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các bạn tải miễn phí ebook: Write better essays in just 20 minutes a day part 16

The Best Way to Achieve a High Score

The scorers of every type of timed essay agree on one significant point: You must support your essay with details,
examples, and evidence. Not only will they strengthen your argument, but they will make your writing come alive.
Common advice for essay exam takers is to include at least one sentence in each paragraph that begins with
the words For example. Compare these sentences:

High school seniors should be allowed open campuses, on which they can arrive in time for their first class, leave
during free periods, and come back to school for their other classes. There is no reason to treat high school sen-
iors like children by making them stay in school all day when they don’t have classes to attend all day. Seniors
can handle the extra responsibility.

High school seniors should be allowed open campuses, on which they can arrive in time for their first class, leave
during free periods, and come back to school for their other classes. Seniors are given freedom and responsi-
bility in many other areas of their lives; for example, the ability to drive a car. Seniors are also permitted to vote,
and to prepare for their futures through the college admissions process or vocational training.

The first example uses generalizations and unsubstantiated claims (“no reason to treat [them] . . . ,” “can handle
the extra responsibility”), which weaken the argument. Th

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