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All C++ Functions
Bitset Constructors (C++ Bitsets)
create new bitsets
Bitset Operators (C++ Bitsets)
compare and assign bitsets
Vector constructors
create vectors and initialize them with some data
Container constructors (C++ Double-ended Queues) create containers and initialize them with some data
Container constructors (C++ Lists)
create containers and initialize them with some data
Container constructors & destructors (C++ Sets) default methods to allocate, copy, and deallocate containers
Container constructors & destructors (C++ Multisets) default methods to allocate, copy, and deallocate multisets
Map constructors & destructors (C++ Maps) default methods to allocate, copy, and deallocate maps
Multimap constructors & destructors (C++ Multimaps) default methods to allocate, copy, and deallocate containers
Container operators (C++ Lists)
assign and compare containers
Container operators (C++ Sets)
assign and compare containers
Container operators (C++ Multisets)
assign and compare containers
Multimap operators (C++ Multimaps)
assign and compare containers
Vector operators
compare, assign, and access elements of a vector
Container operators (C++ Double-ended Queues) compare, assign, and access elements of a container
I/O Constructors (C++ I/O)
Map operators (C++ Maps)
assign, compare, and access elements of a map
Priority queue constructors (C++ Priority Queues) construct a new priority queue
Queue constructor (C++ Queues)
construct a new queue
Stack constructors (C++ Stacks)
construct a new stack
String constructors (C++ Strings)
create strings from arrays of characters and other strings
String operators (C++ Strings)
concatenate strings, assign strings, use strings for I/O, compare strings
accumulate (C++ Algorithms)
sum up a range of elements
adjacent_difference (C++ Algorithms)
compute the differences between adjacent elements in a range
adjacent_find (C++ Algorithms)
finds two items that are adjacent to eachother
any (C++ Bitsets)
true if any bits are set
append (C++ Strings)
append characters and strings onto a string
assign (C++ Vectors)
assign elements to a container
assign (C++ Double-ended Queues)
assign elements to a container
assign (C++ Lists)
assign elements to a container
assign (C++ Strings)
give a string values from strings of characters and other C++ strings
at (C++ Vectors)
returns an element at a specific location
at (C++ Double-ended Queues)
returns an element at a specific location
at (C++ Strings)
returns an element at a specific location
auto_ptr (Miscellaneous C++)
create pointers that automatically destroy objects
back (C++ Vectors)
returns a reference to last element of a container
back (C++ Double-ended Queues)
returns a reference to last element of a container
back (C++ Lists)
returns a reference to last element of a container
back (C++ Queues)
returns a reference to last element of a container
bad (C++ I/O)
true if an error occurred
begin (C++ Strings)
returns an iterator to the beginning of the container
begin (C++ Vectors)
returns an iterator to the beginning of the container
begin (C++ Double-ended Queues)
returns an iterator to the beginning of the container
begin (C++ Lists)
returns an iterator to the beginning of the container
begin (C++ Sets)
returns an iterator to the beginning of the container
begin (C++ Multisets)
returns an iterator to the beginning of the container
begin (C++ Maps)
returns an iterator to the beginning of the container
begin (C++ Multimaps)
returns an iterator to the beginning of the container
binary_search (C++ Algorithms)
determine if an element exists in a certain range
c_str (C++ Strings)
returns a standard C character array phiên bản of the string
capacity (C++ Vectors)
returns the number of elements that the container can hold
capacity (C++ Strings)
returns the number of elements that the container can hold
clear (C++ I/O)
clear and set status flags
clear (C++ Strings)
removes all elements from the container
clear (C++ Vectors)
removes all elements from the container
clear (C++ Double-ended Queues)
removes all elements from the container
clear (C++ Lists)
removes all elements from the container
clear (C++ Sets)
removes all elements from the container
clear (C++ Multisets)
removes all elements from the container
clear (C++ Maps)
removes all elements from the container
clear (C++ Multimaps)
removes all elements from the container
close (C++ I/O)
close a stream

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