
New Member
Đây là bài tâp trí tuệ nhân tạo:

Cho 2 bình có dung tích lần lượt là m và n (lit). Với nguồn nước không hạn chế, dùng 2 bình trên để đong k lit nước.

Mình dùng thuật toán tìm kiếm theo chiều rộng. Code như sau:



enum boolean {false, true};

/*************************** CAU HINH **************************************/

typedef struct CauHinh

{ int Truoc, x, y, SHDinh; };

/*************************** CAU TRUC MOT NUT ******************************/

class Nodes



CauHinh Info;

Nodes *Link;

Nodes() {};

Nodes(CauHinh& temp, Nodes *next = NULL)

{ Info = temp; Link = next; }


/*************************** HANG DOI (QUEUE) ******************************/

class List



Nodes *LTop;


List() { LTop = NULL; }

// Ham tra ve dia chi nut dau danh sach

Nodes *getLTop() { return LTop; }

// Kiem tra xem danh sach co rong ko?

boolean isEmpty()


if (LTop==NULL) return true;

else return false;


// Nap mot phan tu vao Queue

void pushQueue(CauHinh& temp)


Nodes *p = new Nodes(temp, LTop);

LTop = p;


// Day mot phan tu ra khoi Queue

CauHinh popQueue();

// Ham tra ve dia chi nut co SHDinh = n

Nodes *timDinh(int& n);

// Ham kiem tra mot cau hinh co thuoc danh sach hay ko?

Nodes *checkL(int& z, int& t);

// Ham noi danh sach L2 vao danh sach L1

void addList(List& L2);


// Day mot phan tu ra khoi Queue

CauHinh List::popQueue()


Nodes *p = LTop;

while (p->Link != NULL) p = p->Link;

if (LTop->Link == NULL) LTop = NULL;

CauHinh temp = p->Info;

delete p;

return temp;


// Ham tra ve dia chi nut co gia tri SHDinh = n

Nodes *List::timDinh(int& n)


Nodes *p = LTop;

while (p != NULL || p->Info.SHDinh != n) p = p->Link;

return p;


// Ham kiem tra mot cau hinh co thuoc danh sach hay ko?

Nodes *List::checkL(int& z, int& t)


Nodes *p = LTop;

while (p != NULL || (p->Info.x != z && p->Info.y != t))

p = p->Link;

return p;


// Ham noi danh sach L2 vao danh sach L1

void List::addList(List& L2)


Nodes *p = LTop;

while (p->Link !=NULL) p = p->Link;

p->Link = L2.LTop;


/*************************** BAI TOAN DONG NUOC ****************************/

int m, n, k;

// Cac thao tac do nuoc:

void doNuoc(CauHinh u, CauHinh& v, int& i)


switch (i)


case 1: { v.x = n; v.y = u.y; }

case 2: { v.x = u.x; v.y = m; }

case 3: { v.x = 0; v.y = u.y; }

case 4: { v.x = u.x; v.y = 0; }

case 5:


if (u.x + u.y <= m) { v.x = 0; v.y = u.x + u.y; }

else { v.x = u.x + u.y - m; v.y = m; }


case 6:


if (u.x + u.y <= n) { v.x = u.x + u.y; v.y = 0; }

else { v.x = n; v.y = u.x + u.y -n; }





void inKetQua(List& Mo, List& Dong, CauHinh& v)




int temp = v.Truoc;

while (temp != 0)


Nodes *p = Mo.timDinh(temp);

cout<<" <-- ("<Info.x<<", "<Info.y<<")";

temp = p->Info.Truoc;




void BrFS(CauHinh& temp)


List Mo, Dong;


while (!Mo.isEmpty())


CauHinh u = Mo.popQueue();


int dinh = u.SHDinh;

for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++)


CauHinh v;


if (Mo.checkL(v.x,v.y) != NULL && Dong.checkL(v.x,v.y) != NULL)


v.Truoc = dinh;


v.SHDinh = dinh;


if (v.x == k || v.y == k)








cout<<" Khong thanh cong !";


/*************************** HAM MAIN **************************************/

int main()



CauHinh xp;

cout<<"Nhap m, n, k: ";


xp.Truoc = 0; xp.x = 0; xp.y = 0;

xp.SHDinh = 1;



return 0;


Các pro giúp mình cai nha. Thanks![/SIZE]


New Member
chaytuiko cái gì thế này Bạn không hiểu cái gì? Code viết bằng Borland C++ đó, sử dụng thuật toán BrFS trên danh sách móc nối đơn.
thế cậu hỏi gì

tìm chỗ sai à

tui học cái này còn gà lắm nên thuật toán không được nuột cho lắm

copy hẳn cái notepad c++ cho tui xem được không cả hai cùng học

thuật toán sai do một số lỗi vô tình không để ý trong thuật toán


New Member
chaytuiko cái gì thế này làm ra (tạo) node , sử dụng danh sách liên kết đơn và đôi , đọc lý thuyết nhiều vào rồi trả lời


New Member
cu phap khong sai.nhung ma giai thuat thi co van de do

nhap vao 5,4,3 khong dc 8,5,2 cung khong dc.xem lai giai thuat di


New Member
các bạn xem giúp bài tập này nhé thầy mình bảo viết bằng lập trình hướng đối tượng c++ nó khó quá nên nhờ mấy bạn giúp dùm:



• To familiarize yourself with coding in Object Oriented Programming

• Getting started with Classes, Objects and their usage

Problem Description

In this lab, you are going to develop a calendar system which prints out the dates (along with corresponding days) for the given a month and year. User inputs the following

details to Giúp you calculate the required month’s days:

1. Year – Year for which the calendar is required

2. Month – Month for which you have to output the calendar

3. New Year Day – Day on which Jan 1st falls. For example, for 2006, it would

be Sunday

Year should be used to check whether it is a Leap year or not. YYYY is leap year if

following two conditions hold:

• should be perfectly divisible by 4

• If it is divisible by 100 then it should not be divisible by 400

New Year Day (NYD) is required so that you can calculate the starting day of the

required month i.e., unless you know that year 2006 starts with Sunday, you will not be

able to know that May 2006 starts with Monday.

Format of Input

• Year – YYYY (Ex: 1999)

• Month – MM (Ex: 11, 04 or 4. Leading zero is optional i.e., user has a

choice to enter either 04 or 4)

• New Year Day (NYD) – One of the following characters

o M – Monday

o T – Tuesday

o W – Wednesday

o R – Thursday

o F – Friday

o S – Saturday

o U – Sunday

Appropriate error should be raised if any of the input is not in the correct format.

Examples of bad input are: 99 for year, 15 for month, ‘T’ for NYD.

Example Input & Output

Year: 2006

Month: 06



Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa

1 2 3

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17

18 19 20 21 22 23 24

25 26 27 28 29 30

Year: 2008

Month: 4



Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18 19

20 21 22 23 24 25 26

27 28 29 30

Note that, NYD can be any day. It need not be the exact starting day of the year. For

example, in the first example it is valid to input NYD as Monday though 2006 starts with

a Sunday. It should not matter because you will be calculating according to the day

given and you do not have any other way to get the starting day of the year. While testing your program, you can test with the actual day of the year. If you give arbitrary NYD, then verification of your output can be daunting.

Suggested Approach

Here is how I would do this problem. It is just to give you a hint. You can do whatever

way you can. Intelligent solutions will enjoy extra credits!! Create an array of 12

numbers which stores the number of days in each month. Here, take care of the leap year!

Based on the NYD and this array, calculate the first day of the required month. Once you

get that, it is straight forward to printout the calendar. You just have to start with that

date and print dates by making sure to insert a new line after every Saturday. You also

need to print enough blank spaces so that Date 1 starts from appropriate position in the

line. You should also print the header line (Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa).

Requirements of the Program

Though this program can be done without using C++ features or classes, since it is a

C++ course, you SHOULD use classes and objects to code. To be specific, I need you to

have two classes with data memebers:

• Date

o nDay – Number (1..31)

o sDay – Day (U/M/T/W/R/F/S)

• Month

o Month Number (1..12)

o noDays _ # of days (28/29/30/31)

o Starting day – Day of date 1 of this month

o Array of objects of Date class (# of objects in array should be noDays)

Note that, you can add as many variables as you want to this list. All I need is a Date

class to store the Day’s number and day (M/T..) and a class for Month which contains an

array of Date objects. You are free to add more information if you think is required.

Each Class should have enough constructors. You can create as many constructors as

you want based on your program’s design and based on the way you want to initialize

the objects. You SHOULD NOT depend on the constructor provided by the compiler.

At the minimum, you should have at least a default constructor.

You should allocate memory for Array using Dynamic Memory Allocation (new


You should de_allocate the memory allocated on Heap (using delete operator)

whenever you are done playing with Month object. (Hint: To make this process simple,

you can make use of Destructors).

All the code should present in some member functions of classes. Remember that

creation of Helper Functions (private functions in each class) and Public Interface

(public functions in each class) will Giúp you in autograph the code that is well_organized.

DO NOT just write C code in just one function of a class.

You can create as many files as you want. Make sure to create a README file which

briefly describes the functioning and design of your program. That will Giúp me

understanding your code better. And, write comments in the code wherever you think is



New Member
sao không ai giup mình vậy.mình đang cần gấp.đây là lập trình hướng đối tương.yêu cầu viêt in ra lịch năm nhưng mình không viết được mong các bạn giup gium mình

Các chủ đề có liên quan khác
