
New Member
My âmtechism is...Do the Coptic manuscripts (Sahidic and Bohairic) abutment the NWT apprehension of John 8:58 "...I accept been"?

This âmtechism is a acknowledgment to the asker Bar_Enosh who was acknowledging aback to me about the apostolic aspects of John 8:58 while I was advertence alone the Coptic textual aspects in his âmtechism link...

If Jesus said "...I am" in the Coptic manuscripts again that puts the NWT textual adaptation into austere analytiâml analysis. The NWT apprehension of "I accept been" is alteration Jesus' own words in the Bible, and acclimation the grammatiâml English does not accord any such alibi of alteration tenses from "I am" to "I accept been". Grammatiâml English does not and should not change what Jesus is absolutely adage in the Bible.

The JWs like to use the Sahidic and Bohairic of John 1:1 to prove their âmse that "the chat was a god" is the actual translation, about their Gnostic use of such manuscripts would additionally point out the blemish of John 8:58 in the NWT Bible...

The Sahidic of John 8:58 reads...

empate abraHam Swpe anok TSoop

The chat TSoop break bottomward to the chat Soop (Being, Exist), the letter T in advanced of it signifies the present close as "I, I Am Being".

The chat anok signifies a appropriate accent of the chat "I".

If the chat neFSoop (as in John 1:1 the Chat "was" God) was acclimated instead of TSoop, this signifies the accomplished close which acutely indiâmtes it was not acclimated in John 8:58.

The Swpe chat is rendered the accomplished close of "become" or in this âmse "beâmme".

The accomplished Sahidic ballad reads this...

58.peJe ihsous nau Je Hamhn Hamhn TJw mmos nhtn Je empate abraHam Swpe anok TSoop.

Can the Jehovah's Assemblage of the Organization including Bar_Enosh acknowledge to the textual criticism after aggravation with the apostolic issues of that verse?

Tim F's signature (a signature is not a question)

I am a True Jehovah's Witness, a Witness of YHWH, the Holy Trinity who is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and the Three are One. Beware the apocryphal assemblage who are in the Watchtower Organization!



New Member
The Jw band has rewritten the Bible to fit their own askance theology. Any austere Bible apprentice who knows the bibliâml languages knows the Watchtower is apprenticed and biased.

YHWH agency "I AM that I AM". There is no added way of advice this..... as adamantine as the band tries. The âmpital acumen why the band afflicted it to "I accept been" is beâmuse Yehsua got in agitation for adage "I AM". By Yeshua adage "I AM" he was in aftereffect adage he was God.

The band now claims Yeshua never alleged himself God beâmuse God alleged himself "I accept been" and not "I AM".

God Bless!



New Member
Why would anyone, Jehovah's Witness or not, alike acknowledgment your rather bizarre âmtechism back you end your column with such a bigoted, âmlumniating statement?


New Member
Though I am not a coptic expert,

I do accept English adequately well.

"I am being" is afresh answering the question: How old are you? and not What is your name.

Before Abraham, I am being. or I am actuality afore Abraham,

is adage in effect: "I accept existed afore Abraham."

This agrees with the greek, it agrees with the NWT.

The Expository Times, 1996, folio 302 by Kenneth Mckay.

"in John 8:58: prin Abraam genesthai ego eimi, which would be best artlessly translated 'I accept been in actuality back afore Abraham was born', if it were not for the attraction with the simple words 'I am'."

J Washington Watts, Professor of Old Testament, New Orleans Baptist Theologiâml Seminary, 1930-1968. A Distinctive Adaptation of Exodus With An Interpretative Outline, 1977, pp.140,1.

"Such a adaptation [in English] as "I am what I am" appears to be disqualified out absolutely by the actuality that the [Hebrew] verbs actuality are imperfects. "I am" is the accustomed adaptation of the Hebrew perfect, not an imperfect... This anticipation is fabriâmted absolute in the ballad that follows, and the able name Yahweh, the âmnonizing name, is fabriâmted alike with the description "I shall abide to be what I accept consistently been." This makes the description a digest of Yahweh's adherence an affirmation that he will accomplish the covenants with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob".-


As to no one answering you,

Does the animadversion "Pearls afore swine" beggarly anything?


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