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các bạn tải miễn phí ebook: RESEARCH AND WRITING SKILLS SUCCESS PART 16

–A D D I N G F O O T N O T E S , E N D N O T E S , A N D P A R E N T H E T I C A L C I T A T I O N S –

You should also use this format if you are 1. the author’s name (followed by a
citing a source that you have already used, and period)
the citations are not consecutive. The word 2. the name of the article in quotation
“Ibid” should only be used when you are refer- marks, followed by a period
ring to the same source twice in a row. 3. the name of the web site (underline the
site name—followed by a period)
Citing Electronic Sources 4. the date of its posting
In this age of readily available computer infor- 5. the official web address (be sure to
mation, it is very likely that you have done a include all backslashes, brackets etc.)
great deal of your research on your computer.
Since this phenomenon is relatively new in Example A: 1Sue Miller. “Kennedy’s Top
terms of style procedures and precedents, you Advisors.” Government Issues. March 20,
might be wondering how to cite electronic 2000. www.governmentissues.com
material. Electronic information usually falls
into several broad categories: Similarly, to cite an article from

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