Research, design, and implement of equipment to monitor players on the football pitch
We would like to extend our deepest gratitude and appreciation to our esteemed advisor, Mr. Nguyen Vu Lan, whose guidance and counsel have been instrumental in our journey toward the completion of this report. Your wisdom, expertise, and invaluable insights have kept us on the right path, ensuring that we remain focused and driven until the culmination of our efforts.
To our dear friends, who have accompanied us on this transformative four-year university journey, we are indebted to you. Amidst the trials and tribulations of student life, you have been our pillars of strength, lending us a helping hand when we stumbled and sharing in our joys and sorrows. In times of pain and adversity, it was the profound bonds of friendship that illuminated our path and reignited our spirits.
Our sincere gratitude extends to our beloved parents and cherished loved ones. Their unwavering support, continuous encouragement, and unwavering belief in our abilities have been a constant source of motivation for us throughout this arduous journey. Their presence has been an invaluable asset, providing us with the necessary strength and conviction to channel our positive energy into completing this project. Their love and encouragement have served as the driving force behind our endeavors, and we are forever grateful for their unwavering faith in us.
Finally, we would like to express thanks to Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education and the Faculty of High Quality Training creating favorable conditions for us to take our graduation project.
In conclusion, we wish to extend our deepest gratitude to our parents, loved ones, friends, advisors, and our university for their unwavering support, guidance, and contribution to our academic journey. Without their presence and influence, we would not have been able to achieve the level of success and personal growth that we have experienced. Their contributions have been immeasurable, and we will forever cherish the profound impact they have had on our lives.
Project Title: Research, design, and implementation of equipment to monitor players
on the football pitch
This project aims to develop a tracking and support device for football players during training and matches, using the ESP32 module and integrating sensors such as DWB1000 (position tracking), AD8232 (heart rate monitoring), and MPU6250 (acceleration and velocity measurement), along with designing a PCB circuit to optimize device size.
The device collects data from sensors and then utilizes algorithms to compute player position, heart rate, and velocity. The ESP32 microcontroller serves as the central processing unit, ensuring rapid data processing and collection from sensors. Additionally, a Low Pass filter is employed to reduce sensor noise.
The player-worn device can communicate via TCP and ESP32 wifi connection. Subsequently, the collected data is pushed to a web server, such as NodeRed, which provides detailed information about player position, heart rate, motion, formation distances, and player reminders through real-time device vibrations during and after training sessions and matches.
Ultimately, players and coaches can utilize the statistical website to track player performance and health, facilitating training adjustments for better results. The next development goal is to optimize device size and weight to enhance usability for both players and coaches.
Đề Tài: Nghiên cứu, thiết kế, và triển khai thiết bị để theo dõi cầu thủ trên sân bóng
Đề tài này phát triển một thiết bị theo dõi và hỗ trợ cầu thủ trong tập luyện và thi đấu bóng đá, sử dụng module ESP32 và tích hợp các cảm biến như DWB1000 (theo dõi vị trí), AD8232 (đo nhịp tim), và MPU6250 (đo gia tốc và vận tốc) và thiết kế mạch PCB để tối ưu kích thước thiết bị.
Thiết bị thu thập dữ liệu từ cảm biến, sau đó sử dụng các phương pháp tính toán vị trí, nhịp tim, và vận tốc. Vi điều khiển ESP32 là bộ xử lý trung tâm của thiết bị đảm bảo khả năng xử lý và thu thập dữ liệu nhanh chóng từ các cảm biến. Thêm vào đó sử dụng bộ lọc Low Pass nhằm giảm nhiễu từ cảm biến.
Thiết bị gắn trên áo cầu thủ có thể giao tiếp qua cách TCP và thông qua kết nối wifi của ESP32 Sau đó dữ liệu được thu thập được sẽ được đẩy lên web sever mà ở đây là được sử dụng là NodeRed. Trang web này được thiết kế để cung cấp thông tin chi tiết về vị trí cầu thủ, nhịp tim và chuyển động của họ, cự ly đội hình và nhắc được cầu thủ trên sân nhờ việc rung thiết bị cả trong thời gian thực và sau các buổi tập luyện và trận đấu.
Trong kết quả cuối cùng, cầu thủ và huấn luyện viên có thể sử dụng website thống kê để theo dõi hiệu suất và sức khỏe của cầu thủ, từ đó tăng cường tập luyện và đưa ra những điều chỉnh cần thiết để đạt hiệu quả cao hơn trong quá trình chơi bóng.
Mục tiêu phát triển tiếp theo là tối ưu kích thước và cân nặng để nâng cao trải nghiệm sử dụng cho cả cầu thủ và huấn luyện viên.
NHIỆM VỤ ĐỒ ÁN TỐT NGHIỆP ........................................................................... 3 DISCLAIMER .......................................................................................................... 13 ACKNOWLEDGMENT .......................................................................................... 14 ABSTRACT.............................................................................................................. 15 TÓM TẮT ĐỒ ÁN ................................................................................................... 16 TABLE OF CONTENTS.............................................................................................i LIST OF FIGURE .....................................................................................................iv LIST OF TABLE ......................................................................................................vii LIST OF ABBREVIATION.....................................................................................viii CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION...............................................................................1 1.1. The urgency of the topic ...................................................................................... 1 1.2. Scientific and practical significance of the topic:................................................2 1.3. Research Target:................................................................................................... 3 1.4. Subject and scope of the research ........................................................................ 3 1.4.1. Research Subject...............................................................................................3 1.4.2. Research Scope ................................................................................................. 4 1.5. Research method..................................................................................................4 1.5.1. Methodological basis: ....................................................................................... 4 1.5.2. Specific research methods: ............................................................................... 4 1.6. Graduation project structure: ............................................................................... 5 CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE VIEW ......................................................................... 7 2.1. Device theory:......................................................................................................7 2.2. Theory of location determination : .................................................................... 13 2.2.1. Ultra Wide Band (UWB) ................................................................................ 13 2.2.2. Locate a Tag in space:.....................................................................................14 2.3. Theory of player reminder mechanism:.............................................................16 2.4. Low pass filter application: ............................................................................... 18 2.4.1. Introducing Filter: ........................................................................................... 18 2.4.2. Method of Low-Pass filter: ............................................................................. 18 2.5. Overall Node-Red:.............................................................................................21
2.5.1. What is Node Red? ......................................................................................... 21 2.5.2. Connect to Node-Red using MQTT Broker HiveMQ: ................................... 22 2.5.3. Reasons for choosing node-red as the display ................................................ 23 2.6. Designing a GUI with Python Tkinter ............................................................... 24 2.6.1. The benefits of Python .................................................................................... 24 2.6.2. Python libraries used in the program .............................................................. 25 2.7. Creating a Data Storage File with CSV ............................................................. 27 2.7.1. What is a CSV File?........................................................................................ 27 2.7.2. Creating a CSV File in Python: ...................................................................... 27 2.8. Other applications: ............................................................................................. 28 2.8.1. TCP and how two Tags operate at the same time ........................................... 28 2.8.2. FreeRTOS ....................................................................................................... 29 CHAPTER 3: DESIGN AND IMPLEMENT........................................................... 31 3.1. Hardware requirements:..................................................................................... 31 3.2. Processing design device: .................................................................................. 32 3.3. Block diagram:................................................................................................... 32 3.4. Directions and solutions for implementation:.................................................... 33 3.5. Option for installation on the player:.................................................................54 3.5.1. Device placement............................................................................................ 54 3.5.2. Choosing the right jacket: ............................................................................... 55 3.6. Design and calculate of device container: ......................................................... 57 CHAPTER 4: METHOD ANALYST DATA............................................................ 58 4.1. Completed device features:................................................................................ 58 4.2. Data processing diagram : ................................................................................. 58 4.3. Calculation of the Low Pass Filter used in the heart rate sensor ....................... 60 CHAPTER 5: EXPERIMENT RESULTS FINDINGS AND ANALYSIS .............. 68 5.1. Design expertement: .......................................................................................... 68 5.1.1. Needs .............................................................................................................. 68 5.1.2. Metrics ............................................................................................................ 68 5.1.3. Needs – Metrics Correlation ........................................................................... 69 5.1.4. Product specification ...................................................................................... 69
5.1.5. Method of experiment: ................................................................................... 71 5.2. Operation Experience ........................................................................................ 72 5.2.1. Static test.........................................................................................................72 5.2.2. Dynamic test: .................................................................................................. 73 5.3. Analyst ............................................................................................................... 75 CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS .............................. 82 6.1. Conclusion ......................................................................................................... 82 6.1.1. Advantage: ...................................................................................................... 82 6.1.2. Disadvantage:.................................................................................................. 82 6.2. Recommendations.............................................................................................. 82 REFERENCE............................................................................................................ 83
Figure 1.1: Electronic Performance & Tracking Systems ......................................... 1 Figure 1.2: Player wear vest CATAPULT.................................................................. 3 Figure 1.3: Applicable Object .................................................................................... 4 Figure 2.1: Heart Rate................................................................................................ 8 Figure 2.2: Electrocardiogram (ECG) ....................................................................... 9 Figure 2.3: UWB technology................................................................................... 13 Figure 2.4: The operational principles of UWB computing .................................... 14 Figure 2.5: Trigonometry ......................................................................................... 15 Figure 2.6: Remind player was offside...................................................................17 Figure 2.7: Overall the Low Pass Filter ................................................................... 18 Figure 2.8: The result for signal 2Hz through Low Pass Filter .............................. 19 Figure 2.9: The result for signal 50Hz through Low Pass Filter ............................ 19 Figure 2.10: Phase slip in Low Pass Filter .............................................................. 20 Figure 2.11: Interface with Node-Red ..................................................................... 21 Figure 2.12: Data transmission platform ................................................................. 22 Figure 2.13: General description of connections in the project............................... 23 Figure 2.14: Transmission Control Protocol............................................................ 26 Figure 2.15: Data save in file CSV .......................................................................... 27 Figure 3.1: Device used in training.......................................................................... 31 Figure 3.2: Device design process ........................................................................... 32 Figure 3.3: Design Electrical ................................................................................... 32 Figure 3.4: PCB circuit ............................................................................................ 34 Figure 3.5: Lipo Battery .......................................................................................... 35 Figure 3.6: Configuration of Xl 1509 ...................................................................... 35 Figure 3.7: Principle diagram of power block with output 3.3V ............................. 36 Figure 3.8: Power block on the board...................................................................... 36 Figure 3.9: IC programmer ...................................................................................... 37 Figure 3.10: Charging block diagram ...................................................................... 38 Figure 3.11: Charging block in PCB........................................................................ 38 Figure 3.12: ESP32-Wroom Pinout ........................................................................ 39
Figure 3.13: Microcontroller Block diagram...........................................................41 Figure 3.14: Microcontroller Block in PCB ............................................................ 42 Figure 3.15: Module MPU6050............................................................................... 42 Figure 3.16: Connection between ESP32 and MPU6050....................................... 43 Figure 3.17: MPU6050 Block diagram ................................................................... 44 Figure 3.18: MPU6050 block in PCB...................................................................... 45 Figure 3.19: Module AD8232 and Pinout................................................................ 46 Figure 3.20: Connection between ESP32 and AD8232........................................... 47 Figure 3.21: AD8232 Block diagram....................................................................... 47 Figure 3.22: AD8232 Block in PCB ........................................................................ 48 Figure 3.23: Module DW1000................................................................................. 48 Figure 3.24: DW1000 Block diagram ..................................................................... 50 Figure 3.25: Connection between ESP32 and DW1000.......................................... 50 Figure 3.26: Vibrating motor in PCB ...................................................................... 51 Figure 3.27: Schematic ............................................................................................ 52 Figure 3.28: Top layer .............................................................................................. 53 Figure 3.29: Bottom layer ........................................................................................ 53 Figure 3.30: Front side of the PCB .......................................................................... 54 Figure 3.31: Back side of the PCB .......................................................................... 54 Figure 3.32: .Device location in vest ....................................................................... 55 Figure 3.33: Vest type .............................................................................................. 56 Figure 4.1: Data Processing diagram......................................................................59 Figure 4.2: The unprocessed raw signal obtained from AD8232 sensor ................. 61 Figure 4.3: Low Pass filter results at 5 Hz cutoff frequency ................................... 62 Figure 4.4: Low Pass filter results at 10 Hz cutoff frequency ................................. 63 Figure 4.5: Low Pass filter results at 15 Hz cutoff frequency ................................. 63 Figure 4.6: Low Pass filter results at 20 Hz cutoff frequency ................................. 63 Figure 4.7: Other results .......................................................................................... 64 Figure 4.8: Comparison of cut-off frequencies of 15Hz and 20Hz: ........................ 64 Figure 5.1: Graph on the value of battery life ......................................................... 76 Figure 5.2: Graph on the value of heart rate ............................................................ 77
Figure 5.3: Graph on the value of velocity .............................................................. 77 Figure 5.4: Graph on the value of location .............................................................. 78 Figure 5.5: Testing indoor and on the pitch ............................................................. 79 Figure 5.6: Display .................................................................................................. 80 Figure 5.7: Result..................................................................................................... 80
Table 2.1: Heart rate with each age............................................................................8 Table 2.2: Target heart rate zones for different ages ................................................ 11 Table 2.3: Target heart rate chart for effective workouts ......................................... 11 Table 3.1: Capacity Statistics ................................................................................... 34 Table 5.1: Metrics .................................................................................................... 69 Table 5.2: Metrics Correlation ................................................................................. 69 Table 5.3: Production Specification ......................................................................... 70 Table 5.4: Method Experiment................................................................................. 72 Table 5.5: Static test ................................................................................................. 73 Table 5.6: Battery life (minute)................................................................................73 Table 5.7: Check heart rate value (bmp) .................................................................. 74 Table 5.8: Check velocity value when walking and running (cm/s)........................75 Table 5.9: Check vibrant .......................................................................................... 75 Table 5.10: Check the measuring position (m) ........................................................ 75 Table 5.11: Static test analysis ................................................................................. 76 Table 5.12: Test criteria............................................................................................78
TCP: Transmission Control Protocol
EPTS: Electronic Performance Tracking Systems IFAB: International Football Association Board HR: Heart Rate
BPM: Beats Per Minute
RHR: Resting Heart Rate
ECG: Electrocardiogram
IoT: Internets of Things
MQTT: International Football Association Board GUI: International Football Association Board CSV: Comma Separated Values
RTOS: Real-Time Operating System
MCU: Microcontrollers
PCB: Printed Wiring Boards
UART: Universal Asychrinius Receiver / Transmitter CPU: Central Processing Unit
SPI: Serial Peripheral Interface
GPIO: General Purpose Input Output
PWM: Pulse Width Modulation
IMU: Inertial Measurement Unit
DMP: Data Management Platform
VOM: Digital Multimeter
ADC: Analog to Digital Converter
UWB: Ultra - Wideband
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1. The urgency of the topic
Thesis research on a device used for football players to track and evaluate player performance. EPTS (Electronic Performance and Tracking System) is one of the tools that FIFA has implemented to measure player distance and track the ball. The International Football Association Board (IFAB) decided to allow players to use wearable technology in official football matches in March 2015.
In recent years, the popularity of using wearable player tracking devices has been on the rise. This is a lucrative market for companies and businesses to invest in and develop such devices to generate revenue. Countries that are pioneers in this field include companies from Germany, England, Austria, etc. They have successfully developed and promoted their products, the most visible and familiar being the Premier League, where all players from each club wear a vest-mounted device under their main shirt when they take the field. In addition to the usual playing accessories such as: shirts, pants, specialized shoes, socks, protective pads, etc., there is now a vest with a device attached. Some famous brands like Captapult, Playertex, etc., they not only develop in the king of sports but also spread to other sports such as basketball, rugby, volleyball, etc.
Figure 1.1: Electronic Performance & Tracking Systems
Although it is so famous, it is still not well known about this technology in Vietnam. Recently, in the 2022 World Cup qualifying campaign of the Vietnam national football team, we began to see the appearance of Catapult monitoring vests on the bodies of players such as Tien Linh, Cong Phuong, Quang Hai, etc. This shows how the impact of technology in football is spreading.
Through the specific evidence as above, we see the need for a device to track the basic parameters of the trainer when training or competing to track the basic parameters of the body such as the number of kilometers of movement, training speed, and also the heart rate of the trainer. From these parameters, we can adjust the training regimen for better fitness. Such a device is essential during the training period to track the distance and speed of movement of the players on the field as well as their heart rate. Then, this information is transmitted to another monitoring device outside the field to be recorded. This allows for a more accurate grasp of the health status of the players and to develop more appropriate training and competition plans for each position on the field. Realizing the need for a device that can fulfill the above tasks, the group has researched the topic: " Research, design, and implementation of equipment to monitor players on the football pitch".
1.2. Scientific and practical significance of the topic:
The urgency of the research, design, and deployment of the player tracking device on the football field lies in the wide range of benefits and applications it brings to the field of sports and training. Here are some specific aspects:
- Optimized Training Performance: The device helps to optimize training performance by providing accurate information about the player's position, heart rate, and movement. This helps coaches to adjust training plans to meet the specific needs and abilities of each player.
- Personal Health Management: Monitoring heart rate and movement measures helps to assess the player's individual health. This not only helps to prevent injuries but also creates a suitable training regimen for each individual.
- Optimized Formation and Tactics: Data on player position on the field helps coaches determine the best tactics and formation for each game situation. This increases the team's chances of winning.
- Real-time decision-making: The data is updated continuously, supporting immediate decisions in real-time. This is important in situations that require flexibility and quick response from coaches and players.
- Enhancing the Personal Experience: By providing detailed information about the player's activity, the topic helps to create a positive and motivating experience for the player. Tracking individual progress can increase commitment and passion in training.
- Contribution to Technology Research: The research not only addresses challenges in the field of sports but also contributes to the development of sports tracking and evaluation technology. This could open the door to new advances in this field.
In conclusion, the urgency of this topic lies not only in the specific improvement of the performance of players and teams, but also in the aspect of contributing to the development and modernization of the field of sports and health tracking technology
1.3. Research Target:
In the project, we set a number of important goals to ensure success and high efficiency:
- Researching the commercial products currently used by major football teams worldwide.
- Designing a model of the product with basic functionalities compared to the actual product with high stability.
- Analyzing and processing data collected from sensors.
- Designing a display interface and data statistics.
- Adding a feature to remind players on the field during training.
Figure 1.2: Player wear vest CATAPULT 1.4. Subject and scope of the research
1.4.1. Research Subject
- The research subject in the topic is players participating in training and competition activities on the field.
- The research focuses on the design and implementation of a tracking device that provides information about the player's position, heart rate, and movement in real-time.
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Research, design, and implement of equipment to monitor players on the football pitch
We would like to extend our deepest gratitude and appreciation to our esteemed advisor, Mr. Nguyen Vu Lan, whose guidance and counsel have been instrumental in our journey toward the completion of this report. Your wisdom, expertise, and invaluable insights have kept us on the right path, ensuring that we remain focused and driven until the culmination of our efforts.
To our dear friends, who have accompanied us on this transformative four-year university journey, we are indebted to you. Amidst the trials and tribulations of student life, you have been our pillars of strength, lending us a helping hand when we stumbled and sharing in our joys and sorrows. In times of pain and adversity, it was the profound bonds of friendship that illuminated our path and reignited our spirits.
Our sincere gratitude extends to our beloved parents and cherished loved ones. Their unwavering support, continuous encouragement, and unwavering belief in our abilities have been a constant source of motivation for us throughout this arduous journey. Their presence has been an invaluable asset, providing us with the necessary strength and conviction to channel our positive energy into completing this project. Their love and encouragement have served as the driving force behind our endeavors, and we are forever grateful for their unwavering faith in us.
Finally, we would like to express thanks to Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education and the Faculty of High Quality Training creating favorable conditions for us to take our graduation project.
In conclusion, we wish to extend our deepest gratitude to our parents, loved ones, friends, advisors, and our university for their unwavering support, guidance, and contribution to our academic journey. Without their presence and influence, we would not have been able to achieve the level of success and personal growth that we have experienced. Their contributions have been immeasurable, and we will forever cherish the profound impact they have had on our lives.
Project Title: Research, design, and implementation of equipment to monitor players
on the football pitch
This project aims to develop a tracking and support device for football players during training and matches, using the ESP32 module and integrating sensors such as DWB1000 (position tracking), AD8232 (heart rate monitoring), and MPU6250 (acceleration and velocity measurement), along with designing a PCB circuit to optimize device size.
The device collects data from sensors and then utilizes algorithms to compute player position, heart rate, and velocity. The ESP32 microcontroller serves as the central processing unit, ensuring rapid data processing and collection from sensors. Additionally, a Low Pass filter is employed to reduce sensor noise.
The player-worn device can communicate via TCP and ESP32 wifi connection. Subsequently, the collected data is pushed to a web server, such as NodeRed, which provides detailed information about player position, heart rate, motion, formation distances, and player reminders through real-time device vibrations during and after training sessions and matches.
Ultimately, players and coaches can utilize the statistical website to track player performance and health, facilitating training adjustments for better results. The next development goal is to optimize device size and weight to enhance usability for both players and coaches.
Đề Tài: Nghiên cứu, thiết kế, và triển khai thiết bị để theo dõi cầu thủ trên sân bóng
Đề tài này phát triển một thiết bị theo dõi và hỗ trợ cầu thủ trong tập luyện và thi đấu bóng đá, sử dụng module ESP32 và tích hợp các cảm biến như DWB1000 (theo dõi vị trí), AD8232 (đo nhịp tim), và MPU6250 (đo gia tốc và vận tốc) và thiết kế mạch PCB để tối ưu kích thước thiết bị.
Thiết bị thu thập dữ liệu từ cảm biến, sau đó sử dụng các phương pháp tính toán vị trí, nhịp tim, và vận tốc. Vi điều khiển ESP32 là bộ xử lý trung tâm của thiết bị đảm bảo khả năng xử lý và thu thập dữ liệu nhanh chóng từ các cảm biến. Thêm vào đó sử dụng bộ lọc Low Pass nhằm giảm nhiễu từ cảm biến.
Thiết bị gắn trên áo cầu thủ có thể giao tiếp qua cách TCP và thông qua kết nối wifi của ESP32 Sau đó dữ liệu được thu thập được sẽ được đẩy lên web sever mà ở đây là được sử dụng là NodeRed. Trang web này được thiết kế để cung cấp thông tin chi tiết về vị trí cầu thủ, nhịp tim và chuyển động của họ, cự ly đội hình và nhắc được cầu thủ trên sân nhờ việc rung thiết bị cả trong thời gian thực và sau các buổi tập luyện và trận đấu.
Trong kết quả cuối cùng, cầu thủ và huấn luyện viên có thể sử dụng website thống kê để theo dõi hiệu suất và sức khỏe của cầu thủ, từ đó tăng cường tập luyện và đưa ra những điều chỉnh cần thiết để đạt hiệu quả cao hơn trong quá trình chơi bóng.
Mục tiêu phát triển tiếp theo là tối ưu kích thước và cân nặng để nâng cao trải nghiệm sử dụng cho cả cầu thủ và huấn luyện viên.
NHIỆM VỤ ĐỒ ÁN TỐT NGHIỆP ........................................................................... 3 DISCLAIMER .......................................................................................................... 13 ACKNOWLEDGMENT .......................................................................................... 14 ABSTRACT.............................................................................................................. 15 TÓM TẮT ĐỒ ÁN ................................................................................................... 16 TABLE OF CONTENTS.............................................................................................i LIST OF FIGURE .....................................................................................................iv LIST OF TABLE ......................................................................................................vii LIST OF ABBREVIATION.....................................................................................viii CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION...............................................................................1 1.1. The urgency of the topic ...................................................................................... 1 1.2. Scientific and practical significance of the topic:................................................2 1.3. Research Target:................................................................................................... 3 1.4. Subject and scope of the research ........................................................................ 3 1.4.1. Research Subject...............................................................................................3 1.4.2. Research Scope ................................................................................................. 4 1.5. Research method..................................................................................................4 1.5.1. Methodological basis: ....................................................................................... 4 1.5.2. Specific research methods: ............................................................................... 4 1.6. Graduation project structure: ............................................................................... 5 CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE VIEW ......................................................................... 7 2.1. Device theory:......................................................................................................7 2.2. Theory of location determination : .................................................................... 13 2.2.1. Ultra Wide Band (UWB) ................................................................................ 13 2.2.2. Locate a Tag in space:.....................................................................................14 2.3. Theory of player reminder mechanism:.............................................................16 2.4. Low pass filter application: ............................................................................... 18 2.4.1. Introducing Filter: ........................................................................................... 18 2.4.2. Method of Low-Pass filter: ............................................................................. 18 2.5. Overall Node-Red:.............................................................................................21
2.5.1. What is Node Red? ......................................................................................... 21 2.5.2. Connect to Node-Red using MQTT Broker HiveMQ: ................................... 22 2.5.3. Reasons for choosing node-red as the display ................................................ 23 2.6. Designing a GUI with Python Tkinter ............................................................... 24 2.6.1. The benefits of Python .................................................................................... 24 2.6.2. Python libraries used in the program .............................................................. 25 2.7. Creating a Data Storage File with CSV ............................................................. 27 2.7.1. What is a CSV File?........................................................................................ 27 2.7.2. Creating a CSV File in Python: ...................................................................... 27 2.8. Other applications: ............................................................................................. 28 2.8.1. TCP and how two Tags operate at the same time ........................................... 28 2.8.2. FreeRTOS ....................................................................................................... 29 CHAPTER 3: DESIGN AND IMPLEMENT........................................................... 31 3.1. Hardware requirements:..................................................................................... 31 3.2. Processing design device: .................................................................................. 32 3.3. Block diagram:................................................................................................... 32 3.4. Directions and solutions for implementation:.................................................... 33 3.5. Option for installation on the player:.................................................................54 3.5.1. Device placement............................................................................................ 54 3.5.2. Choosing the right jacket: ............................................................................... 55 3.6. Design and calculate of device container: ......................................................... 57 CHAPTER 4: METHOD ANALYST DATA............................................................ 58 4.1. Completed device features:................................................................................ 58 4.2. Data processing diagram : ................................................................................. 58 4.3. Calculation of the Low Pass Filter used in the heart rate sensor ....................... 60 CHAPTER 5: EXPERIMENT RESULTS FINDINGS AND ANALYSIS .............. 68 5.1. Design expertement: .......................................................................................... 68 5.1.1. Needs .............................................................................................................. 68 5.1.2. Metrics ............................................................................................................ 68 5.1.3. Needs – Metrics Correlation ........................................................................... 69 5.1.4. Product specification ...................................................................................... 69
5.1.5. Method of experiment: ................................................................................... 71 5.2. Operation Experience ........................................................................................ 72 5.2.1. Static test.........................................................................................................72 5.2.2. Dynamic test: .................................................................................................. 73 5.3. Analyst ............................................................................................................... 75 CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS .............................. 82 6.1. Conclusion ......................................................................................................... 82 6.1.1. Advantage: ...................................................................................................... 82 6.1.2. Disadvantage:.................................................................................................. 82 6.2. Recommendations.............................................................................................. 82 REFERENCE............................................................................................................ 83
Figure 1.1: Electronic Performance & Tracking Systems ......................................... 1 Figure 1.2: Player wear vest CATAPULT.................................................................. 3 Figure 1.3: Applicable Object .................................................................................... 4 Figure 2.1: Heart Rate................................................................................................ 8 Figure 2.2: Electrocardiogram (ECG) ....................................................................... 9 Figure 2.3: UWB technology................................................................................... 13 Figure 2.4: The operational principles of UWB computing .................................... 14 Figure 2.5: Trigonometry ......................................................................................... 15 Figure 2.6: Remind player was offside...................................................................17 Figure 2.7: Overall the Low Pass Filter ................................................................... 18 Figure 2.8: The result for signal 2Hz through Low Pass Filter .............................. 19 Figure 2.9: The result for signal 50Hz through Low Pass Filter ............................ 19 Figure 2.10: Phase slip in Low Pass Filter .............................................................. 20 Figure 2.11: Interface with Node-Red ..................................................................... 21 Figure 2.12: Data transmission platform ................................................................. 22 Figure 2.13: General description of connections in the project............................... 23 Figure 2.14: Transmission Control Protocol............................................................ 26 Figure 2.15: Data save in file CSV .......................................................................... 27 Figure 3.1: Device used in training.......................................................................... 31 Figure 3.2: Device design process ........................................................................... 32 Figure 3.3: Design Electrical ................................................................................... 32 Figure 3.4: PCB circuit ............................................................................................ 34 Figure 3.5: Lipo Battery .......................................................................................... 35 Figure 3.6: Configuration of Xl 1509 ...................................................................... 35 Figure 3.7: Principle diagram of power block with output 3.3V ............................. 36 Figure 3.8: Power block on the board...................................................................... 36 Figure 3.9: IC programmer ...................................................................................... 37 Figure 3.10: Charging block diagram ...................................................................... 38 Figure 3.11: Charging block in PCB........................................................................ 38 Figure 3.12: ESP32-Wroom Pinout ........................................................................ 39
Figure 3.13: Microcontroller Block diagram...........................................................41 Figure 3.14: Microcontroller Block in PCB ............................................................ 42 Figure 3.15: Module MPU6050............................................................................... 42 Figure 3.16: Connection between ESP32 and MPU6050....................................... 43 Figure 3.17: MPU6050 Block diagram ................................................................... 44 Figure 3.18: MPU6050 block in PCB...................................................................... 45 Figure 3.19: Module AD8232 and Pinout................................................................ 46 Figure 3.20: Connection between ESP32 and AD8232........................................... 47 Figure 3.21: AD8232 Block diagram....................................................................... 47 Figure 3.22: AD8232 Block in PCB ........................................................................ 48 Figure 3.23: Module DW1000................................................................................. 48 Figure 3.24: DW1000 Block diagram ..................................................................... 50 Figure 3.25: Connection between ESP32 and DW1000.......................................... 50 Figure 3.26: Vibrating motor in PCB ...................................................................... 51 Figure 3.27: Schematic ............................................................................................ 52 Figure 3.28: Top layer .............................................................................................. 53 Figure 3.29: Bottom layer ........................................................................................ 53 Figure 3.30: Front side of the PCB .......................................................................... 54 Figure 3.31: Back side of the PCB .......................................................................... 54 Figure 3.32: .Device location in vest ....................................................................... 55 Figure 3.33: Vest type .............................................................................................. 56 Figure 4.1: Data Processing diagram......................................................................59 Figure 4.2: The unprocessed raw signal obtained from AD8232 sensor ................. 61 Figure 4.3: Low Pass filter results at 5 Hz cutoff frequency ................................... 62 Figure 4.4: Low Pass filter results at 10 Hz cutoff frequency ................................. 63 Figure 4.5: Low Pass filter results at 15 Hz cutoff frequency ................................. 63 Figure 4.6: Low Pass filter results at 20 Hz cutoff frequency ................................. 63 Figure 4.7: Other results .......................................................................................... 64 Figure 4.8: Comparison of cut-off frequencies of 15Hz and 20Hz: ........................ 64 Figure 5.1: Graph on the value of battery life ......................................................... 76 Figure 5.2: Graph on the value of heart rate ............................................................ 77
Figure 5.3: Graph on the value of velocity .............................................................. 77 Figure 5.4: Graph on the value of location .............................................................. 78 Figure 5.5: Testing indoor and on the pitch ............................................................. 79 Figure 5.6: Display .................................................................................................. 80 Figure 5.7: Result..................................................................................................... 80
Table 2.1: Heart rate with each age............................................................................8 Table 2.2: Target heart rate zones for different ages ................................................ 11 Table 2.3: Target heart rate chart for effective workouts ......................................... 11 Table 3.1: Capacity Statistics ................................................................................... 34 Table 5.1: Metrics .................................................................................................... 69 Table 5.2: Metrics Correlation ................................................................................. 69 Table 5.3: Production Specification ......................................................................... 70 Table 5.4: Method Experiment................................................................................. 72 Table 5.5: Static test ................................................................................................. 73 Table 5.6: Battery life (minute)................................................................................73 Table 5.7: Check heart rate value (bmp) .................................................................. 74 Table 5.8: Check velocity value when walking and running (cm/s)........................75 Table 5.9: Check vibrant .......................................................................................... 75 Table 5.10: Check the measuring position (m) ........................................................ 75 Table 5.11: Static test analysis ................................................................................. 76 Table 5.12: Test criteria............................................................................................78
TCP: Transmission Control Protocol
EPTS: Electronic Performance Tracking Systems IFAB: International Football Association Board HR: Heart Rate
BPM: Beats Per Minute
RHR: Resting Heart Rate
ECG: Electrocardiogram
IoT: Internets of Things
MQTT: International Football Association Board GUI: International Football Association Board CSV: Comma Separated Values
RTOS: Real-Time Operating System
MCU: Microcontrollers
PCB: Printed Wiring Boards
UART: Universal Asychrinius Receiver / Transmitter CPU: Central Processing Unit
SPI: Serial Peripheral Interface
GPIO: General Purpose Input Output
PWM: Pulse Width Modulation
IMU: Inertial Measurement Unit
DMP: Data Management Platform
VOM: Digital Multimeter
ADC: Analog to Digital Converter
UWB: Ultra - Wideband
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1. The urgency of the topic
Thesis research on a device used for football players to track and evaluate player performance. EPTS (Electronic Performance and Tracking System) is one of the tools that FIFA has implemented to measure player distance and track the ball. The International Football Association Board (IFAB) decided to allow players to use wearable technology in official football matches in March 2015.
In recent years, the popularity of using wearable player tracking devices has been on the rise. This is a lucrative market for companies and businesses to invest in and develop such devices to generate revenue. Countries that are pioneers in this field include companies from Germany, England, Austria, etc. They have successfully developed and promoted their products, the most visible and familiar being the Premier League, where all players from each club wear a vest-mounted device under their main shirt when they take the field. In addition to the usual playing accessories such as: shirts, pants, specialized shoes, socks, protective pads, etc., there is now a vest with a device attached. Some famous brands like Captapult, Playertex, etc., they not only develop in the king of sports but also spread to other sports such as basketball, rugby, volleyball, etc.
Figure 1.1: Electronic Performance & Tracking Systems
Although it is so famous, it is still not well known about this technology in Vietnam. Recently, in the 2022 World Cup qualifying campaign of the Vietnam national football team, we began to see the appearance of Catapult monitoring vests on the bodies of players such as Tien Linh, Cong Phuong, Quang Hai, etc. This shows how the impact of technology in football is spreading.
Through the specific evidence as above, we see the need for a device to track the basic parameters of the trainer when training or competing to track the basic parameters of the body such as the number of kilometers of movement, training speed, and also the heart rate of the trainer. From these parameters, we can adjust the training regimen for better fitness. Such a device is essential during the training period to track the distance and speed of movement of the players on the field as well as their heart rate. Then, this information is transmitted to another monitoring device outside the field to be recorded. This allows for a more accurate grasp of the health status of the players and to develop more appropriate training and competition plans for each position on the field. Realizing the need for a device that can fulfill the above tasks, the group has researched the topic: " Research, design, and implementation of equipment to monitor players on the football pitch".
1.2. Scientific and practical significance of the topic:
The urgency of the research, design, and deployment of the player tracking device on the football field lies in the wide range of benefits and applications it brings to the field of sports and training. Here are some specific aspects:
- Optimized Training Performance: The device helps to optimize training performance by providing accurate information about the player's position, heart rate, and movement. This helps coaches to adjust training plans to meet the specific needs and abilities of each player.
- Personal Health Management: Monitoring heart rate and movement measures helps to assess the player's individual health. This not only helps to prevent injuries but also creates a suitable training regimen for each individual.
- Optimized Formation and Tactics: Data on player position on the field helps coaches determine the best tactics and formation for each game situation. This increases the team's chances of winning.
- Real-time decision-making: The data is updated continuously, supporting immediate decisions in real-time. This is important in situations that require flexibility and quick response from coaches and players.
- Enhancing the Personal Experience: By providing detailed information about the player's activity, the topic helps to create a positive and motivating experience for the player. Tracking individual progress can increase commitment and passion in training.
- Contribution to Technology Research: The research not only addresses challenges in the field of sports but also contributes to the development of sports tracking and evaluation technology. This could open the door to new advances in this field.
In conclusion, the urgency of this topic lies not only in the specific improvement of the performance of players and teams, but also in the aspect of contributing to the development and modernization of the field of sports and health tracking technology
1.3. Research Target:
In the project, we set a number of important goals to ensure success and high efficiency:
- Researching the commercial products currently used by major football teams worldwide.
- Designing a model of the product with basic functionalities compared to the actual product with high stability.
- Analyzing and processing data collected from sensors.
- Designing a display interface and data statistics.
- Adding a feature to remind players on the field during training.
Figure 1.2: Player wear vest CATAPULT 1.4. Subject and scope of the research
1.4.1. Research Subject
- The research subject in the topic is players participating in training and competition activities on the field.
- The research focuses on the design and implementation of a tracking device that provides information about the player's position, heart rate, and movement in real-time.

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