Download miễn phí Đề tài Medical Store Billing

Table of contents
Problem definition 3
Customer Requirement Specification (CRS) 6
Requirements Analysis 7
Data Flow Diagram 15
Flow Chart 21
Entity Relationship Diagram 25

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Project Report
Medical Store Billing
Students’ name (code on eProject Guide):
Nguyen Van Chien (1882) (Leader)
Tran Van Hien (1024)
Leader’s email: [email protected]
Fanculty: Dao Trong Duy
HaNoi 9/2009
HANOI 08-2009
Table of contents
Name of the Students
(code on eProject Guide)
Nguyen Van Chien(1882) (Leader)
Tran Van Hien( 1024)
Name of the Center
FPT Aptech
Name of the Project
Medical Store Billing System
Project Start Date/ End Date
22-Aug-2009/ 22-Sep-2009
Problem definition
Form code
Form No.1/PD/Ver 1.0
Now there are many Medical Stores around the world, in a country … Each store has many business activities: buying goods from distributors; selling medicines to dealers or customers; managing store; processing orders and paying bills … Each of the Medical Stores system found there way different organizations.
The Medical Stores in each country is organized and how different activities, depending on the characteristics of each country .
RS Medical Agencies is a General Medical Store, which buys and sells the medicines as per the requirement of the customer. It has so many dealer ships from which the medicines are purchased and also some of the medicines it gets directly from the company and some of them from the wholesale retail shops. For the past few months they are facing difficulties in the current system for tracking down the details of the available and that of the sold due to the increased consumption of the medicines.
So they had approached you to study the situation and resolve their difficulties in maintaining the records of the sold ones and that of the available and also to track down the details of the Payments done to the distributors, received from the customers, etc… and also to track down the information of the quantity of the stock available and that of the purchasable.
This application will solve all of them: holding the complete information about the drugs, dealers, and wholesale retailers in a modular form so as to make a convenient approach to track all the records maintaining the list of the order requests so as to deliver in time to the corresponding customer.
Types of user:
Name of application: e- Medical store billing.
Main function of the application: managing business activities of a medical store.
Name of the Students
(code on eProject Guide)
Nguyen Van Chien(1882)(Leader)
Tran Van Hien ( 1024)
Name of the Center
FPT Aptech
Name of the Project
Medical Store Billing System
Project Start Date/End Date
22-Aug-2009/ 22-Sep-2009
Customer Requirement Specification (CRS)
Form code
Form No.2/CRS/Ver 1.0
Functions of the application:
Giúp user to log in depends on their user type. Each user can change his/ her password. Depending on the type of manager that their powers will be different.
Create, insert, update, delete and seach - view guest
All users can use this module
Medicine management: create, insert, update, delete and seach - view goods
Only manager can use this module.
When there is a bill created, the application will update quantity automatically into database or manager will update normally by-hand
Medicine management have the highest administrator
Create, delete, seach, view and edit orders
Only seller and manager can use this module
Users can choose guest from guest table
After a order is created, it will be added into database and arranged with a condition. It’s easy to reference and create bill depends on order’s priority
Create, delete, seach, view and edit bills to import goods, bills to export (depends on order’s priority, avaiable goods …)
Only accountant and manager can use this module
User can choose a order to create a export bill or create a customized bill
Beacause orders are arranged with some conditions so user can choose easily
Depend on guest’s type, price of good will have a extra fund or not. If guest is customer, extra fund is “x%”. If guest is customer, extra fund is “y%”. Usually, y is less than x.
System can show status of each bill created, how much money the guest will pay in the next time, has massage to alert bills became expired, … etc
Create, delete, seach, view and edit report when a customer, dealer pay bill (one times or many times depends on the expired time of that bill)
Only accountant and manager can use this module
After a session, there is a message to alert how much the guest must pay in the next time.
Manager (admin) have ability to create, delete an account and edit an account’s type. Beside it, he/ she has all ability of an other account. In other way, he can do everything.
When users delete, update a records, there is a alert to confirm that they are sure or not
Hardware Requirements:
A minimum computer system can Giúp you to access all tools in the course
256Mb Ram or higher
Software requirements: Java SE 5.0, NetBeans 5.5, MS SQL Server 2005
Name of the Students
(code on eProject Guide)
Nguyen Van Chien(1882)(Leader)
Tran Van Hien (1024)
Name of the Center
FPT Aptech
Name of the Project
Medical Store Billing System
Project Start Date/ End Date
21-Mar-2009/ 19-Apr-2009
Requirements Analysis
Form code
Form No.3 / RA / Ver 1.0
Two – tier architecture
User type
Manager, accountant, seller
A GUI helps user to log in the application
Fill all of fields and click “login” button
Flow chart (step by step)
Enter datainput (user code and password)
Click “login” button
If data is valid, there is a message to alert that log in successfully
If data is invalid, there is a message to alert that user code or password was wrong
Special request
Main menu
User type
Manager, accountant, seller
A GUI helps user to choose function
Choose and click buttons
Flow chart (step by step)
Choose and click to buttons
Special request
User must login successfully
Medicine management
User type
A GUI helps manager to manage drugs normally
Fill all of fields and click buttons
User must be manager
Flow chart (step by step)
Add drug:
Click add button, a new form will appear
Enter new data to fields
Click save button to save data
If data is invalid, there is a message to alert that the transaction stopped
If data is valid, there is a message to alert that add successfully
Delete drugs:
Choose data rows and click delete button
A alert will appear to confirm:
If you choose “yes”, all data of drug will be deleted
If you choose “no” or “cancel”, nothing will be done
Update drug:
Click update button, a new form will appear
Edit fields in that form to update your drug
Click save button to save data
There is a message to confirm
If you choose “yes”:
If data is invalid, there is a message to alert that the transaction stopped
If data is valid, there is a message to alert that add successfully
If you choose “no” or “cancel”, nothing will be done
Click search button, a new form will appear
Enter data into fields to search
If there is a result, these informations will appear. You can use buttons to do something with these drugs
If there is nothing, an alert will appear
Clear store:
Click clear button
A message will be appear to confirm
If you choose “yes”, all data will be deleted
If you choose “no” or “cancel”, nothing will be done
Back to main menu:
Click back button, you will be brought to main menu
Special request
User must be manager
Order management
User type
Manager, seller
A GUI helps user can enter Order from customer
Fill all of fields and click buttons
Flow chart (step by step)
Press “Select Guess” to choose a customer exited in Guess list or “New Guest” to enter new customer.
Choose “Add” button to add some medicines into right table.
A new window will be appeared.
You choose a medicine from medicines list
Enter quantity and measure of that medicine.
Click “Ok” button to add that medicine into Medicines table.
Choose “Edit” button to edit quantity, measure of a medicine.
Choose “Remove” button to remove a medicine from right table.
Press “Calculate” to calculate total money of all medicines.
Press “Save” to save this Order or “Cancel” to exit this windows.
Special request
User must be manager, seller
Bill Managerment
User type
Manager, accountant
A GUI helps user can enter Bill
Fill all of fields and click buttons
Flow chart (step by step)
Choose Bill type is Import or Export.
If bill ty...
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