
New Member

Clipboard Help+Spell v1.17.02

Database stores history of all past text clipboard entries for easy viewing, modification and search. Use Clipboard Help+Spell for keeping hierarchical notes - sort, search, filter by text, last view date, modification date.

Super easy and super fast search function - or use complex filters if you need them - you'll never have a problem finding a note again! Organize your notes and clips any way you want - show them all or view by group or category; view your clips any way you like.

High-quality spellcheck - underlined mistakes; learning spellchecker. Configurable hotkeys for common functions. Powerful text formatting options - make your own presets for common functions. Simple functions for copying and pasting into and out of other applications.




New Member

What started as a simple animation tool has evolved into a full-fledged Web development environment. Which means that if you’re like many of today’s Flash developers, you may know little about actually creating animations and effects with the program. Here to solve that dilemma is a hands-on guide from one of today’s leading Flash experts. By showing you how to create 10 projects based on real-world Web solutions, author Jen deHaan provides a thorough grounding in all of Flash’s effects and animation fundamentals. Each chapter represents a single project with simple step-by-step instructions for re-creating the cool Web elements pictured in these pages: an animated character, a Flash interface that uses transitions to “page” through different areas of a site, an animated gallery, a dynamic menu that animates using the Tween classes, a simple game, button effects, Timeline animations, scripted effects, text effects, and more! Ten real-world projects reveal the magic behind the most useful Flash-produced animations and effects, and a companion CD includes lesson files and sample software.

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New Member
có key của phần mềm RealWorld Icon Editor 2010.1 phần mềm làm icon không ?

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