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Luận văn tiếng Anh:Evaluating the English phiên bản of the novel “Beloved Oxford” = Đánh giá bản dịch Việt - Anh tác phẩm “Oxford thương yêu”
M.A. Thesis English Linguistics -- University of Languages and International Studies. Vietnam National University, Hanoi, 2012
Over the past decade, more and more foreign works of literature have been translated into Vietnamese, and vice versa. However, quantity does not ensure quality. Translation quality has received much criticism from reviewers and readers. This thesis aims at investigating the quality of Vietnamese-English literary translation through the analysis of the English phiên bản of the novel Beloved Oxford. Due to the limit of the study, only the first three chapters are selected to be compared and analyzed to point out the strengths and weaknesses of the translated version. The translator encounters enormous difficulties in finding the appropriate equivalence. Based on the findings, some implications about the challenges of Vietnamese-English literary translation are drawn. Although the study has some limitations, it can be a useful reference for those who take interest in literary translation
PART 1: INTRODUCTION.......................................................................... 01
1. Rationale of the study................................................................................... 01
2. Scope of the study......................................................................................... 02
3. Aims of the study.......................................................................................... 02
4. Research methodology.................................................................................. 02
5. Organization of the study.............................................................................. 03
PART 2: DEVELOPMENT........................................................................... 04
CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW..................................................... 04
1.1. Literary translation..................................................................................... 04
1.1.1. Literary translation definition.......................................................... 04
1.1.2. Characteristics of literary translation............................................... 04
1.1.3. Methods used in literary translation................................................. 06
1.1.4. Problems of literary translation........................................................ 07
1.2. Translation quality assessment.................................................................. 09
1.2.1. Definition of translation quality assessment.................................... 09
1.2.2. Role of translation quality assessment............................................. 09
1.2.3. Models for translation quality assessment....................................... 10
2.1. Source text and the author......................................................................... 14
2.2. Translation and the translator.................................................................... 15
2.3. Translation quality assessment of the English phiên bản of Beloved
Oxford............................................................................................................... 16
2.3.1. Strengths........................................................................................... 16
2.3.2. Weaknesses...................................................................................... 18 Linguistic aspect.................................................................. 18 Translational aspect............................................................. 19
2.3.3. Summary.......................................................................................... 37
PART 3: CONCLUSION............................................................................... 38
1. Recapitulation............................................................................................... 38
2. Implications.................................................................................................. 38
3. Limitations and suggestion for further research........................................... 39
REFERENCES................................................................................................ 40
APPENDICES................................................................................................. I
APPENDIX 1................................................................................................... I
APPENDIX 2................................................................................................... III
1. Rationale for the study
Translation has been of great importance to the world‟s society and culture,
especially in the current process of globalization. Thanks to translation, more and
more books, documents, news have been translated between languages, which
enables human access to the repository of knowledge of many fields in different
languages. It also contributes to the introduction of each country‟s identity to the
world. Therefore, international understanding, social cultural awareness among
people is dramatically improved.
Among translation fields, literary translation catches many people‟s interest.
A lot of foreign literature works have been translated into Vietnamese, and vice
versa. However, the question of how much the quality of literary translation is
remains unanswered. A plenty of translated versions have drawn much criticism
from reviewers and readers for the last few years. Thus, assessing the translations
becomes inevitable.
The novel Beloved Oxford written by Duong Thuy (published in 2007) is
chosen for several reasons. Firstly, it is one of the best sellers in its original
Vietnamese language in 2007. The novel has been reprinted seventeen times with
the total copies of 59,500 so far (up to April, 2012)1. Secondly, Beloved Oxford is
one of my favourite novels, which helps me understand more about the life of
Vietnamese students overseas. This novel is translated into English by Elbert
Bloom, an American reader, who is fascinated by Duong Thuy‟s works.
These reasons and interests provide me with motivation to work on this
thesis, “Evaluating the English phiên bản of the novel Beloved Oxford”.
2. Scope of the study
The beautiful romantic novel Beloved Oxford consists of sixteen chapters.
On the ground of limited time, conditions, this thesis focuses on the first three
chapters, namely The Surprising School Admission, The Challenger, The Lonely
Winter respectively. These chapters are selected because they Giúp the readers
imagine the setting of the novel, the main characters‟ background and personalities;
and especially contain the typical strengths and weaknesses of the translation.
3. Aims of the study
The study is carried out to investigate the quality of the English phiên bản of
the novel Beloved Oxford based on Newmark‟s theory of translation criticism.
4. Research methodology
4.1. Research questions
In order to serve the aim of the study, two research questions are raised:
1. What are the strengths of the English phiên bản of Beloved Oxford in terms
of linguistic aspect and translational aspect?
2. What are the weaknesses of the English phiên bản of Beloved Oxford in
terms of linguistic aspect and translational aspect?
4.2. Research methods
To achieve the goal of the study, contrastive analysis is employed. The
researcher conducts the study in the following steps:
Building up a theoretical background for the study
Choosing an approach for TQA, that is Newmark‟s
Analyzing and comparing source text and target text to find out the
strengths and weaknesses of the translation in term of linguistic aspect
and translational aspect
5. Organization of the study
Part I is the Introduction which provides readers an overview of the thesis
including the rationale for the study, the aims, the scope, the methodology and the
organization of the study.
Part II is the Development, which includes two chapters.
Chapter 1 introduces the theoretical background knowledge related to literary
translation and TQA.
Chapter 2 is the main part of the study. It provides comparison and analysis
between original texts and translation texts, and discussion about the strengths and
weaknesses of the translation.
Part III is the Conclusion which summarizes the main ideas and findings of
the study, draws some implications for Vietnamese - English literary translations,
points out limitations of the study and makes suggestions for further research.
1.1. Literary translation
1.1.1. Literary translation definition
Translation plays an important role in increasing awareness and
understanding among diverse cultures and nations. Literary translations in particular
Giúp these different cultures reach a compromise. According to Toury (1995, cited
in Elkjær, 2010), a literary translation is a translation of a text deemed literary in the
source culture, which conforms - translates - to the requirements of a literary text in
the target culture. Therefore, in order for a translation to be a literary translation the
result of the translation must be acknowledged as literature in the target situation
and culture, thus bearing the target literature requirements upon it.
Having the same viewpoint, Schulte (2010) claims that “Literary translation
bridges the delicate emotional connections between cultures and languages and
furthers the understanding of human beings across national borders. In the act of
literary translation the soul of another culture becomes transparent, and the
translator recreates the refined sensibilities of foreign countries and their people
through the linguistic, musical, rhythmic, and visual possibilities of the new
1.1.2. Characteristics of literary translation
According to Reiss (1976/ 1989, cited in Huang, 2011) literary text - as an
“expressive” text type - has a set of typical features. It is in a written form, fictional,
and canonical, and has an aesthetic function, focusing on the expression of
emotions, with poetic language, implicit meanings, and deviations.
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Luận văn tiếng Anh:Evaluating the English phiên bản of the novel “Beloved Oxford” = Đánh giá bản dịch Việt - Anh tác phẩm “Oxford thương yêu”
M.A. Thesis English Linguistics -- University of Languages and International Studies. Vietnam National University, Hanoi, 2012
Over the past decade, more and more foreign works of literature have been translated into Vietnamese, and vice versa. However, quantity does not ensure quality. Translation quality has received much criticism from reviewers and readers. This thesis aims at investigating the quality of Vietnamese-English literary translation through the analysis of the English phiên bản of the novel Beloved Oxford. Due to the limit of the study, only the first three chapters are selected to be compared and analyzed to point out the strengths and weaknesses of the translated version. The translator encounters enormous difficulties in finding the appropriate equivalence. Based on the findings, some implications about the challenges of Vietnamese-English literary translation are drawn. Although the study has some limitations, it can be a useful reference for those who take interest in literary translation
PART 1: INTRODUCTION.......................................................................... 01
1. Rationale of the study................................................................................... 01
2. Scope of the study......................................................................................... 02
3. Aims of the study.......................................................................................... 02
4. Research methodology.................................................................................. 02
5. Organization of the study.............................................................................. 03
PART 2: DEVELOPMENT........................................................................... 04
CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW..................................................... 04
1.1. Literary translation..................................................................................... 04
1.1.1. Literary translation definition.......................................................... 04
1.1.2. Characteristics of literary translation............................................... 04
1.1.3. Methods used in literary translation................................................. 06
1.1.4. Problems of literary translation........................................................ 07
1.2. Translation quality assessment.................................................................. 09
1.2.1. Definition of translation quality assessment.................................... 09
1.2.2. Role of translation quality assessment............................................. 09
1.2.3. Models for translation quality assessment....................................... 10
2.1. Source text and the author......................................................................... 14
2.2. Translation and the translator.................................................................... 15
2.3. Translation quality assessment of the English phiên bản of Beloved
Oxford............................................................................................................... 16
2.3.1. Strengths........................................................................................... 16
2.3.2. Weaknesses...................................................................................... 18 Linguistic aspect.................................................................. 18 Translational aspect............................................................. 19
2.3.3. Summary.......................................................................................... 37
PART 3: CONCLUSION............................................................................... 38
1. Recapitulation............................................................................................... 38
2. Implications.................................................................................................. 38
3. Limitations and suggestion for further research........................................... 39
REFERENCES................................................................................................ 40
APPENDICES................................................................................................. I
APPENDIX 1................................................................................................... I
APPENDIX 2................................................................................................... III
1. Rationale for the study
Translation has been of great importance to the world‟s society and culture,
especially in the current process of globalization. Thanks to translation, more and
more books, documents, news have been translated between languages, which
enables human access to the repository of knowledge of many fields in different
languages. It also contributes to the introduction of each country‟s identity to the
world. Therefore, international understanding, social cultural awareness among
people is dramatically improved.
Among translation fields, literary translation catches many people‟s interest.
A lot of foreign literature works have been translated into Vietnamese, and vice
versa. However, the question of how much the quality of literary translation is
remains unanswered. A plenty of translated versions have drawn much criticism
from reviewers and readers for the last few years. Thus, assessing the translations
becomes inevitable.
The novel Beloved Oxford written by Duong Thuy (published in 2007) is
chosen for several reasons. Firstly, it is one of the best sellers in its original
Vietnamese language in 2007. The novel has been reprinted seventeen times with
the total copies of 59,500 so far (up to April, 2012)1. Secondly, Beloved Oxford is
one of my favourite novels, which helps me understand more about the life of
Vietnamese students overseas. This novel is translated into English by Elbert
Bloom, an American reader, who is fascinated by Duong Thuy‟s works.
These reasons and interests provide me with motivation to work on this
thesis, “Evaluating the English phiên bản of the novel Beloved Oxford”.
2. Scope of the study
The beautiful romantic novel Beloved Oxford consists of sixteen chapters.
On the ground of limited time, conditions, this thesis focuses on the first three
chapters, namely The Surprising School Admission, The Challenger, The Lonely
Winter respectively. These chapters are selected because they Giúp the readers
imagine the setting of the novel, the main characters‟ background and personalities;
and especially contain the typical strengths and weaknesses of the translation.
3. Aims of the study
The study is carried out to investigate the quality of the English phiên bản of
the novel Beloved Oxford based on Newmark‟s theory of translation criticism.
4. Research methodology
4.1. Research questions
In order to serve the aim of the study, two research questions are raised:
1. What are the strengths of the English phiên bản of Beloved Oxford in terms
of linguistic aspect and translational aspect?
2. What are the weaknesses of the English phiên bản of Beloved Oxford in
terms of linguistic aspect and translational aspect?
4.2. Research methods
To achieve the goal of the study, contrastive analysis is employed. The
researcher conducts the study in the following steps:
Building up a theoretical background for the study
Choosing an approach for TQA, that is Newmark‟s
Analyzing and comparing source text and target text to find out the
strengths and weaknesses of the translation in term of linguistic aspect
and translational aspect
5. Organization of the study
Part I is the Introduction which provides readers an overview of the thesis
including the rationale for the study, the aims, the scope, the methodology and the
organization of the study.
Part II is the Development, which includes two chapters.
Chapter 1 introduces the theoretical background knowledge related to literary
translation and TQA.
Chapter 2 is the main part of the study. It provides comparison and analysis
between original texts and translation texts, and discussion about the strengths and
weaknesses of the translation.
Part III is the Conclusion which summarizes the main ideas and findings of
the study, draws some implications for Vietnamese - English literary translations,
points out limitations of the study and makes suggestions for further research.
1.1. Literary translation
1.1.1. Literary translation definition
Translation plays an important role in increasing awareness and
understanding among diverse cultures and nations. Literary translations in particular
Giúp these different cultures reach a compromise. According to Toury (1995, cited
in Elkjær, 2010), a literary translation is a translation of a text deemed literary in the
source culture, which conforms - translates - to the requirements of a literary text in
the target culture. Therefore, in order for a translation to be a literary translation the
result of the translation must be acknowledged as literature in the target situation
and culture, thus bearing the target literature requirements upon it.
Having the same viewpoint, Schulte (2010) claims that “Literary translation
bridges the delicate emotional connections between cultures and languages and
furthers the understanding of human beings across national borders. In the act of
literary translation the soul of another culture becomes transparent, and the
translator recreates the refined sensibilities of foreign countries and their people
through the linguistic, musical, rhythmic, and visual possibilities of the new
1.1.2. Characteristics of literary translation
According to Reiss (1976/ 1989, cited in Huang, 2011) literary text - as an
“expressive” text type - has a set of typical features. It is in a written form, fictional,
and canonical, and has an aesthetic function, focusing on the expression of
emotions, with poetic language, implicit meanings, and deviations.

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