Luận văn tiếng Anh: A study on English vocabulary learning strategies used by the first year students at Hai Phong Community College = Nghiên cứu về các chiến lược học từ vựng Tiếng Anh của sinh viên năm thứ nhất trường Cao đẳng Cộng đồng Hải Phòng. M.A Thesis Linguistics: 60 14 10
Nhà xuất bản: University of Languages and International Studies
Ngày: 2012
Chủ đề: Từ vựng
Phương pháp giảng dạy
Tiếng Anh
Trường Cao đẳng cộng đồng
Miêu tả: 47 p. + CD-ROM
M.A. Thesis English Teaching Methodology -- University of Languages and International Studies. Vietnam National University, Hanoi, 2012
This paper reports on the learning of English vocabulary by college students at Hai Phong Community College. The purpose of this study was twofold: find out the students’ awareness of the important of vocabulary learning and what strategies are commonly used in learning vocabulary. For these aims, nine teachers of English were participated in an interview and 276 first-year students at Hai Phong Community College were involved in taking survey questionnaire. Statistical analysis from the survey questionnaire revealed that almost students realized the importance role of vocabulary learning in learning English and students applied vocabulary strategies at medium level of frequency. In order to Giúp their English vocabulary learning, suggestions should be that students need introducing and guiding more strategies so that they can make their best choice
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TABLE OF CONTENT................................................................................ iv
LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES............................................................. vii
ABBREVIATIONS...................................................................................... viii
PART A: INTRODUCTION ..................................................................... 1
1. Nationale .................................................................................................. 1
2. Aim of the study ....................................................................................... 2
3. Research questions ................................................................................... 2
4. Scope of the study .................................................................................... 3
5. Significance of the study........................................................................... 3
6. Methods of the study ................................................................................ 3
7. Structure of the study................................................................................ 4
PART B: DEVELOPMENT ...................................................................... 1
Chapter 1: LITERATURE REVIEW ....................................................... 5
1.1. Language learning strategies.................................................................. 5
1.1.1. Background of language learning strategies ............................. 5
1.1.2. Definition of language learning strategies ................................ 6
1.1.3. Classification of learning strategies.......................................... 7
1.1.4. The importance of language learning strategies in language learning
and teaching ............................................................................ 9
1.2. Vocabulary learning strategies ............................................................... 10
1.2.1. Definition of vocabulary learning strategies ............................. 10
1.2.2. Classification of vocabulary learning strategies........................ 11 Classification of Gu and Johnson (1996) .................... 12 Classification of Schmitt (1997) ................................. 13 Classification of Nation (2001)................................... 15
1.2.3. Summary.................................................................................. 16
Chapter 2: METHODOLOGY .................................................................. 18
2.1. The context of the study......................................................................... 18 kho tai lieu mien phi kho tai lieu mien phiii
2.2. Research questions ................................................................................ 20
2.3. Pilot study.............................................................................................. 20
2.4. Main study ........................................................................................... 23
2.4.1. Participants .............................................................................. 23
2.4.2. Data collection instruments ...................................................... 24 Semi-structured interview........................................... 25 Survey questionnaire .................................................. 26
2.4.3. Procedures ............................................................................... 27
2.4.4. Data analysis............................................................................ 28 Student‟s awareness of vocabulary learning strategies 28 Strategies used for discovery a new word‟s meaning .. 30
(1) Determination strategies......................................... 30
(2) Social strategies ...................................................... 31 Strategies used for consolidation a word in memory ... 33
(1) Social strategies ..................................................... 33
(2) Memory strategies .................................................. 33
(3) Cognitive strategies................................................. 35
(4) Metacognitive strategies ......................................... 36 Overall strategies use of the six categories
of strategies............................................................................. 37
2.5. Implications........................................................................................... 39
2.5.1. The need of vocabulary learning strategy training .................... 39
2.5.2. Learner responsibility............................................................... 40
2.5.3. Dictionary strategies ................................................................ 40
2.5.4. Teaching and learning in context.............................................. 41
2.5.5. Memory strategies.................................................................... 41
2.5.6. Analysis of word features......................................................... 42
2.5.7. Use of vocabulary .................................................................... 42
PART C: CONCLUSION .......................................................................... 43iii
1. Recapitulation........................................................................................... 43
2. Limitations and suggestions for further study ........................................... 44
REFERENCES ........................................................................................... 45
APPENDIXES ............................................................................................ I
List of tables: kho tai lieu mien phi kho tai lieu mien phiiv
Table 1: Gu and Johnson‟s (1996) taxonomy of vocabulary learning
strategies ..................................................................................................... 13
Table 2: Norbert Schmitt‟s (1997) taxonomy of vocabulary learning
strategies ...................................................................................................... 15
Table 3: Nation‟s (2001) taxonomy of vocabulary learning strategies .......... 16
Table 4: Table of test specifications ............................................................. 20
Table 5: Vocabulary learning strategies for discovery a new word‟s
meaning used by the Pilot study participants ................................................ 22
Table 6: Vocabulary learning strategies for consolidation a word in
memory used by the Pilot study participants................................................. 23
Table 7: Vocabulary learning strategies in survey questionnaire .................. 27
Table 8: Descriptive statistics of students‟ use of Determination
strategies ...................................................................................................... 30
Table 9: Descriptive statistics of students‟ use of Social strategies............... 31
Table 10: Descriptive statistics of students‟ use of Social strategies
(Consolidation)............................................................................................. 33
Table 11: Descriptive statistics of students‟ use of Memory strategies ........ 34
Table 12: Descriptive statistics of students‟ use of Cognitive
strategies ..................................................................................................... 35
Table 13: Descriptive statistics of students‟ use of Metacognitive
strategies ..................................................................................................... 36
Table 14: Strategies use according to descending order of mean .................. 38
Table 15: Mean of six categories ................................................................. 39
List of figures:
Figure 1: Chart of the design of the study .................................................... 25
Figure 2: Student's awareness of the importance of vocabulary
learning ........................................................................................................ 29
COG Cognitive strategyv
DET Determination strategy
HPCC Hai Phong Community College
L1 First Language
L2 Second Language
LLS Language Learning Strategies
MEM Memory strategy
MET Metacognitive strategy
N Number of students
SLA Second Language Acquisition
SOC Social strategy
VLS Vocabulary Learning Strategies
X Mean of frequency of use kho tai lieu mien phi kho tai lieu mien phi1
1. Rationale for the study
Vocabulary is very important for people‟s communication and language
learning, which plays an important role in the process of second language
acquisition. Wilkins (Wilkins, 1972: 111) stated that “without grammar little can be
conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed”. Hence, we cannot deny
that skills of language learning including listening, speaking, reading and writing
cannot be successfully achieved without vocabulary. So the study of vocabulary
learning strategies is as an important step in second language acquisition.
During the 1950s and 1960s, the study on vocabulary learning received little
attention. Fortunately, vocabulary learning has been studied more widely since the
1980s. It has attracted more and more interest from researchers, educationalists as
well as teachers. Many of them, both at home and abroad, have pointed out their
view on the vocabulary learning‟s significance. As Decarrico (2001: 285) stated that
“Although vocabulary has not always been recognized as a priority in language
teaching, interest in its role in second language learning has grown rapidly in recent
years and specialists now emphasize the need for a systematic and principled
approach to vocabulary by both the teacher and the learner”. Or Nguyen Huyen
(2004: 1) compared “If a language could be considered as a house, then its grammar
could be considered as cement and its vocabulary could be figuratively compared to
bricks. To build a complete house, not only cement but also bricks are needed.
Without bricks, no house can be built, even when plenty of high quality cement is
available.” This means that to be a competent English communicator, one must
acquire a good knowledge of English grammar and have a rich amount of English
vocabulary as well.
In Vietnam in general and in my college, Hai Phong Community College in
particular, English is the compulsory course for students. However, there is a large
gap between the students‟ English ability and requirements settled in the syllabus.2
As vocabulary becomes a big obstacle in English learning and their speed of
vocabulary improvement is quite slow. Besides that, many English teachers think
that their students can achieve vocabulary themselves. Every new word can be
looked up in English – Vietnamese dictionary which is marked with phonetic
symbol and its Vietnamese meaning, so it is unnecessary to make great effort to
teaching vocabulary. In addition, there are some teachers still adopt the traditional
teaching methods which are proved to be inefficient by many researchers. On the
other hand, as a teacher of English, I have dealt with many questions relating to
vocabulary learning which are raised by my students. Even some of them have
worked hard on learning new words but the result is so disappointing. Personally, I
found it necessary to provide with them successful learning strategies to learn
English words.
Those reasons above encourage me to conduct a study on English vocabulary
learning strategies used by the first year students at Hai Phong Community College.
2. Aims of the study
The ultimate goal of the study is to Giúp improve teaching and learning
English in general, and teaching and learning English vocabulary in particular at
Hai Phong Community College. Therefore, the specific aims of this study are to
find out the students‟ awareness of the important of vocabulary learning and what
strategies are commonly used in learning vocabulary.
3. Research questions
The research questions that the present study seeks to answer are:
1. What is the students‟ awareness of the importance of vocabulary learning?
2. What vocabulary learning strategies do the first year students at Hai Phong
Community College commonly use? kho tai lieu mien phi kho tai lieu mien phi3
4. Scope of the study
The study focused on the investigation of vocabulary learning strategies
which are employed by the first year students at Hai Phong Community College
during the second term of school year 2011-2012.
5. Significance of the study
Schmitt and McCarthy (1997) points out that vocabulary learning has been
regarded as one of the most important parts in a second or foreign language
acquisition. On the basis of the idea above, this study helps raise the students'
awareness of the importance of vocabulary learning and that there are many other
vocabulary learning strategies and therefore the strategy training is necessary to be
done by the teachers. Further, it reveals the most and least frequently used
vocabulary learning strategies adopted by the students, which can be implemented
to support both teachers and students in teaching and learning vocabulary at Hai
Phong Community College.
6. Methods of the study
In order to achieve the aims of the study mentioned above, the study was
carried out on the basis of semi-structured interview and survey questionnaire. The
English teachers at Hai Phong Community College were interviewed about the
strategies their students use in learning vocabulary to support information for the
survey questionnaire. Then, vocabulary learning strategies listed in the survey
questionnaire were compiled from a review of the literature on vocabulary learning
strategies and the interviews‟ data. After the results were analyzed, the findings
were reported and discussed then some suggestions were raised in the study.4
7. Structure of the study
The study is divided into four chapters. Each chapter deals with an important
aspect of the study.
Chapter 1 is the introduction of the study, which includes the rationale, aim,
research questions, scope, significance the study as well as the methods and
structure of the study.
Chapter 2 presents the information about some basis concepts related to
language learning strategies and vocabulary learning strategies. In addition, the
classifications of language learning strategies and vocabulary learning strategies are
reviewed to set up the theoretical framework for the investigation in the next
Chapter 3 covers the pilot study and main study. They include the context of
the study, research questions, participants, data collection instruments, procedures,
data analysis and implications.
Chapter 4 summarizes the main issues of the whole study and gives the
future directions for further research and limitations of the study. kho tai lieu mien phi kho tai lieu mien phi5
In this chapter, a brief review of vocabulary learning strategies is given;
some basic concepts related to language learning and vocabulary learning strategies
are also presented. In addition, the classification of language learning strategies in
general and vocabulary learning strategies in particular are reviewed to set up the
theoretical framework for the investigation in the next chapter.
1.1. Language learning strategies
1.1.1. Background of language learning strategies
There has been a prominent shift within the field of language learning and
teaching over the last twenty years with greater emphasis being put on learners and
learning rather than on teachers and teaching. In parallel to this new shift of interest,
how learners process new information and what kinds of strategies they employ to
understand, learn or remember the information has been the primary concern of the
researchers dealing with the area of foreign language learning. So, language
learning strategies (LLS) for foreign language learning and the teacher's role in
strategy training is very important.
Research into LLS began in the 1960s. Particularly, developments in
cognitive psychology influenced much of the research done on LLS. In most of the
research on LLS, the primary concern has been on “identifying what good language
learners report they do to learn a second or foreign language, or, in some cases,
are observed doing while learning a second or foreign language” (Rubin and
Wenden 1987:19). In 1966, Aaron Carton published his study entitled “The Method
of Inference in Foreign Language Study”, which was the first attempt on learner
strategies. After Carton, in 1971, Rubin started doing research focusing on the
strategies of successful learners and stated that, once identified, such strategies
could be made available to less successful learners. Rubin classified strategies in
terms of processes contributing directly or indirectly to language learning. Wong6
Fillmore (1976), Tarone (1977), Naiman et al. (1978), Cohen and Aphek (1981),
Wenden (1982), Chamot and O'Malley (1987), Politzer and Mc Groarty (1985),
Conti and Kolsody (1998), and many others studied strategies used by language
learners during the process of foreign language learning.
1.1.2. Definition of language learning strategies
It is clearly seen that research on learning strategies in general and language
learning strategies in particular is becoming increasingly popular. So far, there has
been no consensus among the linguists regarding to the definitions of leaning
According to Nunan (1991:168), “Learning strategies […] are the mental
processes which learners employ to learn and use the target language”. Nunan‟s
definition restricts learning strategies only to “mental processes”. Richard et al.
(1992:209), offers a broader definition of learning strategies, that is, learning
strategies are intentional behavior and thoughts that learners make use of during
learning in order to better Giúp them understand, learn and remember new
information.” Similarly, Weinstein and Mayer (1986) (in O‟ Malley and Charmot
1990:43) have learning facilitation as a goal and are intentional on the part of the
learner. The goal of strategy use is to affect the leaner‟s motivational or affective
state, or the way in which the learner selects, acquires, organizes, or integrates new
Oxford (1990:8) defines learning strategies as “specific actions taken by the
learner to make learning easier, faster, more enjoyable, more self directed, more
effective and more transferable to new situation.”
Ellis defines learning strategies as “the particular approaches or techniques
that learner employs to try to learn an L2.” (1997:76). He further explains that
learning strategies can be behavioral or mental and are typically problem - oriented.
Rubin (in Wenden and Rubin 1987:19) is even more explicit when he defines
learning strategies as “any set of operations, steps, plans, routines used by the kho tai lieu mien phi kho tai lieu mien phi7
learner to facilitate the obtaining, storage, retrieval and use of information, that is,
what learner do to learn and do to regulate their learning.”
According to O‟Malley and Charmot (1990:1), learning strategies are special
ways of processing information that enhance comprehension, learning, or retention
of the information” or in their other words learning strategies are the “special
thoughts or behaviors that individuals use to Giúp them comprehend, learn, or retain
new information.”
Obviously, learning strategies are defined in different words and from
different perspectives such as cognitive, social or pragmatic. Therefore, researchers
worked out the taxonomy of learning strategies instead of defining them. This can
be seen in the following part.
1.1.3. Classification of learning strategies
In the 1980s and early 90s, research mainly focused on categorizing the
strategies found in the studies of the previous decade. As a result, several
taxonomies were proposed to classify them, including classifications of LLS in
general and language sub-skills strategies in particular.
One of the most famous to date that proposed by O'Malley and Chamot
(1990). Their hierarchical framework of strategies distinguishes three major strategy
 Metacognitive Strategies
 Cognitive Strategies
 Socio-affective Strategies
O'Malley and Chamot's framework of strategies has considerable intuitive
appeal and many practitioners have used this taxonomy in planning their teaching.
However, O'Malley and Chamot have never examined the construct validity of their
taxonomy. As a result, it is unclear enough to teach students and to train them to use
these three separate strategies.8
According to Rubin, there are three types of strategies used by learners that
contribute directly or indirectly to language learning. These are:
 Learning Strategies
 Communication Strategies
 Social Strategies
Stern (1992:262-266) stated that, there are five main LLS. These are as
 Management and Planning Strategies
 Cognitive Strategies
 Communicative - Experiential Strategies
 Interpersonal Strategies
 Affective Strategies
It seems that among numbers of classifications of learning strategies given by
researchers, Oxford‟s scheme is the most comprehensive detailed system of six
strategies, classified as direct and indirect. Oxford's (1990:17) taxonomy of LLS is
shown as following:
Direct strategies
 Memory strategies
 Cognitive strategies
 Compensation strategies
Indirect strategies
 Metacognitive strategies
 Affective strategies
 Social strategies
It can be seen that much of the recent work in this area has been underpinned
by a broad concept of LLS that goes beyond cognitive processes to include social
and communicative strategies. kho tai lieu mien phi kho tai lieu mien phi9
1.1.4. The importance of language learning strategies in language
learning and teaching
Bridging the gap between students‟ learning styles and teachers‟ teaching
styles will be a powerful means to guide students towards successful learning. Thus,
teaching students learning strategies should not be neglected. Oxford (1990)
describes learning strategies as “specific actions taken by the learners to make
learning easier, faster, more enjoyable, more self-directed, more effective, and more
transferable to new situations”. Learning strategies will compensate for the
weakness of a learning style and maximize the strengths of a learning style
To emphasize the importance of LLS, Chamot et al. (1999) stated,
“Differences between more effective learners and less effective learners were found
in the number and range of strategies used, in how the strategies were applied to
the task, and in whether they were appropriate for the task”. Therefore, teaching
learning strategies is especially useful for the latter learners. If they can find
effective strategies, they will be able to successfully, through effective strategy
teaching, students will acquire not only vocabulary but also the way for studying.
The language learner capable of using a wide variety of LLS appropriately
can improve his language skills in a better way. According to Oxford (1990),
memory strategies “Giúp students store and retrieve new information”, cognitive
strategies “enable learners to understand and produce new language by many
different means”, compensation strategies “allow learners to use the language
despite their often large gaps in knowledge”, metacognitive strategies “allow
learners to control their own cognition - that is, to coordinate the learning process
by using functions such as centering, arranging, planning, and evaluating”,
affective strategies “Giúp to regulate emotions, motivations, and attitudes” and
social “Giúp students learn through interaction with other”. Developing skills in
three areas, such as metacognitive, cognitive, and socio-affective can Giúp the10
language learner build up learner independence and autonomy whereby he can take
control of his own learning. Lessard-Clouston (1997:3) states that LLS contribute to
the development of the communicative competence of the students. Being a broad
concept, LLS are used to refer to all strategies foreign language learners use in
learning the target language and communication strategies are one type of LLS. As
Oxford (1990:1) stated, LLS “... are especially important for language learning
because they are tools for active, self-directed movement, which is essential for
developing communicative competence”. Besides developing the communicative
competence of the students, teachers who train students to use LLS can Giúp them
become better language learners. Helping students understand good LLS and
training them to develop and use such good LLS can be considered to be the
appreciated characteristics of a good language teacher. Research into the good LLS
revealed a number of positive strategies so that such strategies could also be used by
bad language learners trying to become more successful in language learning.
However, there is always the possibility that bad language learners can also use the
same good LLS while becoming unsuccessful owing to some other reasons. At this
point, it should be strongly stressed that using the same good LLS does not
guarantee that bad learners will also become successful in language learning since
other factors may also play role in success.
1.2. Vocabulary learning strategies
1.2.1. Definition of vocabulary learning strategies
First of all, it should be noted that in the literature on language learning
strategies, there is no official definition for vocabulary learning strategies. Perhaps
there is no need for such a definition because vocabulary learning strategies are part
of language learning strategies, which, in turn, are art of learning strategies.
With reference to the definitions of learning strategies mentioned above, in
this research, following Oxford (1990:8), the working definition of vocabulary
learning strategies is as follows:
1. Recapitulation
With the hope to Giúp improve teaching and learning English in general, and
teaching and learning English vocabulary in particular at Hai Phong Community
College, the study has concentrated on the following aims. The first is finding out
the students‟ awareness of the important of vocabulary learning. The second one is
studying what strategies are commonly used in learning vocabulary. Then,
proposing some suggestions on the enhancement of teaching and learning English at
Thanks to the effective data collection instruments, the students‟ awareness
of the important of vocabulary learning and strategies commonly used in learning
vocabulary were realized. Most students asked highly evaluate role of vocabulary
learning in learning English. However, not many of them had ever heard of
vocabulary learning strategies and all of them agreed that vocabulary learning
strategies should be taught in class. Besides, the survey also indicated that strategies
which frequently used by the major students.
Reasons for these problems can be comprehended basing on results of the
study. Firstly, although vocabulary learning is a crucial part in learning English,
there are still some of the students underrating the role of it. Besides, many students
have no idea what vocabulary learning strategies are. Secondly, bilingual dictionary
(English – Vietnamese dictionary) was the most frequently used strategy to discover
a new word‟s meaning. However, most of the students were found to try to obtain
the Vietnamese equivalents of the target words rather than negotiate the appropriate
meaning for the word in context. Thirdly, to consolidate a word in memory, written
repetition and verbal repetition were the most frequently used strategies by the
students. In fact, a number of students, especially the low proficiency ones, relied
heavily on learning the meaning and the form of a word by rote. Next, word features
such as prefixes, suffixes and stems are useful clues for lexical inferencing.
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