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Luận văn tiếng Anh:An investigation into the applicability of critical strategy in group work to the teaching of speaking skills for the second year students at English department of Hong Duc university = Nghiên cứu khả năng ứng dụng chiến lược phản biện theo nhóm vào giảng dạy kỹ năng nói cho sinh viên năm thứ hai khoa tiếng Anh trường Đại học Hồng Đức tỉnh Thanh Hóa. M.A. Thesis Linguistics: 60 14 10

M.A. Thesis. English Language Teaching Methodology -- University of Languages and International Studies. Vietnam National University, Hanoi, 2011
The study investigates the applicability of critical strategy in group work to the teaching of speaking skills for the second year students at English Department of Hong Duc University. Two survey questionnaires and four classroom observations were used to examine the teachers' and students' attitudes and beliefs towards CS in groups, the reality of application, the difficulties faced by the teachers and students as well as the possible suggestions to improve CS in group work for life long learning process. Results of the study showed that both groups of teachers and students are fully aware of the sheer importance of CS in group work to the students' speaking skills improvement. Using CS in groups, according to the findings, may be a feasible solution to heighten the speaking abilities and capacities, and confidence of the second-year students as well as raising mutual interactions between the teacher and students and the students themselves. Besides, this strategy are also considered to be able to improve teachers' teaching methodologies in relation with the process of renovation for teaching at the Foreign Language Department, HDU currently
1. Rationale of the study
It is recognized that in recent years, in the field of second language acquisition (SLA),
researchers have been more interested in studying the learning process than the learning
product and in the development of communicative competence than that of linguistic
competence ( Chen, 1990). For this tendency, the present study is intended to investigate
into the applicability of critical strategy in groups in the speaking lessons for English
major students at Hong Duc University based on the following reasons:
Firstly, there is an urgent need to improve students' communicative competence in addition
to lexical and grammatical knowledge. In fact, we are living in the twenty-first century
with the dominance of English all over the world in such important areas as aviation,
business, commerce, technology, science, international relations and diplomacy. In
accordance with the open policies to integrate into the world community, the large number
of companies from different countries investing into several fields in Vietnam. Therefore,
the necessity for English has been increasing very rapidly, in particular English speaking
skills has become a common requirement for jobs, and is considered to be a "ladder" to a
successful career. Being aware of that, in the past years, the teaching staff of English at
Hong Duc University (HDU) has been trying hard to define suitable methods and to
compile appropriate materials for language teaching and learning in which speaking skills
is treated as the most important of the four language skills but has not been successful in
producing sufficient, fluent foreign language speakers. One of the main reasons is the lack
of frequent practice from students. To enhance students' speaking skills development,
teachers need to create more opportunities for the students to practice and learn from their
own strengths and weaknesses as well as their peers' weaknesses and strengths. Among
suggested solutions, CS in groups can be of great Giúp because it is the interaction in the
classroom among students to express their opinions on the topics. Moreover, through these
activities students will learn the way to co-operate in the group or team that is very
important in the real world and positive social relation in the community.
Secondly, opponent strategy in groups is one of the teaching techniques designed in the
communicative approach which emerges as the latest development because of its
superiority. In the view of this approach, the learner is considered the center of the learning
process, the teacher servers as a facilitator, allowing students to be in charge of their own
learning. Breen, M. and Candlin, C.N. (1980) stated that learners should be active in
groups as well as in classroom activities to enhance their interactive learning to be
communicatively competent. However, there is a fact that not all learners are participants
in the speaking lessons because of shyness, lacking motivation or poor knowledge of
pronunciation and vocabulary. Thus, in order to involve all learners in class activities, it is
the teachers' business to design and apply techniques to increase students' participation in
class activities and makes them more active. CS in groups is one of the feasible methods to
motivate students to participate heartily in speaking activities in the class.
Finally, the paper is implemented to investigate the effectiveness of applying this
technique and from that discovering its strong and weak points to set up the most relevant
ones in terms of contents. The results obtained based on the theoretical background and the
present use of it at the Foreign Language Department, HDU would Giúp students to raise
their speaking skills as well as improve teachers' teaching methodologies in relation with
the process of renovation for teaching at the Foreign Language Department, HDU
2. Aims of the Study
The research focuses on investigating the practice of the critical strategy used by the
teachers at English Department of Hong Duc University and giving some suggestions for
applying CS to enhance the students' speaking skills. The specific aims of the research are
as follows:
- To investigate the teachers' and the students' beliefs and attitudes towards the
application of the critical strategy in groups in the speaking lessons .
- To find out the reality of teaching and learning CS in groups in the speaking lessons
- To find out the teachers' challenges when applying the critical strategy in groups in the
speaking lessons.
- To give some possible suggestions for using the critical strategy in groups to enhance
students' speaking skills.
3. Research questions of the Study
Regarding to the aims of the research, , the following research questions are put forward:
1. What are the teachers' and students' beliefs and attitudes towards the application of
the critical strategy in groups in the speaking lessons ?
2. How is Critical Strategy applied in the speaking lessons?
3. What are the challenges underlying the application of the critical strategy in teaching
speaking to the English second year students?
4. What modifications are necessary to make the critical strategy possible ?
4. Scope of the Study
There has existed a variety of strategies to the teaching of speaking skills at English
Department of HDU, but the study only focuses on investigating the applicability of the CS
in groups to the teaching of speaking skills for the second-year students there.
5. Methods of the Study
The major method used in this study was survey. Firstly, two survey questionnaires were
administered to the teachers and the students. Secondly, based on the obtained results from
the questionnaires, the class observations were carried out in class k12. These were to find
out the reality of applying CS in groups in the speaking lessons including the techniques
and activities used, the atmosphere of the classroom, the students' attitudes to the lessons
and their interactions during the lessons.
6. Design of the Study
The study is divided into three parts: Part 1 is the introduction including the rationale, the
aims, the research questions, the scope and methods of the study; Part 2 is the
development, which consists of three chapters: chapter 1 is the literature on knowledge of
speaking skills, of the Critical Strategy (CS) and offactors affecting the application of CS
in the teaching of speaking; Chapter 2 is the study, which presents the actual procedure of
the study including the setting, subjects, sample, instrumentation, data collection and data
analysis; chapter 3 is the major findings and discussion.; Part 3 is the conclusion, which
contains the main points discussed in the paper, some limitations of the study and future
research will be presented.
1.1 Introduction
This chapter is concerned with some of issues in the theories of the speaking skills and of
the Critical Strategy. This review of related literature focuses on the two following
sections: (1) theoretical background of speaking skills; (2) theoretical background of CS.
1.2 An overview of speaking skills
1.2.1 Definitions of Speaking
In English study, speaking can be considered as a major component or an inseparable part
of any language learning process. Therefore, speaking has been the object of numerous
studies with varieties of definitions.
Speaking, according to Donough and Shaw (1993), is a skill which enables people to
produce utterances when communicating to achieve a particular end. Savignon (1991) also
states that language generated by the learners, hence speaking is a productive skill referring
to produce systematic verbal utterances to convey meaning. The fact that a wide range of
appropriate expressions is needed to fulfill particular purposes in communication,
Brown (1994: 45) and Burns & Joyce (1997: 29) share the same ideas that speaking is an
inter-active process of constructing meaning that involves producing and receiving and
processing information. Likewise, Byrne (1991:9) proves that oral skills in communication
are complementary. In most of the process of communication, the roles of speakers and
listeners are interchanged, information gaps between them are created, and then closed
with the effort from both sides. Thus, speaking is comprehended as a two-way process
between speaker and listener involving the productive skills of communication.
In another expression, Richard and Rodgers (1986:165) define speaking as "the range of
exercise types and activities with a communication approach is unlimited, provided that
such exercises and activities enable learners to attain the communicative objectives of the
curriculum, engage learners in communication and require the use of such communicative
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