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Luận văn tiếng Anh: Evaluating English translation of the short story "The General Retires" by Nguyen Huy Thiep based on's model = Đánh giá bản dịch Việt – Anh của truyện ngắn “Tướng về hưu” của Nguyễn Huy Thiệp dựa trên mô hình của J.House: M.A Thesis Linguistics: 60220201

1. Rationale:
For a long time, literary translation has been discussed by people all around
the world. During current globalization, the growing trend against the
dominance of a few languages emphasizes the role of this translation variant.
Vietnam literature is developing towards diversification, in which there is active
presence of literary translation, which plays an important role in "importing" and
"exporting" literature and culture. Literary translation has been immigrating to
the center of national literature and it cannot be denied that, with such
movement, readers have been being given the change to enjoy quintessence and
value of world literature. At the same time, literary translation is the one which
contributes much to the richness of knowledge in world culture. Famous
translators such as Trinh Lu, Tran Dinh Hien, Le Bau, Nguyen Bich Lan, Thuy
Toan, Huu Viet are typical for their seriousness in translation of literary and
were awarded by Vietnam Association of Literature.
However, not every translated work has been welcome with compliments or
assessed specifically and appropriately. There are cases, of which translations
were done carelessly and hastily, resulted in contradictory reactions since wise
readers and critics recognize mismatches between translation and original.
Meanwhile, it seems that in Vietnam, proper and serious attention paid to
research and assessment in literary translation is somewhat limited. The quality
of translation thus has always been a critical issue because of the appearance of
incidents where the translations were navigated too much from the original. We
have seen blooming of translated books with many translation supporting tools
(software, dictionary, search engine, etc.), but the question of quality remains
controversial, especially translations in specific fields. As the result, there is a
need for an effective and trustful tool, which can be used to evaluate the quality
of such translations from a more scientific view.
This study is carried out with two grounds in mind. Firstly, it is a modest
effort to contribute to translation assessment field in Vietnam by giving an
evaluation on a work in literature. Secondly, it pays a revisit to Tướng về hưu,
one famous story which impressed readers since it first appreared and in years
later. This story was written by Nguyễn Huy Thiệp in 1986 and then was
translated into English titled "The General Retire" by Greg Lockhart and was
published in 1993 by Oxford University Press.
2. Significance of the study
Until now, researches and works in evaluation of translation (English -
Vietnamese, Vietnamese -English) are not remarkable. In Vietnam National
University, at MA degree, within 5 years, there have been about 50 researches
conducted in translation, provisionally distributed in 5 main topics such as
translation method (of texts and specialized terms), equivalence, translation and
its application in teaching, translation assessment and others in which theses on
translation quality assessment only make up approximately 10% (figures
updated until end of 2011). These theses, although present researchers' efforts in
evaluating of texts of different genres and fields from a scientific view, seem
insufficient for those who want to get more general view of current status on
translation assessment in Vietnam.
In this paper, the quality of English translation of the story is about to be
evaluated basing on model developed by Julian House in 1977. It is expected
that what are found will be useful for further refinement of the translation. On
the other hand, this study is assumed to, with its particularity, contributes to
researches in the field and triggers similar studies in Vietnam.
3. Scope and objectives of the study
3.1 Scope of the study
The following recommendations are prepared with the aim of improving the
quality of selected translation at level of sentences. For the case of colloquial words
and phrases, which are among the major causes of mismatches found in the
translation, we do not have much to do with it since it originates from non
transferability from Vietnamese to English. Translation of such words as xí xớn, bỏ
mẹ, ác thật, con khỉ, là sướng, mất mẹ, đếch, etc. are not easy to be translated
without losing some senses of meaning.
For the maintenance of original distinctive style, it is recommended that the
translation is treated with a lower level of sentence structure recovery or
conjugation whenever it is possible. For example, in order to maintain elliptical
structure in original, instead of saying explicitly III3 - He had ten days leave and a
great deal of business to attend to, suggested translation is Ten days leave stuffed
with a great deal of business. Or in the following case XIX1,2 - My father wanted to
live in a room in the outbuilding like my mother, but my wife wouldn‟t hear of it./
This saddened my father, the proposed translation would be My father wanted to
live in a room in the outbuilding like my mother. My wife disagreed. My father was
sad. This aims at avoiding passing subjective judgment while preserving original
Another specific recommendation is for the treatment of original's dominated
verb bảo, which is proposed now to be translated in a less flexible way, i.e., its
equivalence such as said can be kept identical for some places and thus not
necessarily to be replaced by other context-based verbs. For the case of overtly
erroneous errors, it is necessary that misinterpretation is corrected, those of XXV19 -
Cha tui đùa: “Thế thì do mô hình V.A.C"/ LV9 - My father quipped: „Thanks to her,
we have a model household with gardens, ponds and pens.‟ The suggested
translation is My father quipped: "Then it's because of gardens, ponds and pens
model." Or in the case of XXXVI21 - Ông Cơ ghét lắm, một hôm bảo tôi: “Cháu
đánh nó nhé?”/ LX2 - Mr Co hated him and said to me one day: „Why don‟t you
just go and give him a hiding?‟ with the proposed translation as follows: Mr Co
hated him very much, one day he said to me: "I will beat him okay"
With a consideration of discovered mismatches, some recommendations have
just been provided for the purpose of improving quality of the selected translation.
It should be noted, however, that these recommendations certainly can not cover all
mismatches and that not every mismatch can be suggested with a definite solution,
not to mention its relation with the translator's intention and acceptable adequacy. It
is hoped that what have been recommended will contribute to balance the
translation in its ability to convey from source language to target language the
original's content and style at an adequate level.
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