
New Member
Im from the UK and im just interested in how you feel about it. I think it will be quite bad for the USA and Canada, that's if it operates like the EU.

This is what the EU is like:

- We pay £40 million a day (about $65 million USD / $70 million CAD) to support European countries. So you will be supporting Mexico.

- The EU Parliament makes 75% of the UK's laws, so our government is quite useless.

- It has opened up our borders which has allowed thousands / millions of immigrants in.

- And it is trying to make us use the Euro. The Amero is proposed for the NAU.



New Member
No, this is just a move to get North America closer to a one-world government ruled by an International organization of which we don't elect the leaders. It's a preliminary step.

I don't understand why the Texan above would take Colorado and New Mexico. Both states have had massive invasion by Californians and Colorado turned blue.



New Member
No I think sovereignty is better, we don't need a union, Mexico is a mess and it would cost a tremendous amount to bring them up too par. I don't know why we needed the trade agreements either, it was better before.


New Member
I don't understand why some people think that America should operate like Europe. Its a whole different ballgame here.


New Member
I've always gotten the idea that the European nations got together in the EU to combat American domination and hegemony. I think it's working, too! You pay more because you are a richer nation. It's not like you don't get anything for it.

For North America it's different. Our government in the US is not as oriented towards the well-being of the people, it is in the pockets of big corporations. NAFTA, for instance, led to deterioration of wages and working conditions in all three countries! How could it do that? It was -designed- to. Wealth in the US is now more concentrated than any other developed nation, more than at any time in our history.

I believe in globalization, but it all has to do with how it's done. A North American Union would be designed with the wrong goals, to Giúp investors and owners at the expense of workers. To comfort the comfortable and afflict the afflicted.

If our government (and the Mexican government) was more focussed on raising the standard of living than simply maximizing return on investment and concentrating wealth, then I wouldn't mind so much our paying more, because it would bring the Mexicans up to our standard of living, and then we would all progress together. But with the governments we have now, and their goals and motivations, a North American Union would just make 90% of us poorer and poorer and 1% of us richer and richer.

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