Luận văn tiếng Anh: Investigating the difficulties in reading English for specific purposes experienced by the Second-year students at Thai Nguyen University of Technology = Khảo sát những khó khăn trong việc học đọc tiếng Anh chuyên ngành của sinh viên năm thứ hai Trường Đại học Kỹ thuật Công nghiệp Thái Nguyên. M.A. Thesis Linguistics: 60 14 10
Nhà xuất bản: University of Languages and International Studies
Ngày: 2011
Chủ đề: Tiếng Anh
Kĩ năng đọc
Sinh viên
Thái Nguyên
Miêu tả: 44 p. + CD-ROM
M.A. Thesis English teaching methodology -- University of Languages and International Studies. Vietnam National University, Hanoi, 2011
As we all know, reading is one of the most effective ways to obtain knowledge. For students at Thai Nguyen University of Technology, in learning English, especially English for electrical and mechanical engineering, it is an important skill which is paid more attention than other skills because they will have to read English materials related to their future jobs. However, they encounter a lot of difficulties when reading and do not get good marks. So what are the difficulties that they face during reading ESP materials? And what hinders their reading comprehension?. This study aims to explore the areas of difficulties in ESP reading experienced by second-year students at Thai Nguyen University of Technology and the causes of their unsuccessful reading comprehension. To collect data for the study, a survey questionnaire was done on 100 second-year students randomly chosen from K45. The results of study have shown that our students have difficulties in such areas as vocabulary, grammar, discourse, and reading skills and background knowledge. Their sources of difficulties are: inadequate linguistic knowledge, unsuitable reading materials, the teaching methods of teachers and negative attitude of students. This study also suggests some ways to reduce their difficulties when reading ESP materials to get better results

1. Rationale
2. Aims of the study
3. Methods of the study
4. Scope of the study
5. Organization of the study
Chapter 1: Literature review
1. The nature of reading
1.1 Definition of reading and reading comprehension
1.2 Reading process
1.3 Reading comprehension skills
2. ESP reading
2.1 Definition of ESP
2.2 Reading skills in ESP
2.3 ESP reading materials
3. Reading difficulties for non-native learners
3.1 Reading skills problems
3.2 Language problems
3.3 Cultural and background knowledge and reading difficulties
4. Summary
Chapter 2: Investigation into the current situation of teaching and
learning ESP at TNUT
1. Introduction to Thai Nguyen University of Technology
2. Syllabus, materials and assessment
3. Teachers and methods of teaching
4. Students
5. Summary
Chapter 3: Research Methodology
1. Research questions
2. The participants
3. The data collection instrument
4. Procedure for data collection
5. Data analysis
Chapter 4: Findings and discussion
1. Students‟ attitude towards ESP reading
2. Students‟ opinion of ESP reading difficulties
2.1 In the area of vocabulary
2.2 In the area of grammar
2.3 In the area of discourse
2.4 In the area of reading skills
2.5 In the area of background knowledge
2.6. Rank order of ESP reading difficulties
3. The causes of difficulties
3.1 The reading materials
3.2 The teachers
3.3 The learners
4. Students‟ recommendations for improving reading
5. Summary
Chapter 5: Pedagogical implications
1. Making ESP reading interesting and useful
2. Developing ESP reading materials
2.1 Adjusting and improving reading exercises
2.2 Updating reading texts in the coursebook
3. Training students to become efficient readers
3.1 Making students aware of the nature of reading process
3.2 Making students fully aware of their purpose of reading
3.3 Teaching students a variety of reading strategies
3.4 Encouraging students to develop extensive reading habits
4. Improvement of teachers‟ teaching techniques in the classroom
4.1 Employing three phases in ESP reading lessons
4.2 Giving homework and checking the previous lessons frequently
4.3 Adjusting teaching time and imposing time limits
5. Summary
1. Conclusion
2. Limitations of the study and suggestions for further study
1. Rationale
Nowadays, English has become more and more important than ever when Vietnam
integrated into the international arena. The number of people who wants to learn
English is increasing, they are trying to learn it with the hope that they can use it
In teaching and learning English as a foreign language in Vietnam, reading has
always received a lot of attention for the reason that reading is not only an important
means to get knowledge but also a means of further study.
Students at TNUT learn two semesters of GE in the first year. After that they learn
ESP in the third semester in the second year. During the GE course, they learn all four
skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking. However, when they learn ESP,
reading skill is paid most attention to. These students are future technical engineers so
they have to learn ESP to make themselves familiar with technical materials.
Therefore, they will be able to handle subject-related written materials in English and
work with modern technological equipment. The ability to read English is an important
skill to gain access to knowledge in technology. However, in spite of the efforts of the
teachers and students, the teachers often find their students‟ reading skill disappointing,
which does not meet the requirements of the university. There are many factors which
affect the teaching and learning process such as: unsuitable teaching materials,
inappropriate attitude of the teachers and students towards the subject, inappropriate
teaching methods…etc.
For all the above reasons, I would like to find out the areas of students‟ reading
difficulties at TNUT and the causes of their unsuccessful reading comprehension.
Hopefully, when the results of the study are stated, the students can have some
suggestions to improve their reading skill and use their reading skill more effectively.
2. Aims of the study
This study is designed to find out the areas of difficulties in ESP reading
experienced by the second-year students at Thai Nguyen University of Technology and
the causes of their unsuccessful reading comprehension. The aims of the study are as
- To investigate the students‟ attitude towards ESP reading.
- To find out the students‟ areas of difficulty and the sources of difficulty.
- To examine the students‟ needs in terms of reading material and teaching
- To suggest ways to reduce the difficulties and Giúp them to improve their reading
3. Methods of the study
To achieve the aims of the study, both qualitative and quantitative methods are used.
By means of qualitative method, the researcher has to refer to different materials,
previous researches and relevant issues related to reading and ESP reading. By means
of quantitative method, a survey questionnaire is used. The survey questionnaire is
done on 100 second-year students at Thai Nguyen University of Technology.
4. Scope of the study
Because of the size of this minor thesis, the study is only focused on investigating
some linguistic and reading skills problems and background knowledge difficulties in
ESP reading faced by the second-year students at Thai Nguyen University of
5. Organization of the study
The thesis includes three parts.
The first part “Introduction” comprises a rationale for the study, the aims, the
method, the scope of the study and the organization of the thesis.
The second part “Development” consists of five chapters:
Chapter 1 is concerned with the theoretical background related to the research topic
such as the nature of reading, ESP reading and ESP reading difficulties for non-native
Chapter 2 examines the current situation of teaching and learning ESP reading at
Thai Nguyen University of Technology.
Chapter 3 presents the research methodology with the focus on the research
questions, the participants, the instruments and data collection procedure.
Chapter 4 analyzes the collected data and discusses the findings.
Chapter 5 gives some suggestions to reduce difficulties and improve the teaching
and learning of ESP reading.
This questionnaire is designed for my study to find out the difficulties that the
second-year students at Thai Nguyen University of Technology often face in reading
English for Electrical and Mechanical engineering and the causes of those difficulties.
There should be no right or wrong answers, only your own reflection and opinions.
Your input is not only invaluable data for the study but also a great contribution to the
betterment of your own learning. All information provided shall remain confidential.
Thank you very much for your cooperation!
Please provide the necessary answers in the spaces provided or tick the appropriate
* Gender □ Male □ Female
* Where do you live? □ Rural □ Urban
* Did you learn English before entering Thai Nguyen University of Technology?
□ Yes □ No
If Yes, when did you start learning English?..................................................
If No, what language did you learn?...............................................................
* Level of your English skill
□ Very good □ Good □ Barely acceptable □ Poor □ Very poor
* Level of your English reading skill
□ Very good □ Good □ Barely acceptable □ Poor □ Very poor
* Your average mark of GE in the first year. …………………………..…….
Please tick the appropriate option.
1. Reading is an important skill in learning ESP.
□ Strongly agree □ Agree □ Disagree □ Strongly disagree
2. Reading ESP is very necessary for our future job.
□ Strongly agree □ Agree □ Disagree □ Strongly disagree
3. You like reading ESP very much.
□ Strongly agree □ Agree □ Disagree □ Strongly disagree
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