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DVD » Pimsleur English » Listening 1
Pimsleur English Lessons Listening Text
Lesson 1:
A: Excuse me, miss. Do you understand
B: No, Sir. I don't understand Vietnamese.
A: I understand a little English.
B: Are you Vietnamese?
A: Yes, Miss.
Lesson 2:
A: Excuse me, Sir. Do you understand
B: A little.
A: Are you Vietnamese?
B: Yes. You understand Vietnamese, Miss?
A: No, I don't. I don't understand
Lesson 3:
A: Hello, Sir. How are you?
B: Fine, thanks you mam.
A: Oh, You understand English?
B: Yes, a little. Not very well.
A: Are you Vietnamese?
B: Yes, I am Vietnamese.
A: You understand English very well.
Lesson 4:
A: Excuse me, please. Are you American?
B: Yes, I'm American.
A: Do you understand Vietnamese?
B: No, I am sorry. I don't understand
Vietnamese. Are you Vietnamese?
A: Yes, but I understand a little English.
B: You understand very well.
Lesson 5:
A: Miss... Miss.
B: Yes?
A: Where is the sixtyどsecond street?
B: It's over there.
A: And Park Avenue?
B: It's here, Sir.
A: Thanks.
Lesson 6:
A: Hello Cathy.
B: Hello Peter. How are you?
A: Fine, Thanks. And you?
B: I'm fine. But I would like to eat
A: Where would you like to eat.
B: At the Park Avenue restaurant.
A: Ok.
Lesson 7:
A: Cathy, when would you like to eat?
B: Not now Steve, a little later.
A: And you?
B: I would like to eat later too.
A: Where do you want to eat?
B: At the Park Avenue restaurant.
Lesson 8:
A: Cathy, would you like to eat now?
B: No, Thanks Peter. Not now. But I would
like to drink something.
A: OK. What would you like to drink?
B: I would like a beer. And you?
A: I would like a beer too.
B: Miss... too beer, please.
Lesson 9:
A: Hello Mary. How are you?
B: Fine thanks John. And you?
A: I'm fine too. Mary, what would you like
to do now?
B: I would like to have lunch.
A: Would you like to have lunch with me?
B: Yes, I would. But I would like to eat at
the park Avenue restaurant, OK?
A: Where is the park Avenue restaurant?
B: It's over there. at Park Avenue.
A: Ok, I know. Ok. at the park Avenue
DVD » Pimsleur English » Listening 2
Pimsleur English Lessons Listening Text
Lesson 10:
A: John, would you like to have lunch with
B: Yes, I would. At what time? At 1 o'clock?
A: No, a little later.
A: OK. at two o'clock?
B: Yes, two o'clock is fine.
Lesson 11:
A: When would you like to have lunch?
B: At one o'clock.
A: No, not at one. at two o'clock, ok?
B: No, not at two.
A: Then would you like to have beer with
B: When? now?
A: No, not now. Later. At 9 o'clock.
B: No, i am sorry. 9 o'clock is too late.
Lesson 12:
A: Hello Mary. It's Peter. How are you?
B: Hello Peter. I'm fine, Thanks. And you?
A: I'm fine too. Mary would you like to have
dinner with me tonight at the Park Avenue
B: Not tonight, Peter. But tomorrow I
would like to.
A: At what time? At seven o'clock?
B: Ok tomorrow night at seven o'clock at
the Park Avenue restaurant. Thanks.
A: You're welcome. Goodbye Mary.
B: Goodbye Peter.
Lesson 13:
A: Hello Mary. It's Bill.
B: Hello Bill. How are you?
A: Fine, Thanks. Mary would you like to
have dinner with me tonight?
B: Thanks but tonight I'm going to have
dinner with Cathy.
A: Well… and tomorrow night?
B: Tomorrow night is fine. At what time?
A: At six o'clock or later at seven o'clock?
B: Alright. Tomorrow night at seven.
Lesson 14:
A: What would you like to drink, Sir?
B: I would like a beer please. Do you have
Vietnamese beer?
A: Yes, Sir. Here.
B: Thanks you. How much is it?
A: Four dollars.
B: Fourteen dollars?
A: No, Sir. It's four dollars. A beer is four
B: Oh, now I understand.
A: Here is four dollars.
Lesson 15:
A: I'm going to buy some wine. Please give
me some American money.
B: How much do you want?
A: I don't know. not much. Five or six
B: I have some money too.
A: Here. Here's fifteen dollars.
B: Thanks.
Lesson 16:
A: Ben, would you like to have dinner with
me tonight?
B: Yes, I would Ann. At what time?
A: It's seven o’clock, ok?
B: Yes, that's fine.
A: I don't have any wine. Can you buy some
red wine, please?
B: Yes, I can. I would like some too.
A: Thanks Ben.
Lesson 17:
A: What are you going to do today?
B: I'm going to buy something.
DVD » Pimsleur English » Listening 3
Pimsleur English Lessons Listening Text
A: Do you have any American money?
B: Yes, I do. But not much.
A: How much do you have?
B: Fifteen or twenty dollars. But that's not
enough. Can you give me some money?
A: Ok. Here's thirty dollars.
B: Thanks.
Lesson 18:
A: Where are you going?
B: I'm going to buy a book.
A: How much is the book?
B: It's twenty dollars.
A: That's not very expensive but I don't
have enough American money.
B: Can you give me some?
A: Ok. Here's fifteen dollars. Is that
B: Yes, that's enough. I have some money
too. Thanks.
Lesson 19:
A: Good morning. What would you like to
B: My wife would like some tea.
A: And for you, Sir?
B: I'm going to have a coffee
A: OK. One tea and one coffee.
Lesson 20:
A: Pleased to meet you Mr Le. Come in
B: Thanks you. Is Mr Johnson here?
A: Yes, he is. Tom, He is Mr Le.
B: Hello Mr Le. How are you?
A: Fine, Thanks. And you?
B: I'm fine too. Thanks you.
A: Would you like something to drink Mr
B: Some coffee or tea?
A: I'd like some tea please.
Lesson 21:
A: Good morning. I am Lan Kim Pham.
B: Pleased to meet you Ms Pham. How are
A: Fine, Thanks. And you?
B: I am fine. Where are you from Ms
A: From Vietnam. My husband and I live in
B: Do you have any children?
A: Yes, we do. We have two children. A
teenage girl and a little boy.
Lesson 22:
A: Pleased to meet you, Mrs. White. Is your
husband here in New York too?
B: Yes, he is. And the children are with us
A: How many children do you have?
B: Three. We have three children. One boy
and two girls. That's a boy over there.
A: And where are your girls?
B: They are at the hotel with my husband.
Lesson 23:
A: How many children do you have Mr
B: Just one. My wife and I have a little girl.
A: Is she here in America with you?
B: Yes, she is. And tomorrow we are going
to Long Island. How many miles is it to Long
A: Sixty miles. It’s sixty miles to Long Island.
Lesson 24:
A: Excuse me, is this the road to Long
B: Yes, it is. Long Island is straight ahead.
A: How far is it?
B: Not far. Forty or fifty miles.
A: Thanks.
DVD » Pimsleur English » Listening 4
Pimsleur English Lessons Listening Text
B: You're welcome.
Lesson 25:
A: Excuse me, mam. is this the road to Long
B: No, it isn't. The road you want is over
A: I’m sorry, I don’t understand. Where is
B: Over there. Go straight ahead then to
the left.
A: How far is Long Island?
B: Not far. Just ten or fifteen miles.
A: Thanks.
B: You are welcome.
Lesson 26:
A: Thuan, wait! Where are you going?
B: I’m going to the department store on 34
A: You are going to AMACY. Why?
B: Because I want to buy something for my
wife. Do you know what time it is? Are the
stores open?
A: Yes, they are. It's seven o'clock. That’s
not too late.
B: Thanks. Goodbye Ann.
A: Goodbye Thuan.
Lesson 27:
A: Hello, Huy. How are you?
B: Fine, thanks. And you?
A: I’m fine too. When are you going to
B: Tomorrow night.
A: And what are you going to do today?
B: Today I’m going to work. And you?
A: I’m going to see some friends.
Lesson 28:
A: Hi, Ann. How are you?
B: Hi, Mike. I’m fine, thanks. And you?
A: Oh, I don't know.
B: Maybe you worked too much.
A: Yes, maybe.
B: You know, I’m going to Boston
tomorrow. My family lives there. Would
you like to go with me?
A: Yes, I would. Thanks a lot!
Lesson 29:
A: Hi, Mary. How are you?
B: Fine, Thanks. And you?
A: Not bad.
Lesson 30:
A: Tell me Lan, how long are you going to
stay in New York?
B: Just a few days. I don’t have much time.
A: Do you like New York?
B: Yes, I do. I like New York very much.
A: What are you going to do tomorrow?
B: Tomorrow I’m going to see some friend.

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