Luận văn tiếng Anh: The use of group work activities for improving speaking skills of the first year students at Thai Nguyen College of Mechanics and Metallurgy = Việc sử dụng hoạt động nhóm để cải thiện kỹ năng nói của sinh viên năm thứ nhất Trường Cao đẳng Cơ khí Luyện kim, Thái Nguyên. M.A Thesis Linguistics: 60 14 10
Nhà xuất bản: University of Languages and International Studies
Ngày: 2012
Chủ đề: Ngôn ngữ
Tiếng Anh
Phương pháp giảng dạy
Kỹ năng nói
Hoạt động nhóm
Miêu tả: 45 p. + CD-ROM
M.A. Thesis English teaching methodology -- University of Languages and International Studies. Vietnam National University, Hanoi, 2012
This thesis was carried out to investigate the use of group work activities for impoving speaking skills of the first year students at Thai Nguyen College of Mechanics and Metallurgy. It sought the answers to the following questions: What do the students think of the use of group work in the speaking class of the first year students at CMM; What facilitates and hinders the teachers from using group work in the speaking class at CMM; What suggestions for improvement should be used to make group work activities successful in speaking class of the first year students at CMM. Survey questionnaires for teachers and students were employed to find the answers to the questions. The findings of the research revealed that the teachers English proficiency and experiences could partly meet the demands for the success of group work application in the speaking class of the first year students at CMM. However, there were some problems that hindered the teachers in using group work. They are: students problems (passive learning style, using Vietnamese during group work...), teachers' problems (heavy teaching loads and lack of training in group work methodology...) and classroom conditions' problems (large class sizes and a lack of necessary facilities...). In order to make group work more successful, some practical recommendations for students, teachers and administrators were proposed
TABLE OF CONTENTS Declaration i Acknowledgements ii Abstract iii List of abbreviations iv List of figures and tables iv Table of contents v PART 1: INTRODUCTION 1 1. Rationale of the study 1 2. Aims of the study 2 3. Scope of the study 2 4. Research questions 2 5. Methods of the study 3 6. Design of the study 3 PART 2: DEVELOPMENT 4 Chapter 1: Literature Review 4 1.1. Speaking skill and teaching speaking skill 4 1.1.1. Definitions of speaking 4 1.1.2. Teaching and learning speaking skill 4 1.2. Group work in a speaking lesson 5 1.2.1. Definitions of group work 5 1.2.2. Types of group work 6 1.2.3. The advantages and disadvantages of using group work 7 Advantages 7 Disadvantages 7 1.2.4. Group size 9 1.2.5. The role of the teacher and the role of each student in 9 group work activities The role of the teacher 9 The role of each student in group work activities 10 1.2.6. Some common activities for group work 11 1.2.7. How to design group work activities effectively 14 Forming students in groups 14 Preparing for students to work in group 16 Monitoring group work activities 16 Ending group work activities 16 1.3. Summary 17 Chapter 2: Research methodology 18 2.1. Design and methodology 18 2.1.1. The setting of the study 18 2.1.2. Data collection instrument 19 2.1.3. The participants 20 The teachers 20 The students 21 2.2. Preliminary results 21 2.2.1. Student survey 21 Students’ opinions on speaking skill 21 Students’ opinions on learning speaking skills in group work 22 Students’ appreciation of the use of group work in the 23 speaking class Difficulties the students have had when working in group work 25 Students’ desire for the better group work 26 2.2.2. Teacher survey 29 Teachers’ opinions on teaching speaking skill 29 Teachers’ opinions on the use of group work to teaching 29 speaking skill How the teachers use group work in their current speaking class 31 Difficulties faced by the teachers when applying group work 34 in the speaking class Teachers’ solutions to overcome their difficulties 36 Chapter 3: Findings and recommendations 37 3.1. Findings 37 3.1.1. How much group work was used 37 3.1.2. Problems in applying group work 38 Students’ problems 38 Teachers’ problems 39 Problems concerning classroom conditions 39 3.2. Recommendations 40 3.2.1. Concerning the students 40 3.2.2. Concerning the teachers 40 3.2.3. For the administrator 41 PART 3: CONCLUSION 42 1. Conclusions 42 2. Limitations of the study 43 3. Suggestions for futher study 43 REFERENCES 45 APPENDICES Appendix 1: Questionnaire for students I Appendix 2: Questionnaire for teachers IV

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS CMM: College of Mechanics and Metallurgy ESP: English for Special Purposes ESL: English Foreign Language CLT: Communicative Language Teaching M.A : Master Degree LIST OF CHARTS AND TABLES Charts Chart 1: Students’ assessment for the teachers’ frequent use of group work Chart 2: Student’ appreciation of their participation in group work Chart 3: The frequency of difficulties Chart 4: Factors causing difficulties Chart 5 : Ways students wanted teachers to put them in group Chart 6: Activities students wished teachers to select for group work Chart 7: Steps students expect teacher to follow in organizing group work Chart 8: Ways teacher often used to group students Chart 9: Activities teachers often selected for group work Chart 10: Steps teacher followed in organizing group work Chart 11: Things the teachers often do when the students work in groups Chart 12: Teachers’ solutions to overcome their obstacles Tables Table 1: Students’ opinions on the importance of speaking skill Table 2: Students’ opinions on learning speaking skills in group work. Table 3: Students’ appreciation of group work for the benefit of speaking skill Table 4: Teachers’ opinion on teaching speaking skill Table 5: Teachers’ opinions on the use of group work to teaching speaking skill Table 6: The ways teachers prepared and the stages teachers used for group work Table 7: Difficulties faced by the teachers when applying group work in the speaking class PART 1: INTRODUCTION 1. Rationale for the study Today, English has become an international language. It is spoken as a second language and an official language in many countries, and millions of people speak English as a foreign language. Besides, English is considered the medium of communication in many fields such as science, technology, aviation, internet, commerce, and so on. Therefore learning and teaching English are getting more and more important to non-native nations of English, Vietnam is not an exception. In Vietnam, English has been used more and more widely, and it has become the most popular foreign language in the country. Thus, people have a great concern about learning English. As a result, English is a compulsory subject at schools and colleges, and the number of ordinary people learning English nowadays is also on the rise. To keep pace with the demand of English usage in our society, learners' communicative competence as well as learner-centered learning are the prefered of approaches to foreign language teaching today. However, for a long time, the teaching of English at The College of Mechanics and Mettalurgy (CMM) was performed with traditional teaching methods. Much attention is paid to grammatical competence whereas other aspects of language learning such as communicative competence do not receive enough attention. As a result, though their goal of learning a foreign language is to communicate in that language, many Vietnamese students still find it challenging when talking to, not to mention communicating successfully with English speaking people. As a teacher of English at CMM, I am aware of the importance of helping students become communicators of English, and one of the most effective ways that I have to used to enhance my students' speaking ability is to use group work activities in teaching. It is my observation that these activities created more chances for students
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