các bạn tải miễn phí ebook: English for personal assistants - part 31

150 Dealing with difficult people

Task 5
Read the descriptions of the ‘silent-as-a-tomb’ and the ‘out-and-out moaner’ and
make a note of what strategies you could use to deal with them.

don’t encourage the out-and-out moaner to continue to complain by asking them
detailed questions about every aspect of their complaint.

The ‘silent-as-a-tomb’
The silent-as-a-tomb is just that – they don’t express their opinions openly and let you
think that they agree with everything, when in fact they often don’t. A typical saying of
theirs is “I told you so” when something doesn’t go according to plan – but, of course,
they didn’t because they never opened their mouths in the first place.

The out-and-out moaner
The out-and-out moaner hasn’t heard of looking on the bright side – they’re
permanently on the dark side. Life is a pain for them and they are perpetually
disappointed and always complaining loudly about it. They also tend to be nit-pickers
and have no problem finding fault with everything. The out-and-out moaner has a
Dracula-like effect on groups – they suck the lifeblood out of discussions and dampen
enthusiasm in group dynamics.

Task 6
Read through the six categories again and think about whether you know anyone who
fits one of these descriptions.

Positive vs negative communication
It goes without saying that

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