Play modes :: Single Player

Game languages :: English+

Genre :: strategy

Platform :: PC

Developer :: Battlefront

Publisher :: Battlefront

Combat Mission: Afghanistan covers two periods of the Russian-Afghan wars – the initial phase 1980-1982, and the later years of highest activity 1985-1987 – in two campaigns and ten standalone missions. CM Afghanistan is not just a mission pack: based on the latest CM engine in development, the game includes not only all new artwork, terrain, new units, new weapons, and new nations, but also introduces some completely new game features, such as exit objective zones and more!

OS: Windows XP

CPU: Pentium 4 2.6 GHz

RAM: 512 MB

VGA: 128 MB (GeForce 5700/ATI Radeon 9600)

HDD: 1 GB Free

DirectX: 9.0c



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Game gi ma thấy toàn xe không vậy???

game tương tự game dàn trận thui...


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