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Luận văn tiếng Anh:A translation quality assessment of the first three chapters of the novel "The da Vinci code" by Do Thu Ha (2005) based on J.House's model = Đánh giá chất lượng bản dịch ba chương đầu tiên trong cuốn tiểu thuyết "mật mã Da Vinci'' của dịch giả Đỗ Thu Hà (2005) dựa theo mô hình của J.House . M.A Thesis English : 60 22 15

M.A. Thesis. English Linguistics -- University of Languages and International Studies. Vietnam National University, Hanoi, 2012
Literary translation has been developing for a long time; however, the definition of a “good” translation still remains a controversy. Different theorists construct different models to assess the quality of a translation text; therefore, there exists only “good” translation according to a specific view. This qualitative study attempts to evaluate the translation quality of the first three chapters in the Vietnamese phiên bản of the novel “The Da Vinci Code” translated by Do Thu Ha (2005) based on J. House’s translation quality assessing model. Under qualitative method, the source text has been analyzed in the light of Halliday’s functional grammar (under five dimensions namely Field, Tenor, Mode, Transitivity System, and Theme) and House’s model (under two dimensions namely Dimensions of Language Use and Dimensions of Language User). Besides, a comparison between the source and translation text has been implemented to discover the mismatches and errors (namely covert and overt erroneous errors). Thence, a statement of quality of the translation text has been presented, i.e. the translation text is of rather poor quality and fails to exactly and completely convey the interpersonal and ideational meaning of the source text (ST) according to House’s model
PART I. INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................1
I. Rationale of the study ...............................................................................................1
II. Scope and objectives of the study............................................................................2
III. Research questions .................................................................................................2
IV. Research methodology...........................................................................................2
V. Organization of the study ........................................................................................3
PART II: DEVELOPMENT ............................................................................................4
CHAPTER I. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND.......................................................4
I.1. Translation theory ..................................................................................................4
I.1.1. What is translation? .....................................................................................4
I.1.2. Translation procedures and methods ...........................................................5
I.1.3. Translation equivalence...............................................................................6
I.2. Views and models of translation quality assessment.............................................7
I.2.1. Hatim & Mason‘s model (1990)..................................................................7
I.2.2. Peter Newmark‘s model ..............................................................................7
I.3. Development of J .House‘s model..................................................................8
CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW...................................................................12
II.1. Application of House‘s model in Vietnam..................................................12
II.2. Application of House‘s model in other countries. ......................................12
CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY AND PROCEDURES.......................................14
III.1. Subject of study..........................................................................................14
III.2. Methodology ..............................................................................................14
III.3 Data Collection Procedure ..........................................................................14
III.4. Data Analysis Procedure............................................................................15
CHAPTER IV: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION .....................................................16
IV.1. Brief introduction of the original text........................................................16
IV.1.1. Writer ......................................................................................................16

IV.1.2. Readers....................................................................................................16
IV.1.3. Purpose....................................................................................................16
IV.1.4. Organization............................................................................................16
IV.1.5. Summary of the original text‘s content. .................................................16
IV.2. Findings of the study .................................................................................17
IV.2.1. Analysis of the original text based on J. House‘s model and Halliday‘s
systemic-functional model..............................................................................................17
* Statement of Function .............................................................................................26
IV.2.2. ST and TT comparison ............................................................................27
IV.3. Discussion: statement of quality................................................................39
PART III: CONCLUSION.............................................................................................42
I. Recapitulation of main ideas...................................................................................42
II. Limitations of the study.........................................................................................42
III. Recommendation for further research..................................................................43
APPENDICES.................................................................................................................. I
Appendix 1: First three chapters of ―The Da Vinci Code‖ by Dan Brown.................... I
Appendix 2: First three chapters of ―Mật mã Da Vinci‖ by Đỗ Thu Hà................. XVII
I. Rationale of the study
There are various areas in translation among which translation quality
assessment is a subject of interest. To what degree a translation text is ―good‖ all
depends on a large variety of factors, one of those would be the angle from which the
translation text can be looked at. Translation theorists developed their own models of
translation quality assessment (TQA); however, J. House‘s is widely adduced for its
applicability. J. House is a German linguist who has developed her own TQA model
after criticizing previously proposed ones by other linguists like Newmark‘s or Hatim
& Mason‘s. This paper is conducted based on her TQA model to assess the first three
chapters of the novel ―Mật mã Da Vinci‖ by Đỗ Thu Hà (2005). This translation work
has raised a heated controversy over its quality among various translators and readers.
Tran, T.C.D, a famous translator, in his article ―Bản dịch Mật mã Da Vinci: Một thảm
họa dịch thuật‖ in the newspaper ―Văn Nghệ‖ (as cited in
), indicates
that the translation phiên bản is the result of the translator‘s lack of knowledge of
language, history, and religion in combination with her carelessness, laziness and the
publisher‘s irresponsibility and shamelessness. Another article discussing this issue is
―Mật mã Da Vinci dịch ẩu, NXB VHTT nói gí?‖ Retrieved from the website

gi/70027621/181/, this article also argues that the translation text contains numerous
errors such as vocabulary, grammar, expression, and obmission, etc. Nonetheless,
several scholars such as Thái Bá Tân, Vũ Thế Khôi and Lê Bầu (as cited in
) hold that the
quality of ―Mật mã Da Vinci‖ is not that poor and it should not be considered to be a
―catastrophe‖ though there are noticeable mistakes in it. Hence, the conductor of this
research wishes to employ a recognized model of TQA in order to evaluate the

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