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Download miễn phí Selling activities of Ha Trung Plastic Technology JSC

Table of content


Chapter1. Theoretical and practical background

I. Theoretical background .2

 1/ Selling .2

 2/ Selling process .4

 3/ Practical background of VietNam Platic Industry.6

Chapter2. The situation and selling of Ha Trung plastic technology joint stock company

 I. The outlines of Ha Trung Plastic Technology JSC

 1. The history of Ha Trung JSC .10

 2. Management and organization structure .

 II. Business actives of Ha Trung plastic joint stock company .

 1. Business activities in Ha Trung Company JSC

 2. Production Process and Facilities .18

 3 Process of work.24

 Chapter3. Direction and principle measures to extend selling channel of Ha Trung

1. The advantages and disadvantages of Ha Trung JSC .

 2. Solutions to improve selling activities of Ha Trung JSC.





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nds to be highly labor intensive.  A survey in 2004 revealed that 70% of the labor force in the Vietnamese plastic industry is unskilled, seven times higher than the combined average of other sectors. Most plastics companies employ between 10 and 50 people. The average monthly salary for a plastics industry employee is just under 2 million VND, with a large degree of variation depending on whether the company is foreign or locally owned and dependent on location of the factory facility.
The development strategy of Vietnam's plastics industry to 2010 has stated that the industry will need investment of US$ 3 billion to achieve industry goals. The plan outlines an integrated plastics industry where raw materials would be almost exclusively supplied by in-country resources and product is both used for domestic selling and export. By 2005, 30% of the industry's demand on materials should be supplied domestically, lessening its heavy dependence on imports. The industry will focus on replacing and upgrading machinery and equipment for raw material production and hi-tech products such as construction materials, parts for the auto, motorcycle, and refrigeration equipment industries...
The Vietnamese plastics industry is highly dependent on imports. Currently the Vietnamese plastic industry must import about 1.5 - 2 million tons of raw materials annually, plus hundreds of auxiliary chemicals used in the plastics industry.  Domestic raw materials can meet only 30 percent of the country’s demand. In 2004 Vietnam was Asia’s second largest importer of plastics materials. The Vietnamese government is attempting to promote import substitution by helping to finance several domestic production facilities but the government forecasts that Vietnam will still have to import roughly half of the resins it needs after these production facilities are completed in 2010.
Vietnam is dependent upon polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polyvinyl chloride E (PVCE) and polyvinyl styrene (PS) imported from abroad. Vietnam is less dependent upon imports of B oriented polypropylene (BOPP), polyvinyl chloride S (PVCS) and dioctyl phthalate (DOP) resins as growing amounts of this are being produced domestically - supply is still inadequate to meet demand.
The major plastic exporters to Vietnam are regional countries such as China, South Korea, Japan and Taiwan. In 2005, Vietnam imported 1,147 MT of both raw materials and finished products. The plastic import value was $1,426mil, equal to four times of export value of $350 in 2005. In 2004, Vietnam exported only 10 percent of total output, i.e. 90 percent for domestic demand (VPA).
Vietnamese plastics products have been shipped to many countries, such as Cambodia, Laos, India, Sri Lanka, Japan, China, the EU, Taiwan and the US.
Investment opportunities exist in the packaging field, plastics machinery production, plastics resin production and waste plastics reprocessing sub-sectors. 
Chapter2. the situation and selling of hatrung plastic technology joint stock company
I. The outlines of HaTrung JSC
1. The history of Ha Trung JSC
HaTrung company is based in 551 Nguyen Van Cu, Long Bien district, Ha Noi, is a joint stock company which started on 1/6/1994 with business registration number 0103004549.
Company provides a broad range of plastic bags, packaging supplies and poly tubing, food services and industrial packaging markets, nylons and super market bags, goods relate plastic...Plastic goods comes up to the standard ISO 4427 : 1996, TCVN 7305 : 2003 , BS 3505:1968, AS/NZS 1477:1996,..
Being one of a few known plastics company in Vietnam having in-line a mold design and manufacture site and workshops with blow and injection molding technology. Ha Trung is always committed to right timing and good control of quality products. Applying the quality control system ISO 9001 helps Ha Trung to make good control of the process and ensure customers’ satisfaction.
Ha Trung’s factory is equipped with modern machines and tools, and they are always upgraded annually by famous providers as K Krauss-Maffei, Cincinnati, Corma,... In parallel, Ha Trung’s engineers and staffs are well and professionally trained. With these advantages, products of Ha Trung and precision molds always are the first choice of customers in the Vietnamese market.
2. Management and organization structure
Ha Trung company’s organization has line-functional structure. With this structure, company has a clear line or chain of command running down from highest passions to lowest positions. All people in the organization know what decisions they are able to make, who their superior( or boss) is ( to whom they report), and who their immediate subordinates are( to whom they can give instructions).
Chart3: The company organizational structure
Board of director
Agency management depart
Production depart
Accounting depart
Marketing department
a.Board of director: (CEO and Deputy Directorare responsible for setting sales and profit goals for every year that are elaborated into specific goals for each lower level .
- The chief executive officer and his Deputy is the most important role in the management of an organization.
+ They are leaders of company, always give advises the board
+ Advocates / promotes organization and stakeholder change related to organization mission
+ Supports motivation of employees in organization products/ programs and operations
- They have a visionary and give information bearer:
+ Ensures staff and Board have sufficient and up-to-date information
+ Looks to the future for change opportunities
+ Interfaces between Board and employees
+ Interfaces between organization and community
- And they are decision marker:
+ Formulates policies and planning recommendations to the Board
+ Decides or guides courses of action in operations by staff
- They are managers in the company:
+ Oversees operations of organization
+ Implements plans
+ Manages human resources of organization
+ Manages financial and physical resource
- They are a board developer:
+ Assists in the selection and evaluation of board members
+ Makes recommendations, supports Board during orientation and self-evaluation
+ Supports Board's evaluation of Chief Executive
b. The Marketing Department
+ The marketing organization consists of functional specialists: geographic area, product or customer markets ( such as the sales manager and marketing research manager) who report to a marketing vice president, who coordinate their activities. They research market and give tactics, strategies to compete.
+ Managers finds market, makes relationship with customers, solving and customer care, increasingly please regional and local sale group, understand and deal with individual customers rather with the mass market or even market segments.
+ Examining whether the planned results are being achieve. Marketers study strategies, strength and weak of product to compete with competitor’s .
+ Marketers today are showing a growing interest in developing better marketing metrics for measuring marketing performance.
c. Production department
Production is the functional area responsible for turning inputs into finished outputs through a series of production processes. The Production Manager is responsible for making sure that raw materials are provided and made into finished goods effectively. He or she must make sure that work is carried out smoothly, and must supervise procedures for making work more efficient and more enjoyable. In a manufacturing company the production function may be split into five sub-functions:
1. The production and planning section will set standards and targets for each section of the production process. The quantity and quality of products coming off a production line will be closely monitored. In businesses focusing on lean production, quality will be monitored by all employees at every stage of production, rather than at the end as is the case for businesses using a quality control approach.
2. The purchasing section will be responsible for providing the materials, components and equipment required to keep the production process running smoothly. A vital aspect of this role is ensuring stocks arrive on time and to the right quality.
3. The stores section will be responsible for stocking all the necessary tools, spares, raw materials and equipment required to service the manufacturing process. Where sourcing is unreliable, buffer stocks will need to be kept and the use of computerized stock control systems helps keep stocks at a minimal but necessary level for production to continue unhindered.
4. The design and technical support section will be responsible for researching new products or modifications to existing ones, estimating costs for producing in different quantities and by using different methods. It will also be responsible for the design and testing of new product processes and product ...


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