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Topic 1. Advantages and disadvantages of living in a big city. (Những thuận lợi và khó khăn của cuộc sống trong một thành phố lớn)

As we know, living in a big city is supplied move facilities than anywhere esle. However, there
are advantages and disadvantages of living in a big city.
First, I think living in a big city dwellers are provided a lot of society services, such as health
care, education, good job and they have much chance to contac or work with foreigners,
residents can easily travel fast, thanks to good infrastructure. In addtion that, social services help
life be easy and comfortable.
On the other hand, people living in a big city have to suffer from many disadvantages : smoke
rising from factories and all kinds of vehicle on the streets makes environment polluted and
influence people's health. The noise all day and night makes their minds tense. Traffic jams
happen every day.
Như chúng ta biết, sống trong một thành phố lớn được cung cấp phương tiện di chuyển tốt hơn
so với bất cứ nơi nào khác. Tuy nhiên, có thuận lợi và khó khăn khi sinh sống tại một thành phố
Trước tiên, tui nghĩ rằng cư dân sống trong một thành phố lớn được cung cấp rất nhiều dịch
vụ xã hội, chẳng hạn như chăm sóc sức khỏe, giáo dục, công việc tốt và họ có nhiều cơ hội để
liên lạc hay làm việc với người nước ngoài, các cư dân có thể dễ dàng đi du lịch nhanh chóng,
nhờ vào cơ sở hạ tầng tốt. Bên cạnh đó, dịch vụ xã hội giúp cuộc sống dễ dàng và thoải mái.
Mặt khác, người dân sống ở thành phố lớn phải gánh chịu nhiều bất lợi : khói tăng từ các nhà
máy và các loại xe trên các đường phố làm cho môi trường ô nhiễm và ảnh hưởng tới sức khỏe
con người. Tiếng ồn cả ngày và đêm làm cho tâm trí của họ căng thẳng. Ùn tắc giao thông xảy
ra hàng ngày

Topic 2: Your favourite entertainment in your free time.(Trò giải trí bạn thích trong thời gian rảnh)
I studies during this week, and I have only sunday of. I go to the school every morning.
Sometime I was work even on sunday. And I am attending an evening class improve my english.
I am very busy with my study. When I have free time, I read book, newspaper, magazine, listen
to music. There are many kinds of music avaliable on tapes including everything : rock, pop,
dance .
Sometime I go to shopping with my friends and my relative. We often go to the supermaket
example : Big C, Vincom, Metro .
Sometime I go to the zoo, park . but my favourite entertaiment is collection stamp. I collection
stamp when I 15 year old. Now I have 500 in collection stamp : bird, tree, person
tui bận học suốt trong tuần, và tui chỉ có một ngày nghỉ chủ nhật. tui đi đến trường mỗi buổi
sáng, đôi khi tui phải làm việc ngay cả ngày chủ nhật. Và tui tham gia một lớp học buổi tối cải
thiện tiếng anh cho bản thân. tui rất bận rộn với việc học tập. Khi tui có thời gian rảnh, tôi
đọc sách, tạp chí, nghe nhạc. Có nhiều loại âm nhạc có sẵn trên băng như: rock, pop, dance .
Đôi khi, tui đi mua sắm với bạn bè và người thân. Chúng tui thường xuyên đi đến các siêu thị
như : Big C, Vincom, Metro .
Đôi khi tui đi đến vườn thú, công viên . nhưng giải trí yêu thích của tui là sưu tập tem. tui sưu
tập tem khi tui 15 tuổi. Bây giờ tui có 500 con tem bộ sưu tập: chim, cây, người
Topic 3: About my class
I has learnt course of English for 3 months. Thirty-five unique individuals
make up our interesting class. First, there is fat Steven. He is the joker of the class.
We also have a bookworm called Peter in the class. Wherever he goes, he will
have a book with him. The most respected person in our class is our monitor,
Evelyn. She is helpful, friendly and responsible.
Not only my friends but also my teacher is veri nice. Her name is Thuy.
She is 34 years old. When she taught, I was understaning very clear. She often
Giúp us to speak and write English fluently. When she comes class, she often
laughs at us. It helps us comfortable in class. I hope she will teach me in all my
That’s something about my English classes. I am very proud of my class.
Topic 4: Tet festival
In Vietnam, there are many festivals in a year such as Double Five festival,
Mid-autumn festival, etc. Among them, the Luna New Year is the most important
festival. This is a transitional period between old year and new year; is a occasion
for everyone to commemorate ancestors and family reunions. Therefore,
Vietnamese people need make a good preparation to welcome the New Year
On Tet holiday, people have many recreational activities. Young persons
take part in the traditional games. Adults will give lucky money to children. The
women like going to the pagoda to wish good things for their family.
In my opinion, I like cozy and fresh Tet atmosphere. I can hang out with
my friends and don't worry about anything.
Topic 5: I know you often go to the cinema. Tell me about the last film you saw
and whether you enjoyed it.
Dear Mary,
I’m glad to receive your letter. Now I’m writing to tell you about the last
film that I saw.
The name of the film was “Catch me if I can”. It was an American film and
it was played by two famous actors: Tom Hank and Leonardo. Tom Hank acted as
a policeman who always tried to catch Leonardo, who acted as a cheater?
Leonardo was born in an unhappy family. His father was a cheater and his mother
was in love with his friend’s father. After their parents divorced, he left school
and started to be a cheater. The policeman couldn’t catch him but he took himself
to the court. After that he served for FBI as their expert. The lesson I learn from
the film is family plays an important role in our life. The song at the beginning and
at the end of the film is so wonderful. You should go to see it when you have free
Have you seen any interesting film recently? Write to me and tell me
about it. I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

Topic 6: In your next letter, could you give me some advice? Tell me how you
keep fit and healthy!
Dear Jane,
Thank you for your letter. I was happy to hear that you are well. In your
letter, you asked me some advice about how to keep fit. Now I'll give you some
First, you should have a healthy diet. You should eat more vegetables,
fruits and less meat or fat food. You know eating a lot of fat food may cause some
disease such as high blood pressure or heart attack. Also, you ought to
drink enough water every day, about 2 liters a day. Second, you should do exercise
or play sports. You can spend about 20 minutes doing exercise in the morning or
in the evening. If you have free time, you should take up a kind of sports such as
swimming, playing football or tennis. It helps you not only have good health but
also relax after a hard working day. Last but not least, you should have a medical
check up regularly. If you have any problems with your health, you should go to
see the doctor immediately before it gets worse.
Write to me as soon as possible. I'm looking forward to hearing from you
All the best!
Topic 7: I went to live concert last night with my friend. It were greet! Do you
often go to live concerts? What kinds of music do you like listening ti? Who is
your favourite singer? Tell me all about it.
Dear Linda,
I'm very glad to get your letter. It was lovely to hear from you. I am writing
a letter tell you that last night I went to a concert with my boy friend. It was
really interesting and I felt comfortable and I saw that the life was really
meaningful after leaving the theatre. I like many sorts of music, especially
classical music. I love Beethoven’s symphonies and sonatas. Therefore the concert
was really wonderful.
I also want to know the kinds of music you like and your favourite singer. I
hope that we can share many common hobbies in terms of music and we can use
music to make our life happier.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
Topic 8: Tell me about your English classes
Dear Tom,
I received your letter the day before yesterday. Now I am writing to you to
talk about my life and work here. I am attending an English course. As I told you,
our class is not very big, there are fifteen students from many provinces. Most of
them are at the same age as me. They are very open and friendly. We always talk
and share our knowledge with each other to improve our communication in
English. The teacher is very helpful. She always encourages us to learn English.
She is a good teacher.
How are you doing? What about your vacation to Hawaii last week? What
are you attending to do after you graduate? Please write to us and tell me about
that. Please send my regards to your parents.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Topic 9: Traditional festivals
Dear Linda,
I received your letter the day before yesterday. I am happy to hear that you
have just had a wonderful holiday in Spain where there are a lot of festivals.
In my country, there are also many traditional festivals. The most important
one is Hung King Temple Festival. It falls on March 10
in lunar year. Vietnamese
people celebrate this festival to memorize Hung King who was the founder of our
country. On that day, people from everywhere in the country gather in Phu Tho
Province where Hung King Temple is located. People show their respect to the
King and take part in many interesting activities. The festivals last about ten days.
Tet is coming in Viet Nam, I hope that you can come to visit my family and
enjoy the festival.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you. See you again.
Yours sincerely,
Topic 10: Use computer
Dear Tom,
I received your letter the day before yesterday. Now I am writing to you to
talk about using computer. I think computer is the most useful machine because of
some reasons. First of all, computer is convenient because it helps me work faster
by typing, printing document and storing data.
In addition, when computer is connected to the Internet, it is a good way of
learning and getting informarion. I can find a lot of information or I can learn
Computer is a good way of entertainment. There are a lot of games, forum
or blogs for me to share ideas and make friends. I can also listen to music or watch
movies which I like.
I think computer brings us a lot of benefits. I hope that we can share many
common information in terms of using computer and we can use computer to
make our life comfortable.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you. See you again.
Yours sincerely,
Topic 11: It's so hot here! Can you describe the weather in your country?
What's the weather like at the moment? What outdoor activities are you able to
do at this time of the year? Tell me about it.
Dear Petter,
I’m glad to receive your letter. Now I’m writing to tell you about the
weather in my country. It varies according to the seasons. There are four seasons
in a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter. In the spring, it is warm and there
are flowers everywhere. In the summer, it is hot and it often rains, too. It is often
cool in the autumn and it is often cold in the winter. Now it is summer in my
country, so it is very hot. It is usually over 37
C. People often go swimming,
camping or sunbathing. There are other activities such as go jogging, do aerobics
or play football, tennis and badminton … What is the weather like in your
country? Write to me and tell me about it. I’m looking forward to hearing from
Topic 12: Part time job in a café or a shop
Dear Linda,
I received your letter the day before yesterday. I am happy to hear that you
have decided to look for a part-time job. I think it is a good idea as doing a part-
time job can Giúp you have more experience, social integration and especially have
money for your living and studying.
Are you wondering about which job you choose? I think working in a café
or in a shop is good. However, working in a café would be more fun because there
you have more chances to practise what you are learning at college for your future
job. In addition, working in a café can earn much more money.
Please send my regards to your parents.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
I think we need to eat a diet. Our bodies need more
nutrients from many different sources of food, so we need to change the various kinds of
food, to eat much more food like beverages, vegetables, fruit, milk, meat, fish,
eggs,etc. But we need to eat in a regime of a reasonable diet and it would be good
for our health.
We should also eat more grains such as rice, wheat,etc. Because they provide our bodies
with a large amount of starch, protein, fiber, vitamin,etc.
Eating more fruit and vegetables is good for our health. These kinds of food supply us
with vitamins, minerals, etc. They Giúp the body healthy and prevent us
from cancer,also. We had better eat fresh fruit and vegetables several times a day.
For meat or eggs do we just eat enough. They contain not only high level of nutrients like
protein, canxi,etc but also substances such as fat, cholesterol, etc that are quite harmful.
Fat and oil are also important because
they contain essential fatty acids and vitamin E. But if we eat too much them it could be
harmful to health, cause some dangerous diseases like obesity, heart disease,etc.
And finally we should drink plenty of water, several times a day. Water helps purify the
body and makes it pleasant and refreshing.
For each person, there should be an approciate diet for themselve.
One million dollars is a very large of money. If I have one million dollars, I will
first send it to the bank.
Next, I will use it to manage my life such as building a new house, paying fee and
charging other my daily activities.
Although it's really a huge amount of money, it does not mean that it will not go
away. I will take them into the business, create more available funds that made my dream
of becoming a successful entrepreneur come true.
Finally, I think real success is to Giúp others be more successful, so I will Giúp the poor
more wealthy and successful.
Over the world there are many people who need help. With such a large amount, I will
sent it to charity, study promotion funds, development funds,etc, which must be much
better than only make money for personal uses.
I had an embarrassing story. That day, my girlfriend and I went to the supermarket to
play games. That day was a holiday so there were many people there. I told my lover to
wait for me while I went to buy tickets. People standing in front of ticket office formed a
long line. Taking my strengths of health and youth, I hustled over others to buy tickets in
advance. People only whisperred to each other about my action, most of
them seemed annoyed but no one said anything to me. I totally ignored them and felt
proud of myself.
A few days later, I accidentally read articles about Japanese children, 9 years old, stood in
line hours to receive relief of dry food after earthbreak. At that time I felt very ashamed
of myself and admired that boy for his behavior.
In four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter, spring is my best favorite one. There
are some reasons for my choice. First, spring is the season of reunion, love and
happiness. When spring comes, both people and landscape become full of energetic. It
has not much rain in this season but the plants are very greenery under the
sunlight,also. Moreover, spring is the season of reunion. Those who make living far from
hometown, their children and families for a long time, also feel stirred and try to come
back their countrysides. Everyone all are eager, looking forward to the day when they
would return home after a long time, probably a year, probably several years, and may be
a few decades.
And lastly, spring brings me feeling peaceful, warm, happy and full of hope. I
love spring.
you like to travel by any means? why?
I enjoy going camping, picnicking. And motorcycle is the most appropriate.Motorcyclists
can control their time, place and savings,etc. Throughout the process, we can
have break at any time we want and especially have seesights on our way.
However, motorcyclists are also sometimes not good. When it gets
too sunny, too rainy, or long route, it will make us tired or ill. And with a
motorcycle, we can only travelling in the small area, less than 400kms.
At the end of the 12th grade, we made a small party to not only show our gratitude to our
teachers who were very dedicated to us throughout past years but also say goodbye to our
teachers and friends.
At the beginning, all of us were very happy to talk to each others as well as review all our
memories. We sang, congratulated ourselve on what we achieved in this year and say
thank to our teachers. I still remember clearly everything that our teachers said before the
graduation: "All of you should become the useful ones in society". We, the playful
students, made the party full of laugh. The boys wanted to prove that they were mature so
they drank beer to each other when they greeted and wished others. Whereas, the
girls just talked to each other as if they had never said anything.
But at the end of the party, all of us got emotional, only knew to hug others and cried so
We promised to try our best not to disappoint both teachers’ belief and parents’
expectation.We gave each others our addresses, phone numbers to can keep in touche
together forever. A farewell party were full of emotion and meaning.
TOPIC 18 : Your life story
I was born in a happy farm family, so I grew up in parents’love
and siblings’support. In the grade tenth, I passed the exam and became the student
of Quang Trung specialized and gifted high school. Because my school í far from my
home, I went to school and stayed at dormitory. This was the first time I was stay away
my family. This is a turning point in my life. At this clean and spacious school, we
learned a lot about the spirit of self-study, self-made, small jobs with great significance.
Especially we recieved exemplary teaching of the principal, Tran Nhu Y. He is a
simple and talented teacher. Everyone all has the greatest respect for him.
When going to college, with everything about a spirit of independence that teachers
taught, I didn’t feel confused about a strang environment, the big city. I found that life in
university very different from life in high school a lot. I did more part-time jobs to have
more experience, participated in many social activities to learn more and train myself. I
am determined to study best and find a suitable job life to thank to my parents,
teachers and society.
TOPIC 19: Describe a frightening experience you had or witnessed
On the way from my school, I witnessed a tragic accident.
A woman took her child on her motorbike. The child sits in front of her. Being on the
road, there was a truck from behind her and honked repeatedly. Whistle was so
loud that both women and a little boy were startled. The child fell forward, the
mother immediately held her son with one hand, and the other hand braked. Because of
her fast brake-horsepower, her motorbike fell down the road and the baby was thrown
out. At that time, the truck passed away and rolled over the baby, which made him die on
the spot. The mother as a crazy one hugged the child and cried harrowingly, many
people also can not stop crying.
It was really the tragic accident, it gave a question about the driving culture, the honking
culture. It’s essential for government to have clear sanctions to deter as well as contribute
to build human civilization.


Topic 1.This is part of a letter you receive from an English friend.
I know you often go to the cinema. Tell me about the last film you
saw and whether you enjoyed it.
Now write a letter to your friend.
Write your letter in about 100 words on your answer sheet.
Topic 2:This is part of a letter you receive from a pen friend.
In the next letter, could you give me some advice? Tell me how
you keep fit and healthy!
Now write a letter to your friend.
Write your letter in about 100 words on your answer sheet.
Topic 3:This is part of a letter you receive from an English friend.
I want to find out about music in your country. Are there many
live concerts? What music do you like listening to?
Now write a letter to your friend.
Write your letter in about 100 words on your answer sheet.
Topic 4:This is part of a letter you receive from an English friend.
I am glad you like learning English. Your teacher sounds really
nice – and your friends do too! Tell me all about your English
Now write a letter to your friend.
Write your letter in about 100 words on your answer sheet.
Topic 5:This is part of a letter you receive from a friend in the U.S.A.
I guess there are many traditional festivals in your country.
What’s the most important one? Why do people celebrate this
festival? Write and tell me all about it!
Now write a letter, answering your friend’s questions.
Write your letter in about 100 words on your answer sheet.
Topic 6:This is part of a letter you receive from your pen friend.
I’ve just bought a new computer game. Do you like playing games
on the computer – or have you got a Play Station? What else do
you use the computer for?
Now write a letter, answering your friend’s questions.
Write your letter in about 100 words on your answer sheet.
Topic 7: This is part of a letter you receive from an Australian friend.
It’s so hot here! What’s the weather like in your country at the
moment? What outdoor activities are you able to do at this time
of year? Tell me about it.
Now write a letter, answering your friend’s questions.
Write your letter in about 100 words on your answer sheet.
Topic 8:This is part of a letter you receive from an English- speaking friend.
I want to earn some money at the weekends, so I am
looking for a part-time job in a café or a shop. Which do
you think would be more fun? Write soon – I need your
Now write a letter, giving your friend some advice.
Write your letter in about 100 words on your answer sheet.
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