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Download Luận văn A study on some major factors affecting English learning of grade 6 ethnic minority students of a mountainous secondary school to Giúp them learn better

Download miễn phí Luận văn A study on some major factors affecting English learning of grade 6 ethnic minority students of a mountainous secondary school to Giúp them learn better

To some extent, using survey questionnaire allows the researcher to collect the data needed in “quantitative form”. Besides, the researcher finds it easy to analyse and report the collected data because all informants answer the same questions. The questionnaire consists of 20 questions which belong to 7 parts. At first, the learning results of grade 6 ethnic minority students will be found in part one (question 1). Part two (question 2) aims at exploring students’ personality characteristics. Next, the social contexts will be made clear in part three (questions 3-8). In part four, by answering four questions from question 9 to 12, the students can express their motivation and attitude towards English. The students learning strategies and styles will be shown in part five (questions 13- 15). Then, students’ subjective reflection to their teachers’ teaching strategies is described in part six (questions 16-18). The final part of the questionnaire is made to find out the students’ comments on their English textbook, which can Giúp the researcher give some suggestions later.

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kept rigidly under the teachers’ control are more likely to lead to dissatisfaction and alienation and do not facilitate personal, social and academic growth; the best result are likely to occur when there is a combination of warmth and accomplishments and reasonably clear, orderly and well structure milieu. School facilities
We all know that clean, quiet, safe, comfortable and healthy environments are important components of successful teaching and learning. But which facility attributes affect academic outcome the most and in what manner and degree? Schneider, M. (November, 2002) suggests six categories (indoor air quality, ventilation, thermal comfort; lighting; acoustics; building age and quality; school size and class size) that have effects on English teaching and learning in particular and all other subjects in general. Poor indoor air quality (IAQ) is widespread and its effects are too important to ignore. Temperature and humidity affect IAQ in many ways, perhaps most significantly because their levels can promote or inhibit the presence of bacterial and mold. It has been found that students will perform mental tasks best in rooms kept at moderate humidity levels (40-70%) and moderate temperature in the range of 68-740F ( Harner1974, Anderson and Lundqvist 1979) (qtd. in Schneider, M. 2002). In addition, schools need especially good ventilation because children breathe a greater volume of air in proportion to their body weight than adults do. The purpose of ventilating classrooms and school buildings, at minimum, is to remove or otherwise dilute contaminants that can upside.
Apart from that, classroom lighting plays a particularly critical role in students’ performance (Philip 1997) (qtd. in Schneider, M. 2002). Obviously, students cannot learn well unless lighting is adequate and there have many studies showing that appropriate lighting improves test scores, reduces off-task behavior and plays a significant role in students’ achievement.
The research liking acoustics to learning is consistent and convincing: good acoustics are fundamental to good academic performance. Higher student achievement is associated with schools that have less external noise. Outside noise causes increased students’ dissatisfaction with their classroom and that excessive noise causes stress in students (Earthman and Lesmasters 1998:18) (qtd. in Schneider, M. 2002). It is also proved that there has a link between levels of classroom and reverberations to reading and listening ability, behavior, attention, concentration and achievement in children (Crandell 1991, and Crandell et al 1995) (qtd. in Schneider, M. 2002).
Some other factors such as building quality, school size and class size are also discussed in many studies. They are all shown that newer and better school buildings contribute to higher students’ scores; in small school and small class students have more positive and challenging learning environment.
2.3.7. Social context
Because language is primary a social mechanism, it is learnt in social contexts. Even in the learning of a first language where the biological basis is important, there is strong influence from social factors concerned with the special relation of a child and caretaker. Hymes (1972) (qtd. in Spolsky, B. 1998:131) has continually stressed the social nature of language and argues for a wider view of linguistic than one limited to the grammar of sentences. What is needed is a linguistics, which can describe whatever features of speech, proves relevant in the given case, and which can relate linguistics elements to each other in term of relationships of role, status, task, and the like. Such a linguistic requires foundations in social theory and ethnographic practice as well as in practical phonetics and grammar (Hymes, 1985) (qtd. in Spolsky, B. 1998:131).
The process of the first language learning can be better understood if the social dimension is included. Social factors have even more importance in the case of second language learning because of the greater complexity of the second language. Learner’s social context and the resulting increase in its ability to cause variability. The process of language learning can be very stressful, and the impact of positive or negative attitudes from the surrounding society can be critical. Community attitudes towards the language being learnt can have a profound impact on SLA where the community has a broadly negative view of the target language and its speakers, or a negative view of its relation to them, learning is typically difficult.
Other common social factors include the attitude of parents towards language study and the nature of group dynamics in the language classroom. It is believed that social context influences in SLA in two indirect but essential ways. First, it plays a major role in developing in the learner the set of attitudes towards the language being learnt, its speakers and the language learning situation that are hypothesized to influence motivation directly. Second, it determines the social provision of language learning situation and opportunities (Spolsky, B. 1998:131).
2.4. Summary
This chapter has presented relevant literature, which has helped to form the theoretical framework for the study. Different definitions about second language acquisition and different language learning factors have been discussed.
Through what have been mentioned in this chapter, it is important to reconfirm that in foreign language teaching process, the teachers should pay attention to many factors affecting students’ learning then solve out their problems to Giúp the students get higher results.
In the next chapter, a research will be provided to find out the effects of these mentioned factors on students’ English learning.
3.1. Introduction
This chapter consists of two parts. The first part focuses on the context of the study, in which the description of aims and the participants of the study will be given. The second part is an analysis on the data from the survey questionnaire, class observation and the interview.
3.2. Context of the study
3.2.1. Aiming
The main purpose of carrying out this study is to investigate the present situation of teaching and learning English in grade 6 at a remote mountainous secondary school in Sonla. Furthermore, the major factors affecting English learning of grade 6 ethnic minority students will be identified. Basing on the results collected, some suggestions which can be useful to helps the students learn English better will be given.
3.2.2. Participants
The participants of my study are the 2 teachers and 50 ethnic minority students (40 Thái, 7 Kháng, 3 Xá) who are teaching and learning English in grade 6 at Phong laptop Secondary School- a school in the specially poor religion- where the newly published English book 6 is the main textbook.
3.3. Data collection
3.3.1. The IQ test
The IQ test is designed to simply measure the students’ intelligence. The test, which lasts 10 minutes, has ten questions mainly focus on the linguistic and logical intelligence. 1 mark will be given to each right answer. The students’ intelligence will be measured by the scores.
High Intelligent: 9-10 marks
Intelligent: 7-8 marks
Average: 5-6 marks
Not intelligent: 3-4 marks
Not intelligent at all: under 3 marks
3.3.2. Survey questionnaire
To some extent, using survey questionnaire allows the researcher to collect the data needed in “quantitative form”. Besides, the researcher finds it easy to analyse and report the collected data because all informants answer the same questions. The questionnaire consists of 20 questions which belong to 7 parts. At first, the learning results of grade 6 ethnic minority students will be found in part one (question 1). Part two (question 2) aims at exploring students’ personality characteristics. Next, the social contexts will be made clear in part three (questions 3-8). In part four, by answering four questions from question 9 to 12, the students can express their motivation and attitude towards English. The students learning strategies and styles will be shown in part five (questions 13- 15). Then, students’ subjective reflection to their teachers’ teaching strategies is described in part six (questions 16-18). The final part of the questionnaire is made to find out the students’ comments on their English textbook, which can Giúp the researcher give some suggestions later.
3.3.3. Class observation
The author of the study chose classes 6A and 6C to observe. All activities, which the teachers and students were performing in real classroom settings, were watched and recorded. These enable the researcher to elicit reliable data.
The observation was carried out two times for the same unit in these classes. ...
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