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Abstract—We propose a new generalised spatial modulation
(GSM) technique, which can be considered as a generalisation of
the recently proposed spatial modulation (SM) technique. SM can
be seen as a special case of GSM with only one active transmit
antenna. In contrast to SM, GSM uses the indices of multiple
transmit antennas to map information bits, and is thus able to
achieve substantially increased spectral efficiency. Furthermore,
selecting multiple active transmit antennas enables GSM to
harvest significant transmit diversity gains in comparison to SM,
because all the active antennas transmit the same information.
On the other hand, inter-channel interference (ICI) is completely
avoided by transmitting the same symbols through these active
antennas. We present theoretical analysis using order statistics
for the symbol error rate (SER) performance of GSM. The
analytical results are in close agreement with our simulation
results. The bit error rate performance of GSM and SM is
simulated and compared, which demonstrates the superiority of
GSM. Moreover, GSM systems with configurations of different
transmit and receive antennas are studied. Our results suggest
that using a less number of transmit antennas with a higher
modulation order will lead to better BER performance.
Index Terms—Spatial modulation, generalised spatial modula-
tion, spectral efficiency, inter-channel interference.
Very high data rates and spectral efficiency are essential for
next generation mobile communications networks. Multiple-
input multiple-output (MIMO) technology is one of the solu-
tions to attain these goals by transmitting parallel data streams
over multiple antennas, simultaneously [1]. The vertical Bell
Laboratories layered space-time (V-BLAST) architecture [2]–
[4] is a promising technique that is capable of realising the
enormous capacity of MIMO systems. V-BLAST breaks input
data into parallel sub-streams that are transmitted through
multiple antennas. However, owing to the inter-channel in-
terference (ICI) caused by coupling multiple signals in both
the time and space domain, the detection of the signal at
the receiver becomes very complex. For maximum likelihood
(ML) detection, the computational complexity increases expo-
nentially with the increase of the number of transmit antennas.
A plethora of ICI reduction algorithms have been reported
in the literature, e.g., zero forcing (ZF) ordered successive
interference cancellation (OSIC) [3], and minimum mean
square error (MMSE) OSIC [4]. At each time instant, rather
than jointly decoding the signals from all transmit antennas,
OSIC first decodes the “strongest” signal, and then cancels
the effect of this signal on each of the other received signals.
The algorithm proceeds to decode the next “strongest” signal,
and so forth. However, the receiver complexity of the OSIC
detection algorithm is fairly high, resulting in large delays.
In [5], a new transmission approach is proposed only for binary
phase shift keying (BPSK) transmission, which can avoid
ICI at the receiver. In [6]–[10], spatial modulation (SM) is
introduced, which is an effective means to remove ICI because
only one transmit antenna is active during any transmission
period. SM utilises the active antenna index as an information-
bearing unit. Any amplitude and phase modulation (APM)
scheme can be used in conjunction with SM. For a Nt transmit
antennas SM system, the number of information bits conveyed
by selecting an active transmit antenna at each time instant
is log2 Nt. This does not, however, fully utilise all available
antenna index combinations to convey information, due to the
limitation of selecting only a single active transmit antenna at
each time instant.
In this paper, we propose a novel approach that extends the
concept of SM, dubbed generalised SM (GSM). In GSM, the
number of active antennas that are selected for transmission
at each time instant is nt( 1). Therefore, multiple transmit
antenna indices can be used to encode information bits. All
the selected active antennas transmit the same modulation
symbols. At the receiver, the active antenna indices are first
identified, and then the modulation symbols are demapped. In
comparison to SM, GSM is able to substantially increase spec-
tral efficiency, owing to the use of multiple active antennas.
Furthermore, since the same symbols are transmitted by all
the nt active antennas, the bit error rate (BER) performance
of the GSM system will be greatly improved due to antenna
diversity. In fact, SM can be seen as a special case of GSM
when nt = 1, which is unable to reap any transmit diversity
The remainder of the paper is organised as follows. Sec-
tion II describes the proposed GSM system model, followed
by detailed discussions on the GSM mapping algorithm in
Section III. The GSM detection algorithm is presented in
Section IV. Theoretical analysis for the symbol error rate
(SER) of GSM is conducted in Section V, whereas Section VI
presents simulation results, which demonstrates the advantages
of the proposed GSM approach. At last, concluding remarks
are drawn in the final section.

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