
New Member
ly a sao em bao voi no chu ca la quan aova giu bon tre th lam sao duoc em bao voi no la la quan ao th kgtrog tre ma trog tre th kg giu tre de no co goi dien ra cho van fog thi em noi voi van fog luon do la tai em ca giu tre la chu neu no kg giu cho th minh giu th kg la nghe chua de no co tra th tra cho o so dien thoai cua ong van fong day roi bao ongay ong se noi cho hoac o nhan so cua ba ay lai day de tui dien noi voi ba ay ok


New Member
"Ly( your friend?) have to tell her (him), that one can not iron clothing and babysit at the same time. if she (he) call the office you can tell them your main job is to babysit. If she does not Giúp out with the kids then she should not yell at you Call and tell the guy from the office to translate for you. Or you can give them her number. They can call her". Look like some one have problem with the helps there. Too much work for one worker to handle alone.

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