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Flotation Technology (Handbook of Environmental Engineering, Volume 12)
Lawrence K. Wang, Nazih K. Shammas, William A. Selke, Donald B. Aulenbach
The Handbook of Environmental Engineering series is an incredible collection of methodologies that study the effects of pollution and waste in their three basic forms: gas, solid, and liquid. This exciting new addition to the series, Volume 12: Flotation Technology, has been designed to serve as both a basic flotation textbook and a comprehensive reference book. An indispensable guide for advanced undergraduate and graduate students, designers of water and wastewater treatment systems, scientists, and researchers, this volume is essential for all readers who are interested in the specialized investigation of the theory and practice of various wastewater systems. A critical volume in the Handbook of Environmental Engineering series, chapters employ methods of practical design and calculation illustrated by numerical examples, include pertinent cost data whenever possible, and explore in great detail the fundamental principles of the field. Volume 12: Flotation Technology, provides information on some of the most innovative and ground-breaking advances in the field today from a panel of esteemed experts. Coverage of the principles of air flotation technology and the fundamentals of water and wastewater flotation and lake restoration. Emphasis on industry standards, trends in the field, full-scale operation and laboratory simulation of air flotation processes. Examples of actual operating water and wastewater treatment plants based on air flotation Reference of practical use to scientists, researchers, educators and designers of water and wastewater treatment systems. Contents: Principles of Air Flotation Technology. Gas Dissolution, Release, and Bubble Formation. Separation of Oil From Wastewater. Fundamentals of Wastewater Flotation. Electroflotation. Electrocoagulation-flotation. Treatment of Paper Mill Whitewater. Recycling and Recovery of Raw Materials. Ozone-oxygen Oxidation Flotation, Wastewater Renovation by Flotation. Flotation-Filtration System for Wastewater Reuse. Algae Removal by Flotation. Completely Closed Water Systems in Paper Mills. Lake Restoration Using DAF. Jiminy Peak, Hancock, Massachusetts Wastewater Treatment Plant. Pittsfield, Massachusetts Water Treatment System. Pretreatment of Meat Processing Waste. Treatment of Seafood Processing Wastewater. Laboratory Simulation of Air Flotation Processes. Appendix. Index.

Abstract Air flotation, in all its variations, is an efficient way to separate light particulates
and oils from wastewater. Particulates that adhere to an air bubble, either by adsorption or
absorption, can be floated from the liquid phase. Polymers may be added to improve the
attachment of the particle to the bubble. Agglomerization of colloids into floc particles with
the aid of chemicals will aid in their removal. Some soluble materials can be precipitated with
chemicals, allowing their removal. If the wastewater is chemically pretreated to break the oil
emulsion, air flotation units are capable of removing most of the emulsified oil in addition to
the free oil. This chapter covers the theory and practice of air flotation and the various
flotation processes including electroflotation, dissolved air flotation (DAF), induced air
flotation (IAF), and nozzle air flotation (NAF).
Key Words Particulate separation  air flotation  electroflotation  DAF  IAF  NAF 
performance  costs.

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