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John Loughran, Mary Lynn Hamilton
Chapter 1
Developing an Understanding of Teacher
John Loughran and Mary Lynn Hamilton
Teacher education is a field of study that has increasingly come under scrutiny in
recent times as the expectations for the teaching workforce and the hopes for
advancement in school learning are so often tied to the perceived ‘quality’ of initial
teacher education. It could reasonably be argued that such attribution is as a conse
quence of a particular conception of teaching and learning that ostensibly portrays
them as existing in a direct ‘cause and effect’ short-term, immediately measureable,
linear relationship. As a consequence, although perhaps not always stated as such,
telling as teaching and listening as learning (Loughran, 2010) persist. As a conse
quence, school teaching and learning is simplistically portrayed as a ‘banking
model’ (Freire, 1972), thr ough which ‘rate of return’ and ‘substantive interest’ are
linked to curriculum certainty delivered through transmis sive teaching approaches
(Barnes, 1976) de signed to mitigate variability. Not only does such a situation cloud
the reality of the nature of schooling but it also leads to confusion about that which
is reasonable to expect of pre-service teacher education.
The real world of teaching and learning is ever evolving as the constantly chang
ing relationship of teaching to learning and learning to teaching exists in a dynamic,
symbiotic manner. In such a relationship, immediate, short term and direct impact
is not the only – or necessarily the main – outcome (although it is perhaps the easiest
to measure). Rather change occurs over time and is inevitably highly variable.
However, as is consistently demonstrated in the research literature, the need for
favourable conditions is essential for positive, meaningful and productive outcomes in student learning . Such conditions range across a diversity of areas that impact
schooling including: school based management (Fullan & Watson, 2000); organisa
tional leadership (Mulford & Silins, 2003); teacher pro fessional learning
(Groundwater-Smith & Mockler, 2009; Hoban, 2002); teacher efficacy (Tschannen
Morana & Barrb, 2004); and of particular importance in the digital age, pedagogical
developme nt through the use of ICTs (McConatha, Penny, Schugar, & Bolton,
2013). Yet despite all of this, teacher education continues to be viewed as not only
the beginning, but also the end, in terms of how well ‘trained’ teachers are in rela
tion to improving student learning. The implicit assumption being that prospective
teachers should receive all the ‘training’ they need through their teacher education
programme to not only prepare them for teaching, but also carry them for the rest of
their career; a somewhat limited view of that which comprises the knowledge, skills
and abilities of teaching that appears supported by simplistic views of what it means
to learn to teach.
Learning to Teach
Trying to teach is deeply unsettling and conflictive because experience itself … is a para
dox , an unanticipated social relation, and a problem of interpretation. Practice here falls
somewhere between a dress rehearsal and a daily performance. It is sometimes a real event,
or only in its anticipation. But it also reaches into thinking about what has happened or what
did not happen … Teachers feel an inordinate responsibility to single-handedly make stu
dents learn while they wonder how students are affecting and influencing them. They hope
there is a direct relationship between teaching and learning. More often than not, this wish
feels spoiled. The practice of teaching, because it is concocted from relations with others
and occurs in structures that are not of one’s own making is, first and foremost, an uncertain
experience that one must learn to interpret and ma ke significant. (Britzman, 2003, p. 3)
Unfortunately, as alluded to earlier, because the more dominant public view of
teaching is that it exists in a linear and direct relationship with learning, what it
means to learn to teach is enmeshed in a similar perception. Hence, it is not difficult
to see why the view that good teacher education should be able to train students of
teaching so that they are ‘ classroom ready’ (TEMAG, 2014) persists. The very lan
guage of training tends to trivialize the importance of Britzman’s points (above)
about the challenges of learning to teach. In fact, by considering learning to teach as
training, the problematic nature of practice that can unsettle students of teaching
(Nilsson, 2009), the knowledge, skills, ability and experience essential to learning
to recognize and respond to the dilemmas of practice (Cabaroglu, 2014; Wallace &
Louden, 2002), a nd the need to become comfortable with unce rtainty (Berry, 2007),
make clear that learning to teach is far more about an educative experience rather
than an approach to training. For students of teaching, making the shift from views
of teaching based on delivering content through transmissive teaching, to learning
to ‘teach f or understanding’ is both chal lenging and rewarding:
My practicum [school teaching experience] revealed to me the challenges of teaching and
the continuous journey of improvement that can be undertaken as a teacher if one chooses
to continually reflect and be critical of their own performance. I experienced first-hand that
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International Handbook of Teacher Education: Volume 2
John Loughran, Mary Lynn Hamilton
Chapter 1
Developing an Understanding of Teacher
John Loughran and Mary Lynn Hamilton
Teacher education is a field of study that has increasingly come under scrutiny in
recent times as the expectations for the teaching workforce and the hopes for
advancement in school learning are so often tied to the perceived ‘quality’ of initial
teacher education. It could reasonably be argued that such attribution is as a conse
quence of a particular conception of teaching and learning that ostensibly portrays
them as existing in a direct ‘cause and effect’ short-term, immediately measureable,
linear relationship. As a consequence, although perhaps not always stated as such,
telling as teaching and listening as learning (Loughran, 2010) persist. As a conse
quence, school teaching and learning is simplistically portrayed as a ‘banking
model’ (Freire, 1972), thr ough which ‘rate of return’ and ‘substantive interest’ are
linked to curriculum certainty delivered through transmis sive teaching approaches
(Barnes, 1976) de signed to mitigate variability. Not only does such a situation cloud
the reality of the nature of schooling but it also leads to confusion about that which
is reasonable to expect of pre-service teacher education.
The real world of teaching and learning is ever evolving as the constantly chang
ing relationship of teaching to learning and learning to teaching exists in a dynamic,
symbiotic manner. In such a relationship, immediate, short term and direct impact
is not the only – or necessarily the main – outcome (although it is perhaps the easiest
to measure). Rather change occurs over time and is inevitably highly variable.
However, as is consistently demonstrated in the research literature, the need for
favourable conditions is essential for positive, meaningful and productive outcomes in student learning . Such conditions range across a diversity of areas that impact
schooling including: school based management (Fullan & Watson, 2000); organisa
tional leadership (Mulford & Silins, 2003); teacher pro fessional learning
(Groundwater-Smith & Mockler, 2009; Hoban, 2002); teacher efficacy (Tschannen
Morana & Barrb, 2004); and of particular importance in the digital age, pedagogical
developme nt through the use of ICTs (McConatha, Penny, Schugar, & Bolton,
2013). Yet despite all of this, teacher education continues to be viewed as not only
the beginning, but also the end, in terms of how well ‘trained’ teachers are in rela
tion to improving student learning. The implicit assumption being that prospective
teachers should receive all the ‘training’ they need through their teacher education
programme to not only prepare them for teaching, but also carry them for the rest of
their career; a somewhat limited view of that which comprises the knowledge, skills
and abilities of teaching that appears supported by simplistic views of what it means
to learn to teach.
Learning to Teach
Trying to teach is deeply unsettling and conflictive because experience itself … is a para
dox , an unanticipated social relation, and a problem of interpretation. Practice here falls
somewhere between a dress rehearsal and a daily performance. It is sometimes a real event,
or only in its anticipation. But it also reaches into thinking about what has happened or what
did not happen … Teachers feel an inordinate responsibility to single-handedly make stu
dents learn while they wonder how students are affecting and influencing them. They hope
there is a direct relationship between teaching and learning. More often than not, this wish
feels spoiled. The practice of teaching, because it is concocted from relations with others
and occurs in structures that are not of one’s own making is, first and foremost, an uncertain
experience that one must learn to interpret and ma ke significant. (Britzman, 2003, p. 3)
Unfortunately, as alluded to earlier, because the more dominant public view of
teaching is that it exists in a linear and direct relationship with learning, what it
means to learn to teach is enmeshed in a similar perception. Hence, it is not difficult
to see why the view that good teacher education should be able to train students of
teaching so that they are ‘ classroom ready’ (TEMAG, 2014) persists. The very lan
guage of training tends to trivialize the importance of Britzman’s points (above)
about the challenges of learning to teach. In fact, by considering learning to teach as
training, the problematic nature of practice that can unsettle students of teaching
(Nilsson, 2009), the knowledge, skills, ability and experience essential to learning
to recognize and respond to the dilemmas of practice (Cabaroglu, 2014; Wallace &
Louden, 2002), a nd the need to become comfortable with unce rtainty (Berry, 2007),
make clear that learning to teach is far more about an educative experience rather
than an approach to training. For students of teaching, making the shift from views
of teaching based on delivering content through transmissive teaching, to learning
to ‘teach f or understanding’ is both chal lenging and rewarding:
My practicum [school teaching experience] revealed to me the challenges of teaching and
the continuous journey of improvement that can be undertaken as a teacher if one chooses
to continually reflect and be critical of their own performance. I experienced first-hand that

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International Handbook of Teacher Education: Volume 2