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Which period in the history of your country do you find most inspiring? Discuss the features in that period which appeal to you most.

Malaysia, my country, has a very short history compared with that of most of the other countries of South-east Asia. The historical events that occurred here before the fifteenth century are still obscure. Yet many interesting developments have taken place in the last few centuries. New sultanates were established by fugitive rulers; parts of the country were occupied by Europeans of different nationalities who fought among themselves for supremacy, until the whole country came under British control; native powers in Indonesia clashed with one another for domination of this little country; the Japanese occupied it for a brief period, and there were internal conflicts caused either by nationalists who were opposed to foreign control or by elements who aimed to establish a system of government which the people opposed. Thus, there are many periods in the short history of Malaysia which are inspiring. But, to me, the most inspiring period is that when Malaya was under the rule of Japan.

The Japanese occupation of my country was characterized by many features. Those that appeal to me most are the complete absence of Japanese control in several parts of the country, which, according to what I have read, enabled the nationalists, who operated from the dense equatorial forest of the country, to strengthen their hold on most of those areas; the feverish activity of the India Independence Army under their great leader, Subash Chandra Bose, in preparation for the invasion of India, and the growth of the country against Japanese imperialism.

Japan was not able to consolidate her position after her conquest of South-east Asia during the Second World War. The allied forces began their counter-offensive, and Japan had to withdraw her troops from several parts of Malaya to meet the threat from the allied forces. This had the result of leaving many parts of the country out of Japanese control. In these areas, therefore, the anti-Japanese elements of all races were very active. They emerged from the jungle and tried to exploit the subdued discontent of the people against Japanese rule, which was marked by brutality of the people against Japanese rule, which was marked by brutality and extreme poverty and hardship. They also organized resistance groups. Even the members of the police force, who owed mominal loyalty to the Japanese government, cooperated with the discontented elements. These efforts of the anti-Japanese elements contributed substantially to the growth of a new spirit which inspired the people to oppose Japanese tyranny and free themselves from foreign rule.

The Indian Independence Army, on the other hand, had other ambitions. Though mistrustful of Japanese intentions, it relied on Japanese support for the realization of its aim to expel the British from India. With this aim in view, it tried to attract as many Indians as possible for military service. Even the Indian youths were taught to think only of the freedom of their mother land, and everywhere songs were sung and slogans shouted by Indians to express their patriotism. Thus, sentiments were expressed by the people against two imperialist powers, Britain and Japan, who were themselves rivals. These sentiments indicated the people’s aspiration for freedom.

All these events have indeed contributed to the development of a new attitude among the people towards colonial rule, and the political freedom that we enjoy today is a direct consequence of these developments. It is for all these reasons that I find this period in the history of my country most inspiring.

Vietnam Defeating The United States Of America History Essay

Why did the Vietnam war happen? Why didn’t we just back down?. I think that he United States could have won this war, with a mixture of better weapons usage, better moves, and better support from their home country, this could also have even been prevented. Before the war, Vietnam was a disputed territory. Many countries country’s in the past had taken Vietnam over, and after World War II, Vietnam was in the hands of France. Clearly, the Vietnamese wanted their own country, and their long history of being a colony prompted the oppressed people to fight for their independence in the French Indochina war.

Ho Chi Minh, the leader of the Communist party, organized the Vietnamese independence movement, Viet Minh. Asked for support from America first, since that leader didn’t want to use communism to free his people. The United States looked helping Ho Chi Minh gain his independence from France as a move against their own allies, they declined. It was only after Russia and China offered to Giúp that Ho Chi Minh adopted communist ideals and wanted to make all of Vietnam communist. The Vietnam war started because communism was going to expand into Korea and eventually into other country’s. America didn’t want that.

If the United States had looked past its alliances and not helped another country gain its independence like we had gained ours so many years ago, this war would have been completely avoided. Unfortunately for the families of over 58, 000 soldiers, it wasn't. this began as early as 1954, the United States started sending financial and military aid to South Vietnam, hoping to stop the spread of communism. The flow of 'military advisors' from 700 to over 14,000 built up steadily through John F Kennedy's presidency, and after he was assassinated, Johnson escalated the war to the point of no return. American people were so scared of communism that they were willing to do anything to stop communism where it started. The people of the United States let Johnson build up a huge force in Vietnam, and he was also almost unanimously backed by congress. By the end of the war, Johnson was so ashamed that he didn't even try to run for reelection. If the Americans would have stopped and thought about what they were getting themselves into and not jumping right into it, we would be ok.

In 1964, the event that all war hawks wanted happened. In the Gulf of Ton kin, several Viet Cong torpedo boats reportedly fired on a U.S. vessel. Even though the American ship sustained no damages, Johnson drafted the Gulf of Ton kin Resolution, which authorized him to use any force necessary to beat back the North Vietnamese. Congress never declared war or even directly authorized troops, but Johnson somehow got to declare it. Early in the War At first, Johnson didn’t let the problem go into the air, because he was hoping to destroy Viet Cong. He used planes such as the B-52 bomber and the F-4 Phantom to try to windows the war as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, the United States' air power had many shortcomings. The F-4 Phantom was the latest and best technology out there during Vietnam War. Manufactured by McDonnell-Douglas, this plane was capable of multiple roles, as a dogfighter, bomber, recon, and support aircraft. But, the F-4 had its some problems. First, the engineers who designed it did not mount any type of gun on the F-4A through the F-4D, thinking that the Phantom's frightening compliment of missiles could take out any enemy threat. This wasn’t the smarted move. Not having a gun made the dog-fighting role of the Phantom extremely hard, because the AIM-9 and AIM-7 missiles were not as effective at closer ranges against the enemy MIGs. Only after almost 2 years was the F-4E Phantom fitted with a 6-barrell gatling gun. Also, many pilots were not trained very well, only having 6 weeks of training as opposed to the normal 1-year. The B-52 Stratofortress was the largest bomber ever made at that time. We should have used it wisely

There were also negative sides to the use of the B-52. During World War II, the allies could depend on destroying the industry of their enemy, eventually destroying its fighting power. The VC did not count on industry and big guns, but guerrilla tactics and small arms weapons. The U.S. also thought by using a lot of bombs and by using napalm, the enemy would be scared and finally give up. Both of tactics proved to be wrong. The bombings got the enemy angry and brought the North Vietnamese closer together, instead of its actual goal. Napalm was also bad mistake. By using a flammable jelly which consisted of gasoline and some other chemical to make it think, they burned up all of North Vietnam, the United States not only killed more people than enemies, but also made people think was this the right thing to do? Anything that Napalm touched burned for up to a week. Another type of bomb was dropped by the B-52s, this one containing a large amount of the deadly gas, Agent Orange. Millions of acres of jungle were destroyed and even more fields and paddies were poisoned. South Vietnamese farmers complained about the effect Agent Orange had on their rice paddies. Agent Orange was supposed to eliminate the Viet Cong 's advantages of there hiding places, but it only turned the people we were fighting for against us even more. Agent Orange also hurt us to, many of the Veterans ended up getting sick, like cancer and other deadly sicknesses. The use of Agent Orange was perhaps one of the worst mistakes made in Vietnam. If we just thought ahead, and figuring out the consequences of using weapons such as napalm and Agent Orange, the U.S. could have won the Vietnam War, mostly through the use of air power.
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