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Luận văn tiếng Anh:“Proverbs denoting family relationships in English and Vietnamese: A contrastive analysis and teaching implications.”= Các tục ngữ chỉ mối quan hệ gia đình: Một phân tích đối chiếu và những ứng dụng trong dạy học. M.A Thesis
Nhà xuất bản:University of Languages and International Studies

M.A. Thesis English Linguistics -- University of Languages and International Studies. Vietnam National University Hanoi, 2014
The wisdom of proverbs has guided people in their social interactions for thousand years throughout the world. Proverbs in general and proverbs denoting family relationships in particular are useful for not only old people but also young ones. They give us good pieces of advice and precious moral lessons. The study on proverbs denoting family relationships in English and Vietnamese is an attempt to investigate their syntactic features as well as their semantic ones. A contrastive analysis has been made for the purpose of finding out the similarities and differences between English proverbs denoting family relationships and Vietnamese ones in terms of syntactic and semantic components. The result of the study may make a great contribution to communication as well as writings. In addition, it may also provide helpful suggestions for teachers and learners of English in using proverbs. Through that, we can develop humanism which is really important and indispensable in any society.
My study has been completed with the assistance and guidance of my teachers, my
friends and my relatives.
Firstly, I wish to express my deep thanks to my supervisor, Dr. Nguyễn Huy Kỷ, for
his valuable guidance, helpful suggestions and critical feedback on my study.
Secondly, I would like to give my gratitude to all my lecturers at the Faculty of
Post-Graduate Studies, University of Languages & International Studies, Vietnam
National University, Hanoi for their useful lectures which helped me a lot for
accomplishment of the study. In addition, my thanks also go to my friends from
class K21HP for their ideas, materials and enthusiasm.
Last but not least, I want to give my special thanks to my family, especially to my
husband, for their support and encouragement so that I could finish my study. ABSTRACT
Mieder [15: 11] states that the wisdom of proverbs has guided people in their social
interactions for thousand years throughout the world. They obviously contain a lot
of common sense, experience, wisdom and truth, and as such they represent ready
made traditional strategies in oral speech acts and writings from high literature to
the mass media [15: 4]. Proverbs in general and proverbs denoting family
relationships in particular are useful for not only old people but also young ones.
They give us good pieces of advice and precious moral lessons. The study on
proverbs denoting family relationships in English and Vietnamese is an attempt to
investigate their syntactic features as well as their semantic ones. A contrastive
analysis has been made for the purpose of finding out the similarities and
differences between English proverbs denoting family relationships and Vietnamese
ones in terms of syntactic and semantic components. The result of the study may
make a great contribution to communication as well as writings. In addition, it may
also provide helpful suggestions for teachers and learners of English in using
proverbs. Through that, we can develop humanism which is really important and
indispensable in any society.
1. Rationale ...........................................................................................................1
2. Objectives of the study......................................................................................2
3. Research questions ............................................................................................2
4. Methods of the study........................................................................................2
5. Significance of the study...................................................................................3
6. Scope of the study .............................................................................................3
7. Organization of the study..................................................................................3
1.1. An overview of precious study ......................................................................5
1.2. Theoretical background..................................................................................6
1.2.1. Definition of proverbs......................................................................6
1.2.2. Definition of proverbs denoting family relationships......................7
1.2.3. Definition of idioms .........................................................................8
1.2.4. Proverbs and idioms.........................................................................8
1.3. Summary ........................................................................................................10
2.1. Restatement of the research questions ...........................................................11
2.2. Data collection instruments............................................................................11
2.3. Procedures of data collection .........................................................................12
2.4. Procedures of data analysis ............................................................................12
2.5. Summary ........................................................................................................13
3.1. The syntactic features of English and Vietnamese proverbs denoting family
relationships ..........................................................................................................14
3.1.1. Conciseness......................................................................................14
3.1.2. Symmetry ........................................................................................15
3.1.3. Sentential structures ........................................................................16
3.1.4. Phrasal structures ............................................................................21
3.2. The similarities and differences between English and Vietnamese proverbs
denoting family relationships in terms of syntactic features.................................22
3.2.1. Similarities ......................................................................................22
3.2.2. Differences ......................................................................................22
3.3. Semantic features of English and Vietnamese proverbs denoting family
relationships ..........................................................................................................23
3.3.1. Meanings of proverbs denoting family relationships .....................23
3.3.2. Stylistic devices of English and Vietnamese denoting family
relationships .........................................................................................................24
3.3.3. Semantic aspects of proverbs denoting family relationships in English
and Vietnamese .....................................................................................................27
3.4. Semantic similarities and differences between the English and Vietnamese
proverbs denoting family relationships.................................................................31
3.4.1. Similarities .......................................................................................31
3.4.2. Differences .......................................................................................32
3.5. Summary ........................................................................................................32
1. Recapitulation ...................................................................................................34
2. Conclusions .......................................................................................................35
3. Teaching implications .......................................................................................36
4. Limitations of the study ....................................................................................37
5. Suggestions for further study ...........................................................................37
APPENDIX 1 .......................................................................................................I
APPENDIX 2 .......................................................................................................III
1. Rationale
When learning a new language, everybody expects to study not only its words but
also its culture and customs as well. Sapir [22] insists that “every cultural pattern
and every single act of social behavior involves communication in either an explicit
or implicit sense”. The tool for this communication is language [13]. There are
many ways to approach a new culture. One of them is studying its proverbs and
sayings. Bank [3] claims that “Proverbs are condensed culture”. Furthermore,
Mieder [15] states that “The wisdom of proverbs has guided people in their
social interactions for thousand years throughout the world.” We can say, therefore,
proverbs are a very precious heritage of every nation, every ethnic group that should
be respected and preserved.
Vietnamese proverbs are not known for sure of the origin in term of their inception
and authors. They are orally transmitted and incessantly edited throughout
generations [10]. The content of Vietnamese proverbs are various, often reflect
human experiences about labor and production, about family and social
relationships in which proverbs denoting family relationships account for relatively
large numbers in Vietnamese folk songs store. Proverbs about the relationship
between husbands and wives, parents and children, brothers and sisters have been in
company with us during our whole lives. From the cradle, I was familiar with some
proverbs: “Chị ngã em nâng” [24], “Anh em như thể tay chân” [8] or “Một
giọt máu đào hơn ao nước lã” [18]. We were taught not only to love our
brothers and sisters but also to respect spiritual family sentiment. Furthermore,
some other proverbs gave us the lessons of respecting and being grateful to our
parents such as: “Công cha như núi Thái Sơn, nghĩa mẹ như nước trong nguồn chảy
ra” [18]. And there are still a lot of valuable proverbs which provide us with
many precious lessons in the treasure of Vietnamese proverbs. It is clear that family
proverbs have carved deeply into everyone’s mind. Therefore, they play an

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