
New Member
I affirm to God, I absolutely am not a cabal approach nutcase. I candidly make fun of these Alex Jones blazon of bodies but about 3am this morning I was acutely apathetic and activity through accidental Youtube videos, and I came beyond some alarming sh*t. This is one possible, I repeat, accessible cabal I may accept is real.

I haven't had time to absolutely dig abysmal into all of the accomplishments so I'll acquaint you what I've apprehend so far and accept apparent for myself.

1) Agog Bouncer is currently a collective NorthCOM (whatever the arctic american command affair is for the military) EU operation. Basically, we accept some American troops and adopted soldiers practicing for a ample agitator beforehand on the US and/or some affectionate of apostasy in which the adopted troops abetment in demography aback or over the country, depending on how you appearance this. I researched this and begin out this allotment is 100% accurate. It's currently actuality conducted appropriate now and the government doesn't abjure it. This of beforehand fabricated me abide digging added into the blow of the information.

2) Operation blackjack was appear in a UK bi-weekly as a banana band BUT here's the theory...supposedly, the Illuminati (or whatever name you ambition to accredit to them as) accept some affectionate of aphorism area they ALWAYS acquaint you what they're activity to do in advance. Ok, this allotment sounds like balderdash to me too, but I kept account on.

3) As I kept digging into this I begin out that the declared artifice of Operation Blackjack is that the "Illuminati" will date apocryphal banderole NUCLEAR and/or biological attacks on June 26 in the US, Canada, and UK. They again use this as an alibi to conductor in a apple government by aboriginal authoritative the Arctic American Union official, again eventually amalgamation it with the EU, and on and on.

4) Ok so 2 and 3 complete like BS, and that's what I anticipation UNTIL I started account about some affectionate of Hexadecimal Cipher that was anchored aural the banana strip. Back application software to break it THOUSANDS of altered bodies (so it's not 1 antecedent that's aloof actuality repeated) begin a few letters aural it, such as 2 admission clocks, a bulletin that said "this banana is not a antic and is for real", and some added actuality like the NAU, and so on. Really, I abridgement capacity but this fabricated me anticipate ok maybe these bodies are assimilate commodity if I can get to the code. This is back I accomplished this may not be a joke...

5) If you go on youtube and chase for operation blackjack or agog sentry, you'll ascertain that all of the actual abundant vids that showed how to acquisition the code, how to break it, shows you the admission clock, accept been removed by youtube SEVERAL times, IP's accept been blocked, etc, and the vids accept to accumulate actuality re-upped.

6) There was 2 or 3 sites committed alone to advertisement this, two of them showed the admission alarm and if you go there, the server is now OFFLINE and you can't admission the website. Why is that? It's not a bulletin that the buyer didn't pay the bill, you can't affix to the armpit AT ALL. Also, addition armpit that was alone acquaint on youtube has the aforementioned problem, and alike the aboriginal commodity at the telegraph (UK newspaper) is no best accessible on their website. Some bodies accept additionally has their internet account cut off by their providers and accept had to swtich casework aloof to get the net, for now.

This sh*t sounds so cabal but I absolutely can't get over the actuality that Bouncer is 100% real, I've witnessed the websites actuality blocked, and so on. If there's annihilation to hide, who keeps blocking these websites and deleting the videos? Don't acquaint me it's not advancing from up top because bethink the aforementioned affair is accident in Iran.



New Member
1. Blackjack is FICTITIOUS

2. Ardent Sentry is a Disaster Preparedness Exercise, not a abstruse government awning up.

jeez louise dude WTF is right.



New Member
join the anarchy friend. sad that the answers you accept been accustomed are so dis missive. Check operation dejected axle as able-bodied and alpha investigating. the point of no acknowledgment is about to be crossed. blackjack is a phsy op prepping the association for somethin big. and stop cerebration conspiracy, its a anticipation badge byword fabricated to make you feel asinine if you catechism what you are seeing. and stop you from discussing what your feeling. booty the dejected bolus if you appetite to break asleep. its easier to digest. like the applesauce we get fed.


New Member
june 26th. able-bodied at atomic we'll apperceive by the end of the week. the illuminati already cotrol aggregate appropriate and if they could cull this off it'd aloof be easier to aphorism from the shadows. whatever i'm ready, i don't accept annihilation anyhow it could alone get bigger active beneath the illuminati, get a job maybe a basin of gruel. I was activity to go to NYC saturday though, maybe it'll be alike added fun afterwards the illuminati attack.

i've heard about our accord to accompany in foriegn soldiers to annihilate an insurgence and it's appropriate becaue some conservatives are criticizing that some anarchism badge in iran are not iranian but we accept the aforementioned accident plan to accompany in foriegn troops if ours won't advance thier own people.



New Member
If I accept to accept american ethics in the abutting few canicule there will be a rebellion, because I dont apperceive any canadian that wants to be an american(no breach but your country seems fubar).

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