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Luận văn tiếng Anh:“Nghiên cứu về việc dạy từ vựng tiếng Anh cho học sinh dân tộc thiểu số khối 10 trường phổ thông Vùng Cao Việt Bắc thông qua các hoạt động nhóm” = I“A study on teaching English vocabulary to the 10th grade ethnic minority students at Vung Cao Viet Bac high school through group activities”. M.A Thesis Linguistics: 60 140 111
Nhà xuất bản:University of Languages and International Studies

This research was done to investigate the use of learning group activities in teaching English vocabulary to the 10th grade ethnic minority students at Vung Cao Viet Bac high school, Thai Nguyen city, and find out how group activities benefit for both teachers and learners of English. Two research tools were used to gather the data: questionnaire, and pre-test/ post-test. 181 10th grade students and 14 teacher of English at Vung Cao Viet Bac high school took part in this study. The findings of the research were totally true to the research hypotheses. Furthermore, it is hoped that this thesis will Giúp other teachers of English be aware of the advantages of group activities and apply them effectively to teach English vocabulary.

In Vietnam, English is one of the foreign languages that is compulsory from
primary school level to university level. It can be seen that vocabulary is very important
in English teaching and learning. However, teaching English, especially its vocabulary to
ethnic minority students has a lot of difficulties. This thesis is carried out to investigate
the use of learning group activities in teaching English vocabulary to the 10th grade ethnic
minority students at Vung Cao Viet Bac high school, Thai Nguyen city, and find out how
group activities benefit for both teachers and learners of English to Giúp them teaching
and learning English vocabulary better.
Furthermore, it is hoped that this thesis will Giúp other teachers of English be
aware of the advantages of group activities and apply them effectively to teach English the difference is very small. Whereas, the result of the experimental group, under the
CLT, has a sharp rise.
3.2. Findings and discussions
From the above results of survey questionnaire, and pre/post-tests, main findings
of the study are found. These findings will Giúp to answer the two research questions of
the study that are presented in part A:
1. What are opinions of the teachers and the 10th grade ethnic minority students at
VCVBHS of the use of group activities in teaching English vocabulary?
2. Which group activities should be used in teaching English vocabulary to the 10th
grade ethnic minority students at VCVBHS?
3.2.1. The opinions of the teachers and the 10th grade ethnic minority students at
VCVBHS about the use of group activities in teaching and learning English
From the results of the survey, it is clear that 100% of the 10th grade ethnic
minority students at VCVBHS thought that English vocabulary was very important or
important in learning English. Vocabulary can be seen as bricks to build a wall. However,
38% of them did not like learning English vocabulary because they found it difficult, even
very difficult so finding out effective ways for the teachers at VCVBHS to teach English
vocabulary is very necessary.
The above survey also indicates that most of the students liked learning English
vocabulary through group activities because of its benefits. It can make the students more
confident in using English, especially for the ethnic minority students who are very shy in
using English, give them more chances to learn from the other group members. It also
creates the enviroment for them to practise using vocabulary in communication that
makes English vocabulary become active and more memorable. In addition, all of the
students agreed that group activities can make the lesson to be fun and more interesting.
For the way of organizing group work in teaching English vocabulary, most of the
students desired to work with higher English proficiency lever but having the same
interest to learn more from each other. However, some teachers often put the students
sitting next to others in to a group to save time. That’s one of the reason why some
students felt bored with group activities

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