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Luận văn tiếng Anh:Using task-based language teaching to increase students’ participation in speaking lessons: An action research at Đức Thiện vocational school = Sử dụng phương pháp dạy học giao nhiệm vụ để tăng cường sự tham gia của học sinh trong các giờ học nói: Nghiên cứu hành động tại trường Trung cấp Đức Thiện. M.A Thesis Linguistics: 60 14 10
Nhà xuất bản:University of Languages and International Studies
Miêu tả:When teaching speaking skill to non-major English students at Đức Thiện Vocational School, the author of this research found that most of the students did not participate in speaking lessons actively. They often kept silent or paid no attention to speaking activities in class. The aim of carrying out this action research was to increase students’ participation in speaking lessons by using task-based language teaching. The action research was conducted with four main steps: Problem identification, Preliminary investigation, Intervention and Evaluation. Survey questionnaire, observation and interview were employed to find answers to the two research questions. The findings of the research revealed that possible reasons for students’ poor participation derived from both themselves and their previous teacher. Using TBLT in speaking lessons helped increase students’ participation in terms of both quantity and quality. Most of the students found doing tasks in pairs or in groups interesting, which made them participate more actively in the task-based lessons. Thanks to doing tasks, the interaction in speaking class developed, in which the interaction between students and students became the most various
List of tables and charts ................................................................................ viii
PART A: INTRODUCTION ..................................................................... 1
1. Rationale of the study............................................................................... 1
2. Aim and objectives of the study................................................................ 2
3. Research questions ................................................................................... 2
4. Scope of the study .................................................................................... 2
5. Methods of the study ................................................................................ 2
6. Significance of the study........................................................................... 3
7. Design of the study................................................................................... 3
PART B: DEVELOPMENT ...................................................................... 4
Chapter 1: Literature review..................................................................... 4
1.1. Speaking skill ....................................................................................... 4
1.1.1. What is speaking? .......................................................................... 4
1.1.2. The importance of speaking skill in learning language .................. 4
1.2. Student participation.............................................................................. 5
1.2.1. What is student participation? ........................................................ 5
1.2.2. Factors affecting student participation in speaking class ................ 6 Students‟ learning styles......................................................... 6 Students‟ motivation .............................................................. 6 Teachers‟ teaching techniques................................................ 6 Teachers‟ personal qualities and characteristics...................... 6
1.3. Task-based language teaching (TBLT) .................................................. 7
1.3.1. What is of TBLT?.......................................................................... 7
1.3.2. What is task within TBLT? ............................................................ 8
1.3.3. Task classifications ........................................................................ 9
1.3.4. A framework for TBLT Implementation ........................................ 10
1. 4. Previous studies relating to applying TBLT in teaching speaking skill.. 11
1.5. Summary ............................................................................................... 12
Chapter 2: Methodology ............................................................................ 13
2.1. An overview of action research.............................................................. 13
2.2. Rationale for the use of an action research ............................................. 14
2.3. Description of the context of the research .............................................. 15
2.3.1. The current method of English language teaching at DTVS ........... 15
2.3.2. The teaching program and materials............................................... 16
2.4. Description of the research .................................................................... 17
2.4.1. Subjects of the research.................................................................. 17
2.4.2. Data collection instruments............................................................ 17
2.4.3. The action procedures ................................................................... 19
2.4.4. Data analysis procedures ............................................................... 21
2.5. Summary ............................................................................................... 22
Chapter 3: Data analysis and discussion ................................................... 23
3.1. Analysis of questionnaire....................................................................... 23
3.1.1. Students‟ attitudes towards speaking skill.............................................23
3.1.2. Students‟ participation in speaking class ........................................ 24
3.1.3. Students‟ motivations and learning styles....................................... 24
3.1.4. Students‟ difficulties in learning speaking skill .............................. 26
3.1.5. Students‟ opinions on speaking activities in the textbook............... 26
3.1.6. Teacher‟s teaching methods in speaking class................................ 27
3.1.7. Students‟ preferences and suggestions to increase their participation in
speaking lessons ........................................................................................... 28
3.2. Analysis of observation ......................................................................... 29
3.2.1. Number of students participating in speaking lessons..................... 30
3.2.2. Students‟ speaking turns ................................................................ 31
3.2.3. Students‟ quality of participation ................................................... 31 Data from Observation sheet 1................................................. 32 Data from Observation sheet 2................................................. 33
3.3. Analysis of interview............................................................................. 35
3.3.1. Students‟ attitudes towards applied tasks and TBLT ...................... 35
3.3.2. Students‟ difficulties in task-based speaking lessons. ..................... 36
3.3.3. Students‟ suggestions for better implementing task-based lessons.. 36
3.4. Discussion of the research questions...................................................... 36
3.5. Summary ............................................................................................... 39
PART C: CONCLUSION .......................................................................... 40
1. Conclusions.............................................................................................. 40
2. Limitations of the study ........................................................................... 41
3. Suggestions for further research ............................................................... 41
PART D: REFERENCES..................................................................................42
APPENDICES ............................................................................................ I
Appendix 1................................................................................................... I
Appendix 2................................................................................................... IV
Appendix 3................................................................................................... VI
Appendix 4................................................................................................... VIII
Appendix 5................................................................................................... IX
Appendix 6................................................................................................... XII
Appendix 7................................................................................................... XV
1. Rationale of the study
English has been extensively studied and taught in Vietnam for decades.
However, there exists some weakness in the teaching and learning of the speaking
skill in non-English major courses at vocational schools, colleges and universities. I
realize that most of students have many problems in learning this skill. It is due to
the fact that the common teaching approach applied is teacher-centered and lecture
oriented, which normally results in learner passiveness and non-involvement in
English speaking activities.
Since I started teaching at Đức Thiện vocational school, I have always been
trying my best to Giúp my students speak better. However, I have had many
frustrations because my students are always inactive in speaking lessons. In fact, at
the beginning of each new course, teachers of English at DTVS always make as
many efforts as possible to teach speaking skill carefully. Even though the students
are really encouraged by the teachers, their participation in speaking lessons is very
poor. This problem leads to the fact that the teachers often omit or teach speaking
lessons perfunctorily to spend time teaching other parts in units so that their
students can pass the final exam well.
Although the students are not required to take any English speaking tests,
communicative skill is very important for their future jobs. How to Giúp students
become more active and participate in speaking lessons better, it is really a big
question for me and my colleagues.
In some recent years, many modern approaches have been applied. Task-based
language teaching has been preferably applied in teaching languages with the hope
to achieve the expected communicative results. Thanks to lectures on English
language teaching methodology delivered in my master course, I understand about
and really felt interested in TBLT. Richards and Rodgers (2001:228) asserted that
“Tasks are believed to foster process of negotiation, modification, rephrasing, and experiment that are heart of second language learning”. Besides, Nunan (2005)
argues that “task-based teaching does provide a flexible, functionally compatible
and contextually sensitive approach for many teachers, as well as learners”.
Therefore, the research “Using task-based language teaching to increase
students’ participation in speaking lessons: An action research at Đức Thiện
Vocational School” was conducted in the hope of solving the problem in my
school‟s teaching context.
2. Aim and objectives of the study
The study is designed with an aim to increase students‟ participation in speaking
lessons at DTVS by using task-based language teaching. Specifically, it has three
- To find possible explanations for the poor participation of the students.
- To justify the effect of task-based language teaching on students‟ participation.
3. Research questions
1. What are possible reasons that lead to students‟ participation in speaking lessons?
2. To what extent does task-based language teaching Giúp increase students‟
participation in speaking lessons?
4. Scope of the study
The study concentrates on communicative tasks that students are assigned in
English speaking lessons, which result in increasing the participation of first-year
students‟ at DTVS. Within its scope, the research was aimed at justifying the extent
of class activity participation improvement of the students.
5. Methods of the study
This study is conducted as an action research because action research is the best
choice for the purpose of investigating students‟ difficulties in learning speaking
and improving the students‟ participation in speaking lessons. In order to get data, a
combination of different instruments, namely class observation, informal interviews
and questionnaire, is used. The data collected from the observation and interviews will be analyzed by qualitative method, and the data collected
through the questionnaire will be analyzed by quantitative method.
6. Significance of the study
The study is an attempt to the concern of teachers and administrator who take
responsibility of the course quality and students‟ learning. From the findings of the
study, teachers and administrator can decide whether or not task-based language
teaching should be used for teaching English at DTVS in future. This new method
may become the positive solution to the students‟ poor participation in learning not
only speaking skill but also other skills.
7. Design of the study
The study consists of three main parts as follows.
The first part, Introduction, deals with rationale, purposes, research
questions, scope, methods, significance and design of the study.
The second part, Development, contains three chapters, in which chapter
1 reviews the literature focusing on the theoretical basis related to task-based
language teaching and speaking skill, chapter 2 presents a detailed description of the
research methodology, and chapter 3 discusses the findings of the study.
The final part, Conclusion, recapitulates all the main points discussed
throughout the thesis, provides pedagogical implications and suggests further
research orientations.
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Password giải nén nếu cần: ket-noi.com | Bấm trực tiếp vào Link để tải:
Nhà xuất bản:University of Languages and International Studies
Miêu tả:When teaching speaking skill to non-major English students at Đức Thiện Vocational School, the author of this research found that most of the students did not participate in speaking lessons actively. They often kept silent or paid no attention to speaking activities in class. The aim of carrying out this action research was to increase students’ participation in speaking lessons by using task-based language teaching. The action research was conducted with four main steps: Problem identification, Preliminary investigation, Intervention and Evaluation. Survey questionnaire, observation and interview were employed to find answers to the two research questions. The findings of the research revealed that possible reasons for students’ poor participation derived from both themselves and their previous teacher. Using TBLT in speaking lessons helped increase students’ participation in terms of both quantity and quality. Most of the students found doing tasks in pairs or in groups interesting, which made them participate more actively in the task-based lessons. Thanks to doing tasks, the interaction in speaking class developed, in which the interaction between students and students became the most various
List of tables and charts ................................................................................ viii
PART A: INTRODUCTION ..................................................................... 1
1. Rationale of the study............................................................................... 1
2. Aim and objectives of the study................................................................ 2
3. Research questions ................................................................................... 2
4. Scope of the study .................................................................................... 2
5. Methods of the study ................................................................................ 2
6. Significance of the study........................................................................... 3
7. Design of the study................................................................................... 3
PART B: DEVELOPMENT ...................................................................... 4
Chapter 1: Literature review..................................................................... 4
1.1. Speaking skill ....................................................................................... 4
1.1.1. What is speaking? .......................................................................... 4
1.1.2. The importance of speaking skill in learning language .................. 4
1.2. Student participation.............................................................................. 5
1.2.1. What is student participation? ........................................................ 5
1.2.2. Factors affecting student participation in speaking class ................ 6 Students‟ learning styles......................................................... 6 Students‟ motivation .............................................................. 6 Teachers‟ teaching techniques................................................ 6 Teachers‟ personal qualities and characteristics...................... 6
1.3. Task-based language teaching (TBLT) .................................................. 7
1.3.1. What is of TBLT?.......................................................................... 7
1.3.2. What is task within TBLT? ............................................................ 8
1.3.3. Task classifications ........................................................................ 9
1.3.4. A framework for TBLT Implementation ........................................ 10
1. 4. Previous studies relating to applying TBLT in teaching speaking skill.. 11
1.5. Summary ............................................................................................... 12
Chapter 2: Methodology ............................................................................ 13
2.1. An overview of action research.............................................................. 13
2.2. Rationale for the use of an action research ............................................. 14
2.3. Description of the context of the research .............................................. 15
2.3.1. The current method of English language teaching at DTVS ........... 15
2.3.2. The teaching program and materials............................................... 16
2.4. Description of the research .................................................................... 17
2.4.1. Subjects of the research.................................................................. 17
2.4.2. Data collection instruments............................................................ 17
2.4.3. The action procedures ................................................................... 19
2.4.4. Data analysis procedures ............................................................... 21
2.5. Summary ............................................................................................... 22
Chapter 3: Data analysis and discussion ................................................... 23
3.1. Analysis of questionnaire....................................................................... 23
3.1.1. Students‟ attitudes towards speaking skill.............................................23
3.1.2. Students‟ participation in speaking class ........................................ 24
3.1.3. Students‟ motivations and learning styles....................................... 24
3.1.4. Students‟ difficulties in learning speaking skill .............................. 26
3.1.5. Students‟ opinions on speaking activities in the textbook............... 26
3.1.6. Teacher‟s teaching methods in speaking class................................ 27
3.1.7. Students‟ preferences and suggestions to increase their participation in
speaking lessons ........................................................................................... 28
3.2. Analysis of observation ......................................................................... 29
3.2.1. Number of students participating in speaking lessons..................... 30
3.2.2. Students‟ speaking turns ................................................................ 31
3.2.3. Students‟ quality of participation ................................................... 31 Data from Observation sheet 1................................................. 32 Data from Observation sheet 2................................................. 33
3.3. Analysis of interview............................................................................. 35
3.3.1. Students‟ attitudes towards applied tasks and TBLT ...................... 35
3.3.2. Students‟ difficulties in task-based speaking lessons. ..................... 36
3.3.3. Students‟ suggestions for better implementing task-based lessons.. 36
3.4. Discussion of the research questions...................................................... 36
3.5. Summary ............................................................................................... 39
PART C: CONCLUSION .......................................................................... 40
1. Conclusions.............................................................................................. 40
2. Limitations of the study ........................................................................... 41
3. Suggestions for further research ............................................................... 41
PART D: REFERENCES..................................................................................42
APPENDICES ............................................................................................ I
Appendix 1................................................................................................... I
Appendix 2................................................................................................... IV
Appendix 3................................................................................................... VI
Appendix 4................................................................................................... VIII
Appendix 5................................................................................................... IX
Appendix 6................................................................................................... XII
Appendix 7................................................................................................... XV
1. Rationale of the study
English has been extensively studied and taught in Vietnam for decades.
However, there exists some weakness in the teaching and learning of the speaking
skill in non-English major courses at vocational schools, colleges and universities. I
realize that most of students have many problems in learning this skill. It is due to
the fact that the common teaching approach applied is teacher-centered and lecture
oriented, which normally results in learner passiveness and non-involvement in
English speaking activities.
Since I started teaching at Đức Thiện vocational school, I have always been
trying my best to Giúp my students speak better. However, I have had many
frustrations because my students are always inactive in speaking lessons. In fact, at
the beginning of each new course, teachers of English at DTVS always make as
many efforts as possible to teach speaking skill carefully. Even though the students
are really encouraged by the teachers, their participation in speaking lessons is very
poor. This problem leads to the fact that the teachers often omit or teach speaking
lessons perfunctorily to spend time teaching other parts in units so that their
students can pass the final exam well.
Although the students are not required to take any English speaking tests,
communicative skill is very important for their future jobs. How to Giúp students
become more active and participate in speaking lessons better, it is really a big
question for me and my colleagues.
In some recent years, many modern approaches have been applied. Task-based
language teaching has been preferably applied in teaching languages with the hope
to achieve the expected communicative results. Thanks to lectures on English
language teaching methodology delivered in my master course, I understand about
and really felt interested in TBLT. Richards and Rodgers (2001:228) asserted that
“Tasks are believed to foster process of negotiation, modification, rephrasing, and experiment that are heart of second language learning”. Besides, Nunan (2005)
argues that “task-based teaching does provide a flexible, functionally compatible
and contextually sensitive approach for many teachers, as well as learners”.
Therefore, the research “Using task-based language teaching to increase
students’ participation in speaking lessons: An action research at Đức Thiện
Vocational School” was conducted in the hope of solving the problem in my
school‟s teaching context.
2. Aim and objectives of the study
The study is designed with an aim to increase students‟ participation in speaking
lessons at DTVS by using task-based language teaching. Specifically, it has three
- To find possible explanations for the poor participation of the students.
- To justify the effect of task-based language teaching on students‟ participation.
3. Research questions
1. What are possible reasons that lead to students‟ participation in speaking lessons?
2. To what extent does task-based language teaching Giúp increase students‟
participation in speaking lessons?
4. Scope of the study
The study concentrates on communicative tasks that students are assigned in
English speaking lessons, which result in increasing the participation of first-year
students‟ at DTVS. Within its scope, the research was aimed at justifying the extent
of class activity participation improvement of the students.
5. Methods of the study
This study is conducted as an action research because action research is the best
choice for the purpose of investigating students‟ difficulties in learning speaking
and improving the students‟ participation in speaking lessons. In order to get data, a
combination of different instruments, namely class observation, informal interviews
and questionnaire, is used. The data collected from the observation and interviews will be analyzed by qualitative method, and the data collected
through the questionnaire will be analyzed by quantitative method.
6. Significance of the study
The study is an attempt to the concern of teachers and administrator who take
responsibility of the course quality and students‟ learning. From the findings of the
study, teachers and administrator can decide whether or not task-based language
teaching should be used for teaching English at DTVS in future. This new method
may become the positive solution to the students‟ poor participation in learning not
only speaking skill but also other skills.
7. Design of the study
The study consists of three main parts as follows.
The first part, Introduction, deals with rationale, purposes, research
questions, scope, methods, significance and design of the study.
The second part, Development, contains three chapters, in which chapter
1 reviews the literature focusing on the theoretical basis related to task-based
language teaching and speaking skill, chapter 2 presents a detailed description of the
research methodology, and chapter 3 discusses the findings of the study.
The final part, Conclusion, recapitulates all the main points discussed
throughout the thesis, provides pedagogical implications and suggests further
research orientations.

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