discourse ................................................................................................................5
1.1.1. The concept of discourse.................................................................................5
1.1.2. Discourse and text ...........................................................................................5
1.1.3. Spoken and written discourse..........................................................................6
1.1.4. Discourse analysis ...........................................................................................7
1.1.5. Context in discourse analysis ..........................................................................8 Context of situation .................................................................................8 Context of culture ....................................................................................8
1.1.6. Register and genre in discourse analysis.........................................................8
1.2. Cohesion .................................................................................................................9
1. 2.1. Definition of cohesion....................................................................................9
1.2.2. Cohesion vs. Coherence ..................................................................................9
1.2.3. Aspects of cohesion.......................................................................................10 Topical cohesion....................................................................................10 Logical cohesion....................................................................................10
1.2.4. Types of coheison..........................................................................................10 Grammatical cohesion ...........................................................................11 Reference .......................................................................................11 Substitution ....................................................................................12 Ellipsis............................................................................................13 Conjunction....................................................................................13 Lexical cohesion ....................................................................................14 Reiteration......................................................................................14 Collocation.....................................................................................14
1.3. Textbook and the book for grade 12 in gerneral throughout Vietnam .................15
CHAPTER 2: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION............................................................17
2.1. Grammatical cohesion..........................................................................................17
2.1.1. Reference.......................................................................................................17 Anaphoric reference ..............................................................................17 Cataphoric reference..............................................................................20 Exophoric reference...............................................................................21
2.1.2. Conjunctions..................................................................................................22 Additive .................................................................................................23 Temporal conjunction............................................................................24 Adversative conjunction ........................................................................24 Causal conjunction ................................................................................24
2.1.3. Substitution....................................................................................................25
2.1.4. Ellipsis...........................................................................................................26
2.2. Lexical cohesion....................................................................................................28
2.2.1. Reiteration .....................................................................................................28
2.2.2. Collocation ....................................................................................................30 Lexical collocation ................................................................................31 Grammatical collocation........................................................................33
2.3. Summary of cohesive devices in the textbook .......................................................34
CHAPTER 3: IMPLICATION FOR TEACHING ENGLISH .......................................36
3.1. Teaching cohesion through teaching reading.......................................................36
3.1.1. In terms of grammatical cohesion .................................................................36 Teaching conjunctions through teaching reading..................................36 Teaching reference through teaching reading .......................................37 Teaching collocation..............................................................................37 Teaching reiteration through teaching reading......................................38
3.1.2. Teaching cohesion through teaching writing ................................................39 Teaching grammatical cohesion through teaching writing....................39 Teaching lexical cohesion through teaching writing.............................39
PART C: CONCLUSION .............................................................................................40
1. Major findings..........................................................................................................40
2. Suggestions for further study ...................................................................................41
REFERENCE ...............................................................................................................42
SOURCES OF DATA………………………………………………………………..44
APPENDIX I:……………………………………………………..…………………...I
APPENDIX II: ............................................................................................................. VI
APPENDIX III: ...........................................................................................................VII
APPENDIX IV………………………………………………………………………..X
APPENDIX V:.............................................................................................................. XI
APPENDIX VI: ...........................................................................................................XII
APPENDIX VII: .........................................................................................................XIV
APPENDIX VIII:......................................................................................................... XV
APPENDIX IX............................................................................................................XXI
APPENDIX X:.......................................................................................................... XXII
APPENDIX XI............................................................................................................. XL
APPENDIX XII: .........................................................................................................XLI
APPENDIX XIII:.......................................................................................................XLII
APPENDIX XIV:..................................................................................................... XLIII
APPENDIX XV: .......................................................................................................XLIV
APPENDIX XVI:.......................................................................................................XLV
APPENDIX XVII:.....................................................................................................XLVI
1. Rationale
In the interconnected and globalized world nowadays, knowing English is of great
importance. That forces students, especially high school students, to have to equip
themselves with the basics of English, so that they can enter the world more easily, and to
some extent, better their future life. To grade 12 students, this is more essential. Not only do
they need English in the future, but in the nearer view English is one of the core subjects in
the GCSE examination, and the entrance examination to university.
Tracing back to these two national examinations recently, the high occurrence proportion of
cohesive devices can not be denied. In my observation, except for phonetic parts, cohesive
devices, along with their usage and meaning, are useful tools in both reading texts, and
many sentences in such parts as writing, mistake correction, and multiple choice questions.
That is to say, the teaching of cohesive devices is essential to grade 12 students.
Moreover, on the process of mastering language in general, English in particular, to
Vietnamese secondary students, reading is seen as the crucial tool that aids the learning of
the other skills. However, it is a fact that, these days, many high school students do not have
adequate linguistic knowledge to read and understand a whole written text in English.
During my process of teaching high school students, I come to realize that one of the
foremost reasons for which students often make errors at sentence and discourse levels is
due to their inattention to the cohesive devices used in the context of texts. What they do is
to try to look up new words, and then translate the texts into Vietnamese. As a result,
students find it hard to understand the text or express their answers in the comprehension
check questions even though they know most of the words. Those who are given in advance
unfamiliar words still show their inability in recognizing sentences, and word relations,
which leads to the misunderstanding or misinterpretation of the meaning of the texts.
In addition, according to my past experience of being a final-year student at high school, as
well as during my observation at my working place, most of the teachers, both my former
ones and my present colleagues, do not teach students how to realize word relations through
the cohesive devices.
Apart from a variety of mentioned things, many people have done researches on linguistics
and discourse analysis; yet, no suggestions have been given to high school teachers and
students so that they can do tasks relating to cohesion more successfully. Consequently, the
decisive motivation in doing this research derives from the extremely important role of
cohesion in the text and also the difficulties of my students who lack the ability to make
- 2 -
proper recognition of cohesive devices in written texts in their textbooks. This research
spends a large part looking closely at grammatical and lexical cohesive devices, under the
theory of cohesion by Halliday and Hasan (1976), used in the textbook for grade-12 students
in general in terms of the frequency of occurrence
2. Aims of the study
While carrying out this research, the researcher, firstly, attempts to describe and analyze
cohesive devices in the English textbook for grade 12 students in general throughout
Vietnam in term of grammar and lexis. Then, the research aims at giving some implications
for teaching cohesion, as well as certain sample cohesive exercises for designing material
for the revision of GSCE examination and the entrance examination to university. Finally,
by doing this study, the researcher hopes to indicate striking features of cohesive devices so
as to Giúp students understand the reading texts more effectively.
The following research questions are raised for exploration while carrying out the study:
1. What are the cohesive devices used in the textbook “Tiếng Anh 12 – Ban Cơ
Bản” for grade - 12 students general throughout Vietnam?
2. How can the findings Giúp teachers and their students in the teaching and
learning the textbook for grade 12 students?
3. Scope of the study
Within the limited time and knowledge, only grammatical and lexical cohesion in the
textbook “Tiếng Anh 12” for grade - 12 students general throughout Vietnam edited by
Hoang, V.V et al (2010), Education Publication House are observed. Furthermore, the study
does not propose all the possible solutions to teaching and learning cohesion but only some
implications that are directly drawn from the textbook observation and the observation of
the tests for GSCE examination and the entrance examination to university over the past few
years. Only two skills, reading and writing, are chosen to present.
4. Significance of the study
Theoretical significance: The study brings with it the task to verify the correctness
and significance of linguistic theory by working on the discourses of different issues in
social life mentioned in the researched textbook. It is hoped to prove the existing ideas on
cohesion to satisfy the individual’s question and, to some extent, hopefully to open a new
way of revising and preparing for candidates of the GCSE examination and the entrance
examination to university.
Practical significance: This research gives out some practical applications, such as
combining linguistic theory and practice in analyzing written English discourses in the
researched textbook. In addition, the researcher hopes to give teachers and students a hand
with teaching and learning cohesion through reading and writing skills.
5. Method of the study
Approaches and methods
The study can not reach its final page without a logical system of approaches and methods.
Both qualitative and quantitative approaches are applied. However, the latter is exploited
most of the time. The tackling methods are statistic and descriptive (getting the statistics
from the texts in the chosen textbook), analytical and synthetic (drawing striking features
from the book observation). Firstly, a number of materials on discourse analysis are
discovered to give the research a theoretical base. Then, it is ensured that none of the most
noticeable cohesive devices in the reading texts in the textbook for intermediate students at
grade 12 is missed their analysis and induction. Finally, the results are drawn out so that the
author can suggest some implications.
Data collection and analysis
The grammatical and lexical cohesive devices to be studied will be taken from the textbook
“Tiếng Anh 12” for grade 12 students at intermediate level edited by Hoang,V.V et al
(2010), Education Publication House.
6. Design of the study
The thesis capacity is within 40 pages, structured as follows:
Part A: Introduction introduces the rationale, objectives, scope, significance, methodology
and the design of the study.
Part B: Development
Chapter 1: Literature review deals with the theories related to Discourse and Discourse
Analysis, cohesion, and the textbook.
Chapter 2: Findings and discussion of textbook observation analyses cohesive devices
in the reading texts in the textbook for intermediate grade 12 students, basing on the view of
Halliday and Hasan (1976)
Chapter 3: Pedagogical implication of the study gives implications for teaching and
learning cohesion basing on reading and writing skills.
Part C: Conclusion aims at summarizing the thesis by showing the study results and giving
concluding remarks. Some suggestions for further studies are also included to promise the
continuance of the author’s future work.
Unit 6: Future jobs
( Tiếng Anh 12, page 63)
Preparing for a job interview can be stressful, particularly when you are called for the first
interview. Below are some pieces of advice that can Giúp you reduce the feeling of
pressure and create a good impression on your interviewer.
Before the interview
You should find out as much as possible about the job and the vacancy. Before the interview,
you have to send a letter of application and your résumés to the company to express your
interest in the job and to show that you might be the most suitable candidate for the
When you come to the interview, remember to bring with you your school
certificates and letters of recommendation from your teachers or your previous
employers. In addition, you may jot down your qualifications and experience that can
relate to the job and prepare for the questions that are often asked during the interview.
Make sure you know where the interview is and how to get there. Be on time or a few
minutes early. Don‟t forget to dress neatly and formally.
Do Drive thay đổi chính sách, nên một số link cũ yêu cầu duyệt download. các bạn chỉ cần làm theo hướng dẫn.
Password giải nén nếu cần: | Bấm trực tiếp vào Link để tải:
Nhà xuất bản: University of Languages and International Studies
Ngày: 2011
Chủ đề: Bài đọc
Sách giáo khoa
Tiếng Anh
Lớp 12
Miêu tả: 44 p. + CD-ROM
M.A. Thesis. English Linguistics -- University of Languages and International Studies. Vietnam National University, Hanoi, 2011
The study aims at finding out the grammatical and lexical cohesive devices in the textbook “Tiếng Anh 12” for grade 12 students in general throughout Vietnam. The reason for choosing grammatical and lexical cohesion as the main objects of the study lies in their popularity in linguistic fields and the tests for examinations at upper secondary schools these days. In this paper, some theories of discourse and cohesion leading to the basic background for the study are discussed. According to that, the theory of cohesive devices by Halliday and Hasan (1976) is the major framework. Besides, the source of the study is reading texts; hence, features of written discourse are necessary base to characterize the study. Throughout investigating 16 units in the textbook, the author found out that the most prominent cohesive device is collocation, then conjunctions, reference and repetition. It was suggested that during the process of teaching, teachers should instruct students in understanding and employing these cohesive devices correctly
Declaration page………………………………………………………………………..i
Table of contents……………………………………………………………………...iv
List of tables and charts………………………………………………………………vii
PART A: INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................1
1. Rationale ....................................................................................................................1
2. Aims of the study.......................................................................................................2
3. Scope of the study......................................................................................................2
4. Significance of the study............................................................................................2
5. Method of the study ..................................................................................................3
6. Design of the study ....................................................................................................3
PART B: DEVELOPMENT............................................................................................5
CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW ..........................................................................5
1.1. Discourse ................................................................................................................5
1.1.1. The concept of discourse.................................................................................5
1.1.2. Discourse and text ...........................................................................................5
1.1.3. Spoken and written discourse..........................................................................6
1.1.4. Discourse analysis ...........................................................................................7
1.1.5. Context in discourse analysis ..........................................................................8 Context of situation .................................................................................8 Context of culture ....................................................................................8
1.1.6. Register and genre in discourse analysis.........................................................8
1.2. Cohesion .................................................................................................................9
1. 2.1. Definition of cohesion....................................................................................9
1.2.2. Cohesion vs. Coherence ..................................................................................9
1.2.3. Aspects of cohesion.......................................................................................10 Topical cohesion....................................................................................10 Logical cohesion....................................................................................10
1.2.4. Types of coheison..........................................................................................10 Grammatical cohesion ...........................................................................11 Reference .......................................................................................11 Substitution ....................................................................................12 Ellipsis............................................................................................13 Conjunction....................................................................................13 Lexical cohesion ....................................................................................14 Reiteration......................................................................................14 Collocation.....................................................................................14
1.3. Textbook and the book for grade 12 in gerneral throughout Vietnam .................15
CHAPTER 2: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION............................................................17
2.1. Grammatical cohesion..........................................................................................17
2.1.1. Reference.......................................................................................................17 Anaphoric reference ..............................................................................17 Cataphoric reference..............................................................................20 Exophoric reference...............................................................................21
2.1.2. Conjunctions..................................................................................................22 Additive .................................................................................................23 Temporal conjunction............................................................................24 Adversative conjunction ........................................................................24 Causal conjunction ................................................................................24
2.1.3. Substitution....................................................................................................25
2.1.4. Ellipsis...........................................................................................................26
2.2. Lexical cohesion....................................................................................................28
2.2.1. Reiteration .....................................................................................................28
2.2.2. Collocation ....................................................................................................30 Lexical collocation ................................................................................31 Grammatical collocation........................................................................33
2.3. Summary of cohesive devices in the textbook .......................................................34
CHAPTER 3: IMPLICATION FOR TEACHING ENGLISH .......................................36
3.1. Teaching cohesion through teaching reading.......................................................36
3.1.1. In terms of grammatical cohesion .................................................................36 Teaching conjunctions through teaching reading..................................36 Teaching reference through teaching reading .......................................37 Teaching collocation..............................................................................37 Teaching reiteration through teaching reading......................................38
3.1.2. Teaching cohesion through teaching writing ................................................39 Teaching grammatical cohesion through teaching writing....................39 Teaching lexical cohesion through teaching writing.............................39
PART C: CONCLUSION .............................................................................................40
1. Major findings..........................................................................................................40
2. Suggestions for further study ...................................................................................41
REFERENCE ...............................................................................................................42
SOURCES OF DATA………………………………………………………………..44
APPENDIX I:……………………………………………………..…………………...I
APPENDIX II: ............................................................................................................. VI
APPENDIX III: ...........................................................................................................VII
APPENDIX IV………………………………………………………………………..X
APPENDIX V:.............................................................................................................. XI
APPENDIX VI: ...........................................................................................................XII
APPENDIX VII: .........................................................................................................XIV
APPENDIX VIII:......................................................................................................... XV
APPENDIX IX............................................................................................................XXI
APPENDIX X:.......................................................................................................... XXII
APPENDIX XI............................................................................................................. XL
APPENDIX XII: .........................................................................................................XLI
APPENDIX XIII:.......................................................................................................XLII
APPENDIX XIV:..................................................................................................... XLIII
APPENDIX XV: .......................................................................................................XLIV
APPENDIX XVI:.......................................................................................................XLV
APPENDIX XVII:.....................................................................................................XLVI
1. Rationale
In the interconnected and globalized world nowadays, knowing English is of great
importance. That forces students, especially high school students, to have to equip
themselves with the basics of English, so that they can enter the world more easily, and to
some extent, better their future life. To grade 12 students, this is more essential. Not only do
they need English in the future, but in the nearer view English is one of the core subjects in
the GCSE examination, and the entrance examination to university.
Tracing back to these two national examinations recently, the high occurrence proportion of
cohesive devices can not be denied. In my observation, except for phonetic parts, cohesive
devices, along with their usage and meaning, are useful tools in both reading texts, and
many sentences in such parts as writing, mistake correction, and multiple choice questions.
That is to say, the teaching of cohesive devices is essential to grade 12 students.
Moreover, on the process of mastering language in general, English in particular, to
Vietnamese secondary students, reading is seen as the crucial tool that aids the learning of
the other skills. However, it is a fact that, these days, many high school students do not have
adequate linguistic knowledge to read and understand a whole written text in English.
During my process of teaching high school students, I come to realize that one of the
foremost reasons for which students often make errors at sentence and discourse levels is
due to their inattention to the cohesive devices used in the context of texts. What they do is
to try to look up new words, and then translate the texts into Vietnamese. As a result,
students find it hard to understand the text or express their answers in the comprehension
check questions even though they know most of the words. Those who are given in advance
unfamiliar words still show their inability in recognizing sentences, and word relations,
which leads to the misunderstanding or misinterpretation of the meaning of the texts.
In addition, according to my past experience of being a final-year student at high school, as
well as during my observation at my working place, most of the teachers, both my former
ones and my present colleagues, do not teach students how to realize word relations through
the cohesive devices.
Apart from a variety of mentioned things, many people have done researches on linguistics
and discourse analysis; yet, no suggestions have been given to high school teachers and
students so that they can do tasks relating to cohesion more successfully. Consequently, the
decisive motivation in doing this research derives from the extremely important role of
cohesion in the text and also the difficulties of my students who lack the ability to make
- 2 -
proper recognition of cohesive devices in written texts in their textbooks. This research
spends a large part looking closely at grammatical and lexical cohesive devices, under the
theory of cohesion by Halliday and Hasan (1976), used in the textbook for grade-12 students
in general in terms of the frequency of occurrence
2. Aims of the study
While carrying out this research, the researcher, firstly, attempts to describe and analyze
cohesive devices in the English textbook for grade 12 students in general throughout
Vietnam in term of grammar and lexis. Then, the research aims at giving some implications
for teaching cohesion, as well as certain sample cohesive exercises for designing material
for the revision of GSCE examination and the entrance examination to university. Finally,
by doing this study, the researcher hopes to indicate striking features of cohesive devices so
as to Giúp students understand the reading texts more effectively.
The following research questions are raised for exploration while carrying out the study:
1. What are the cohesive devices used in the textbook “Tiếng Anh 12 – Ban Cơ
Bản” for grade - 12 students general throughout Vietnam?
2. How can the findings Giúp teachers and their students in the teaching and
learning the textbook for grade 12 students?
3. Scope of the study
Within the limited time and knowledge, only grammatical and lexical cohesion in the
textbook “Tiếng Anh 12” for grade - 12 students general throughout Vietnam edited by
Hoang, V.V et al (2010), Education Publication House are observed. Furthermore, the study
does not propose all the possible solutions to teaching and learning cohesion but only some
implications that are directly drawn from the textbook observation and the observation of
the tests for GSCE examination and the entrance examination to university over the past few
years. Only two skills, reading and writing, are chosen to present.
4. Significance of the study
Theoretical significance: The study brings with it the task to verify the correctness
and significance of linguistic theory by working on the discourses of different issues in
social life mentioned in the researched textbook. It is hoped to prove the existing ideas on
cohesion to satisfy the individual’s question and, to some extent, hopefully to open a new
way of revising and preparing for candidates of the GCSE examination and the entrance
examination to university.
Practical significance: This research gives out some practical applications, such as
combining linguistic theory and practice in analyzing written English discourses in the
researched textbook. In addition, the researcher hopes to give teachers and students a hand
with teaching and learning cohesion through reading and writing skills.
5. Method of the study
Approaches and methods
The study can not reach its final page without a logical system of approaches and methods.
Both qualitative and quantitative approaches are applied. However, the latter is exploited
most of the time. The tackling methods are statistic and descriptive (getting the statistics
from the texts in the chosen textbook), analytical and synthetic (drawing striking features
from the book observation). Firstly, a number of materials on discourse analysis are
discovered to give the research a theoretical base. Then, it is ensured that none of the most
noticeable cohesive devices in the reading texts in the textbook for intermediate students at
grade 12 is missed their analysis and induction. Finally, the results are drawn out so that the
author can suggest some implications.
Data collection and analysis
The grammatical and lexical cohesive devices to be studied will be taken from the textbook
“Tiếng Anh 12” for grade 12 students at intermediate level edited by Hoang,V.V et al
(2010), Education Publication House.
6. Design of the study
The thesis capacity is within 40 pages, structured as follows:
Part A: Introduction introduces the rationale, objectives, scope, significance, methodology
and the design of the study.
Part B: Development
Chapter 1: Literature review deals with the theories related to Discourse and Discourse
Analysis, cohesion, and the textbook.
Chapter 2: Findings and discussion of textbook observation analyses cohesive devices
in the reading texts in the textbook for intermediate grade 12 students, basing on the view of
Halliday and Hasan (1976)
Chapter 3: Pedagogical implication of the study gives implications for teaching and
learning cohesion basing on reading and writing skills.
Part C: Conclusion aims at summarizing the thesis by showing the study results and giving
concluding remarks. Some suggestions for further studies are also included to promise the
continuance of the author’s future work.
Unit 6: Future jobs
( Tiếng Anh 12, page 63)
Preparing for a job interview can be stressful, particularly when you are called for the first
interview. Below are some pieces of advice that can Giúp you reduce the feeling of
pressure and create a good impression on your interviewer.
Before the interview
You should find out as much as possible about the job and the vacancy. Before the interview,
you have to send a letter of application and your résumés to the company to express your
interest in the job and to show that you might be the most suitable candidate for the
When you come to the interview, remember to bring with you your school
certificates and letters of recommendation from your teachers or your previous
employers. In addition, you may jot down your qualifications and experience that can
relate to the job and prepare for the questions that are often asked during the interview.
Make sure you know where the interview is and how to get there. Be on time or a few
minutes early. Don‟t forget to dress neatly and formally.

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