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Luận văn tiếng Anh: An analysis on word stress errors commonly made by 12th grade students in Le Quy Don High School, Hai Phong and some solutions = Phân tích các lỗi thường gặp về trọng âm từ của học sinh lớp 12 Trường THPT Lê Quý Đôn Hải Phòng và một số giải pháp. M.A. Thesis Linguistics: 60 14 10
Nhà xuất bản: ĐHNN
Ngày: 2010
Chủ đề: Trọng âm
Lớp 12
Tiếng Anh
Phương pháp giảng dạy
TABLE OF CONTENTS PART A : INTRODUCTION 1. Rationale ……………………………………………………………………………...1 2. Aims of the study ........................................................................................................... 2 3. Scope of the study. ......................................................................................................... 2 4. Significance of the study ............................................................................................... .2 5. Research questions. ........................................................................................................ 3 6. Organization of the study .............................................................................................. 3 PART B : DEVELOPMENT Chapter 1: Literature review 1. Role of errors in language learning ............................................................................... 5 2. Role of stress in language learning ................................................................................. 8 2.1 Stress and learners’ intelligibility...........................................................................8 2.2 Some theoretical background to the concept stress.............................................. 9 2.2.1 Nature of a syllable. ................................................................................. 9 2.2.2 Structure of syllable. ............................................................................... .9 2.2.3 Characteristics of stressed and unstressed words. ................................... 10 2.2.4 Nature of stress. .................................................................................... 11 2.2.5 Schwa sound. ........................................................................................ 12 2.2.6 Marking of stress. .................................................................................. 13 2.2.7 Placement of word stress. ....................................................................... 13 2.2.8 Levels of stress.. ..................................................................................... 17 2.2.9 Weak forms of words (Reducing function words). ................................. 17 2.3. Summary ............................................................................................................... .17 Chapter 2 : The study 1. Research setting .......................................................................................................... 18 2. Subjects of the study .................................................................................................... 19 3. Research methods ........................................................................................................ 19 3.1. Questionnaire ................................................................................................. 19 3.2 Tests of Production... ..................................................................................... 19 3.3 Post-questionnaire interview... ........................................................................ 20 4 Data analysis and findings ............................................................................................. 20 4.1 Findings from the questionnaire. .................................................................... .20 4.1.1 Students’ attitude toward learning word stress ........................................... 20 4.1.2 Students’ awareness of the difficulty in word stress lessons ........... 21 4.1.3 Degree of students’ certainty in marking stress patterns for a word..21 4.1.4 Frequency of students’ errors in word stress ..................................... 22 4.1.5 Students’ most common errors in word stress . ............................. .22 4.1.6 Students’ expectation towards the teaching of word stress.................23 4.2 Findings from the tests ..................................................................................... 24 4.2.1 Students’ failure to distinguish primary stress and secondary stress .............. 24 4.2.2 Stress on the wrong syllables of multi-syllabic words ........................ 25 4.2.3 Stress on the wrong syllable bi-syllabic words .................................. 25 4.2.4 Students' failure to produce weak forms of words and schwa sound.... 26 4.3 Causes of the errors. ......................................................................................... 26 4.3.1 Influence of mother tongue ................................................................... 26 4.3.2 Inequality between the course book and the curriculum. ..................... .27 4.3.3 Lack of teaching and learning facilities.. ............................................... 27 4.3.4 Students’ different learning styles and phonetic ability .......................... 28 4.3.5 Students’ lack of motivation and concern. ............................................. 28 Chapter 3: Possible solutions 1 To the teachers.. ......................................................................................................... 29 2 To the students . ........................................................................................................ .33 3 To the school 's managers .......................................................................................... 34 4 To the course book designers...................................................................................... 34 PART C: Conclusion .............................................................................................. 36 1 Summary of the study. ............................................................................................... 36 2. Conclusion......................................................................................................................36 3 Limitation of the study. .............................................................................................. 37 4 Suggestions for further study ...................................................................................... 37 References.............................................................................................................................39 Appendix 1: Survey questionnaire for students .................................................................. I Appendix 2: The spelling of the schwa in English ............................................................ III Appendix 3: Weak forms of words ...................................................................................IV Appendix 4: Production test and stress pattern key ......................................................... VII Part A : Introduction 1. Rationale There is no doubt that making errors is part of learning and correcting errors is part of teaching. As a result, error correction is one of the ways that make the process of teaching and learning more effective. The role of errors and error correction are considered so important in teaching and learning a foreign language that a method called Error Analysis has developed and used as one of the most useful methods in studies related to teaching methodology. Richards, JC. (1984: 1) regarded Error Analysis as “a chief means of both assessing the pupil‟s learning in general and of the degree of match between his learning and syllabus and the teacher‟s teaching one.” He also added that “Thanks to Error Analysis, teachers know what language items their learners have already acquired, what they might not have been presented to, and what they have been taught but have not grasped accurately, which are considered as errors or mistakes” Error Analysis seems to have received a great deal of attention from many linguists. The importance of errors in theory and practice of teaching and learning languages can be seen in the works by researchers such as Corder S.P.(1967), Richards J.C.(1971), Dulay H.C. and Burt M.K.(1974). However, the errors analyzed in those studies come from their learners and may be the characteristics of those learners rather than Vietnamese students‟. In Vietnam, there is a number of studies on errors such as the one conducted by Pham Dang Binh (2003), which focused on the most common errors made by Vietnamese adult learners and some others by M.A candidates focusing on students‟ common errors in grammar (Trinh Phan Thi Phong Lan-2005) and students‟ errors on stress at sentence level (Luu Thi Kim Nhung- 2003), etc. Unfortunately, little concern is paid to errors on word stress. It is undeniable that stress plays a very important role in learning a foreign language and its pronunciation. It helps improve the learners‟ speaking as well as listening skill. A learner with correct rhythm, intonation and stress usually makes himself understood with ease. Despite the importance of stress, especially word stress in English pronunciation, Vietnamese students can not acquire it adequately. In fact, high school students commonly fail to use them correctly. With the experience of more than ten years working as a teacher of English in Le Quy Don High School, the researcher realizes that whenever her students speak English or do tests on phonetics, they seem to confront with a lot of difficulties in using English word stress, consequently, a lot of errors occur. There errors are also committed by many of 12th grade students who have learnt English in their high school for 3 years and have had a chance to deal with English word stress in a few lessons. Being aware of the problem and with the intention of helping students to overcome these difficulties and to perfect their knowledge of English word stress, the researcher decides to choose the title: An analysis on word stress errors commonly made by 12 th grade students in Le Quy Don High school, Hai Phong and some solutions for her M.A thesis. It is hoped that the study, to some extent, will contribute to improving the teaching and learning of English word stress in Le Quy Don High School in particular and English study in general. 2. Aims of the study This study sets the following aims for investigation:  To identify the most common word stress errors made by 12 th grade students in Le Quy Don High School both in terms of their perception and production.  To figure out the causes of these errors.  To suggest some solutions to English word stress teaching and learning. 3. Scope of the study Stress is one important part of English pronunciation, which consists of sentence stress and word stress. However, due to both limited time and experience, this study only focuses on the errors in word stress derived from perception and production tests of the 12th grade students of English in Le Quy Don High School. Any attempt to study English word stress errors on other aspect is beyond the scope of this thesis. 4. Significance of the study The study aims at bringing about some benefits for teaching English word stress to high school students especially the students of Le Quy Don High School. In terms of foreign language teaching and learning, the study tells about the students‟ attitude and method in learning English word stress, where they need Giúp and what sort of Giúp they need. An explicit understanding why errors arise can assist in adjusting teaching techniques.

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